Why can heart palpitations occur after eating?

Arrhythmia is a deviation of the heart rate from the normal value. In a normal state, the range of the number of contractions of the heart muscle is quite wide. The heart rate depends on the physical load on the human body and on the emotional state. With strong emotions, the number of heart beats per minute increases significantly. An increase in the number of heart beats per minute for no apparent reason is called tachycardia. On the contrary, a decrease in the number of beats is bradycardia. If premature vibrations of the heart occur, these contractions are called extrasystoles. If the heart rhythm is delayed or follows paths other than normal, the process is called arrhythmia. This abnormal heartbeat can be either regular or irregular.

Arrhythmia processes can occur in different areas of the heart: in the atrium and in the ventricles. Arrhythmias that occur in the ventricles are for the most part not life-threatening, but cause the most serious condition of the patient. Most arrhythmias do not affect the function of the heart as a blood pump. Therefore, there is no great risk to human life. But such conditions themselves can cause great anxiety to the patient. Although, as soon as a person understands that his condition is not life-threatening, the anxiety goes away.

Causes of the disease

Extrasystolic arrhythmia develops for a number of reasons.
Among them:

  • IHD;
  • heart failure;
  • acquired or congenital heart defects;
  • myocarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy.

The following factors can provoke the development of pathology:

  1. Taking certain medications (glycosides, diuretics and sympathomimetics). Thus, diuretics help remove potassium from the body, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. Glycosides can provoke tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Sympathomimetics not only increase blood pressure, but also lead to stimulation of the central nervous system.
  1. Diabetes.
  1. Abuse of nicotine and alcohol.
  1. Pathologies of the adrenal glands.
  1. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  1. Overvoltage and stress.

Often the disease actively manifests itself in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that there is a double load on the heart and circulatory system. At the same time, hormonal changes occur. Arrhythmia does not pose a danger to mother and child. After childbirth it is easily eliminated.

Causes of arrhythmia

The main and most common causes are alcohol abuse, smoking, physical and emotional stress, stress and depression. The quality of heart contractions can be affected by the pathological condition of the thyroid gland; some medications have the effect of arrhythmia. These are, for example, drugs for normalizing high blood pressure and treating lungs. Arrhythmia is often a consequence of severe heart pathology, so first of all it is necessary to treat the underlying ailment that caused it. These are such severe pathologies as ischemic disease, abnormalities in the condition of the heart valves, and manifestations of heart failure. Sometimes arrhythmias appear out of the blue without a specific reason.

Types of arrhythmia

The following types of extrasystolic arrhythmia are distinguished:

  1. Benign. This pathology is characterized by the absence of organic lesions of the heart muscle. Sudden cardiac arrest does not threaten patients.
  1. Potentially malignant. This pathology is characterized by initial hemodynamic disorders. Some organic changes occur in the heart. There is a risk of cardiac arrest.
  1. Malignant. This pathology is characterized by serious damage to cardiac tissue and severe hemodynamic disorders. The risk of mortality is very high.

Depending on the location of the additional source of excitation, the following are distinguished:

  1. Ventricular extrasystoles. This pathology is the most common.
  1. Atrial extrasystoles. This pathology is recorded in 25% of patients.
  1. Atrioventricular extrasystoles. This pathology occurs in 10% of cases.

Symptoms of pathology

In some cases, extrasystolic arrhythmia is characterized by an asymptomatic course.

The main symptoms of the pathology include:

  1. Interruptions in the functioning of the heart. Patients complain of sharp and strong tremors behind the sternum. Such a symptom can cause severe fear, which will lead to tachycardia and increased blood pressure, which will aggravate the patient’s condition.
  1. Pulse disturbances. It cannot be felt on the radial artery.
  1. Chest pain.
  1. Shortness of breath.
  1. Sweating.
  1. Anxiety.
  1. Pale skin.

Clinical manifestations of the pathology may worsen after:

  • eating;
  • emotional outburst;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • workout.

