Drugs that improve cerebral circulation and memory in cervical osteochondrosis

Drugs that improve cerebral blood supply in cervical osteochondrosis can help get rid of the signs of pathology. Many medications are used to improve well-being. Each category has its own characteristics, so it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist before starting treatment.

Choosing effective medications

To treat cervical osteochondrosis and normalize blood circulation, different groups of drugs are used:

  1. Muscle relaxants.
  2. NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Chondroprotectors.
  4. Analgesics.
  5. Vasodilator medications.
  6. Vitamin complexes.

Drugs that improve cerebral circulation are of great importance. The functioning of the brain depends on this function, since it requires nutrients. Problems with blood supply inevitably lead to various conditions, the most dangerous of which is stroke.

Vasodilators are often prescribed during the development of cervical osteochondrosis and cerebrovascular accidents. These medications include drugs whose action is aimed at reducing the tone of smooth muscles. This leads to an increase in the lumen of blood vessels, so cerebral circulation improves. Thus, the effect of vasodilators is represented by the following features:

  • smooth muscles have a relaxing effect;
  • change in the sensitivity of nerve endings.

The use of this group of drugs leads to the following results:

  1. Elimination of stagnant processes occurring in the blood.
  2. Improving blood circulation in diseased joints and tissues.
  3. Restoring the functionality of nerve impulses.

Tools used

The choice of medications for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will depend on the causes of the pathology and the changes that have occurred. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation are represented by the following list:

  • Actovegin;
  • Berlition;
  • Xanthinol nikonate;
  • Trental;
  • Eufillin.


If memory function is affected, appropriate measures are necessary. Memory impairment often occurs with hypoxia and problems with blood circulation, so the drug Actovegin is suitable. It successfully copes with these phenomena and increases vascular tone. The use of Actovegin allows you to normalize the metabolic process in the patient’s body and improve trophism.


Berlition has an active ingredient - thioctic acid. It has a vasodilating effect and leads to restoration of the functioning of neurovascular formations. In addition, with its help, energy processes occurring in nerve tissues are restored, and cerebral circulation improves. Another positive quality of Berlition is associated with its effect on the liver, so the use of the drug leads to improved functioning of this organ.

Xanthinol nikonate

Xanthinol niconate contains two active ingredients - nicotinic acid and theophylline. The presence of such components makes it possible to have an antiplatelet effect, as a result of which microcirculation improves, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and metabolic processes are normalized. Cerebral circulation also improves, which is associated with the expansion of the lumen of peripheral vessels.


Trental belongs to the group of vasodilating drugs that improve blood viscosity. It is necessary to restore microcirculation and saturate the blood with oxygen by increasing delivery. Often used for problems with cerebral circulation and treatment of pathological conditions. Trental is very effective, therefore it is used in the presence of consequences resulting from a failure of cerebral circulation:

  1. When concentration deteriorates.
  2. During memory degradation.
  3. When headaches, dizziness and other manifestations occur.


Eufillin is a bronchodilator drug. Used when necessary to get rid of bronchospasm. It has a striking antispasmodic effect. In addition, its advantage is the improvement of cerebral and peripheral blood supply. Eufillin prevents the occurrence of blood clots. There are several forms of the drug for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, which will allow you to use the most appropriate type:

  • injections;
  • tablet forms.

Starting treatment with Eufillin and the previously presented drugs is required after visiting a doctor and receiving a prescription.

If Eufillin was taken incorrectly, side effects may occur:

  1. Cramps.
  2. Painful sensations in the heart area.
  3. Decreased blood pressure.

Additional funds

To normalize blood circulation and improve the well-being of a patient with cervical osteochondrosis, Pentoxifylline can be used. The drug copes well with spasms and prevents platelets from sticking together by thinning the blood. As a result of treatment, microcirculation of the areas that led to problems with cerebral circulation improves. However, Pentoxifylline has side effects, so be sure to consult a specialist before treatment.

Medicines that improve memory and blood circulation are very important in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Piracetam has a positive effect. The medicine affects microcirculation and metabolic processes, resulting in their improvement. Piracetam does not have a psychostimulating or sedative effect. It helps restore not only the functioning of memory, but also speech, consciousness and mental performance.

Vinpocetine is a peripheral vasodilator. Increasing cerebral blood flow and metabolism is not the entire list of positive qualities of Vinpocetine. When treating the cervical spine, an increase in glucose and oxygen consumption is observed, the sensitivity of blood vessels decreases and resistance to the minimum oxygen content increases.

