Vitamin composition of sauerkraut
Does consuming sauerkraut affect hypertension?
10/28/2018 AA (Last update: 10/05/2021) There are contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is necessary. Hypertension is quite insidious,
What diseases do a gastroenterologist and a cardiologist treat together?
Gastroenterologist Neronov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Experience 23 years Gastroenterologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Make an appointment
Pain in the heart from anxiety and stress due to nervousness
Why does my heart hurt after excitement? Psycho-emotional disorder of any origin (failure at work, loss of loved ones
Why does the letter E appear on the Tonometer?
Blood pressure is a kind of indicator. It shows what condition it is in
Autumn nutrition for those who suffer from fatigue and lethargy
Does buckwheat increase hemoglobin? Buckwheat is a unique product due to its beneficial qualities. IN
Preparing medicine from chestnuts: the best folk recipes for joints
In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many recipes for the fight against joint diseases - ointments
Increased neutrophils during pregnancy: why and what to do
While pregnant, expectant mothers undergo many tests. Such studies help obstetricians-gynecologists in time
Pain in the heart area. Help until the ambulance arrives.
Home Symptoms Tingling in the lower abdomen Prices Reviews Our specialists Make an appointment Tingling sensation
Vitamins and microelements that affect the state of the nervous system (Ca, Mg, Cu, P, vitamins E, B1, B5, B6, C)
When should you take the Stress Complex test? Assessing the state of the body during stress. Neurological pathology (hyperexcitability,
Tonometry 160 to 50 (60, 70)
Blood pressure 160 over 50 (60, 70): what does it mean and what to do?
A blood pressure of 160 over 50 (160 over 60 or 160 over 70) is often taken
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