Vinpocetine has no effect on heart function and does not affect blood pressure. The result of therapy is an improvement in the rheological characteristics of blood - viscosity and fluidity. When treating the disease with Vinpocetine, metabolic processes improve and hypoxia does not develop. Vinpocetine should not be used alone for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, as improper use will lead to side effects:

  • arrhythmias;
  • headache;
  • pressure surges.

The drug Cinnarizine also has another name - Stugeron. The use of the medicine causes the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels, which has a positive effect on blood circulation and the treatment of osteochondrosis. As a result of blood thinning under the influence of active components, blood flow improves. The medicine does not affect the functioning of the heart and other organs. Therefore, the patient's blood pressure remains normal. The main goal of treatment with Cinnarizine is to maintain the functionality of the nervous system. Side effects are rare, but it is recommended to visit a doctor and consult with him before starting the course.

During the treatment of osteochondrosis, combined treatment options and regimens can be used. Piracetam interacts well with Cinnarizine without causing side effects. The use of several drugs allows you to reduce the dosage while maintaining the therapeutic effect.

Goals of drug treatment

Treatment of osteochondrosis with drugs is so effective in the early stages of the disease that, with a properly selected treatment regimen, it can completely cure osteochondrosis or permanently eliminate its most unpleasant symptoms. In the later stages, drug control of the disease is possible.

Medicines for osteochondrosis are designed to influence the disease not only symptomatically, but also to eliminate its causes systemically. Therefore, therapy is carried out in the following directions:

  • anesthesia of affected areas;
  • relieving inflammation and stopping the acute period of the disease;
  • restoration of microcirculation in affected tissues;
  • improving metabolic processes and protecting cartilage from further destruction (for example, by free radicals);
  • regeneration of cartilage tissue in intervertebral discs;
  • restoration of mobility in the vertebral joints.

In cases where the disease is accompanied by depression or emotional stress, therapy is also aimed at restoring a normal psychological state.

During the period of remission, patients can do without medications or take them in courses in prophylactic dosages.

The need to normalize blood supply to the brain

Cervical osteochondrosis can lead to a significant deterioration in health. The danger lies in squeezing the nerve roots that extend to the spinal cord. In addition, blood vessels may be pinched, which will lead to deterioration in brain function due to impaired cerebral blood supply.

The spinal column contains important arteries responsible for supplying blood to the cerebellum. This organ is responsible for human motor functions, so the appearance of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can lead to various problems. In addition, special structures that are responsible for regulating body systems are concentrated in this place.

Blood is also delivered to the occipital region. In this place, information received through the organs of vision is processed. The temporal lobes work to hear sound. The vestibular apparatus, located in the middle ear, also suffers from poor circulation during the development of cervical osteochondrosis. Insufficient blood leads to tinnitus, headaches, nausea and dizziness. The patient may experience impaired coordination of movements. As a result of a malfunction in cerebral circulation, the functioning of the organs of hearing and vision deteriorates. If treatment is not carried out, an ischemic stroke may occur - the most dangerous consequence of a failure in blood circulation in osteochondrosis.

As a result of these phenomena, osteochondrosis leads to the formation of painful sensations. The body responds with vascular spasm, and existing bone growths (osteophytes) compress the arteries of the spine. This leads to irritation of the nerve formations, as a result of which the vessel contracts, cerebral circulation deteriorates, and spinal stenosis develops. Osteochondrosis is progressing.

Thus, the importance of vasodilator drugs is enormous. To eliminate cervical osteochondrosis and normalize cerebral circulation, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Such a measure is needed to conduct consultations and receive advice on the use of funds. You must follow the recommendations strictly without changing the dosage yourself. If you feel worse, you need to see your doctor again to choose a new medicine.

The patient must follow a daily routine and monitor his condition independently. Only in this case, drug treatment will allow you to get rid of the manifestations of osteochondrosis.

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Preventive measures

To prevent cerebrovascular accidents, a person must follow recommendations that will help him avoid diseases of the cervical spine and surrounding vessels:

  • Eat right, watch your weight.
  • Maintain a moderately active lifestyle, walk more often.
  • When working sedentarily, get up every 2 hours and stretch your neck.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Sign up for preventive massage courses.
  • Get regular medical examinations to spot dangerous problems in time.

By adhering to these recommendations, a person will be able to maintain the health of the spine (including the cervical spine) for a long time.

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