Quite rarely, the disease manifests itself at rest.

In the presence of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain, patients additionally complain of tinnitus, loss of speech and severe dizziness. In some cases, patients even lose consciousness.

In the absence of adequate therapy, the pathology can cause dangerous complications.

These include:

  • ventricular fibrillation;
  • complete blockade of the heart muscle;
  • heart failure, etc.

All these conditions require urgent treatment. Some require hospitalization and long-term treatment.

Why can heart palpitations occur after eating?

Heart palpitations are a subjective phenomenon that occurs when you feel your heart beating faster; There may be pulsation or fluttering in the chest, and sometimes discomfort in the throat. In some cases, palpitations may be caused by eating or drinking; in any case, if you are worried about this problem, then you need to be examined by a good cardiologist in Strogino, as well as by a neurologist in a medical clinic, since the sensation of your own heartbeat can be not only a cardiological problem, but also a neurological one. In this article we will look at the causes of rapid heartbeat after eating.

  1. Alcohol. The heart rate increases due to alcohol consumption - it is alcohol that changes the heart rhythm, as scientists from the University of California, San Francisco have found. The heart rate is especially elevated in people with arrhythmia. Alcoholic drinks cause an attack in patients with atrial fibrillation - a violation of the synchronization of the contraction of the ventricles in the heart and the atria, in which the upper chamber contracts too often. Even a small amount of alcoholic drinks provokes heart palpitations after eating.
  2. Caffeine. Many people know that coffee provokes a rapid heartbeat, especially strong coffee, as well as drinks containing caffeine: carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate, strong tea.
  3. Individual reaction. A reaction to taking a particular food or drink can cause anxiety. In this case, if the patient is concerned about increased heart rate after eating, he needs to see a doctor to get tested.
  4. Medications. Some medications for asthma, diabetes, and other conditions may cause heart palpitations, including cold and allergy medications that contain phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine, and insulin may also cause heart palpitations.
  5. Dietary supplements. Some dietary supplements also affect heart rate, such as ginseng, hawthorn, valerian, bitter orange oil, ephedra.
  6. Smoking. Nicotine can also cause heart palpitations.

Regardless of food intake, there are many factors that can provoke this phenomenon:

  • anxiety and excitement
  • low blood pressure
  • low blood sugar
  • thyroid disease
  • heart diseases

Pregnant women, patients with heart failure, cardiomyopathy and other pathologies may also suffer from palpitations, and in order to identify the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment, you need to contact a medical cardiologist and undergo a full examination.



Depending on the diagnosis, a good cardiologist or neurologist will prescribe treatment, which may include: quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, following a diet, taking sedatives and dietary supplements, doing yoga and meditation, physical exercise, as well as recommendations for reducing stress. situations at work and in everyday life.


If you suspect a pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor. He can make an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostics is carried out comprehensively and includes:

  1. History taking and examination.
  1. Studies of urine and blood parameters.
  1. Carrying out immunological and rheumatological tests.
  1. ECG, ultrasound of the heart, Holter monitoring.
  1. Coronary angiographic study.


The main therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology and reducing the risk of recurrence of attacks.

To reduce the likelihood of extrasystoles, it is recommended:

  • normalize rest and work schedules;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • follow a special diet, limiting the amount of foods with sodium and salt intake;
  • give up alcohol and smoking, reduce the amount of strong tea and coffee;
  • Lead an active lifestyle with a sufficient (but not excessive) amount of physical activity.

Sedatives and tranquilizers are prescribed to treat a number of major diseases.

The patient should also take:

  • drugs that improve the functionality of ion channels;
  • beta blockers;
  • cardiac glycosides.

All medications are prescribed only by a doctor! This is due to the fact that they can both eliminate the causes of extrasystoles and provoke their occurrence. As a rule, the course of therapy lasts 1-2 months. If the pathology has acquired a malignant form and lasts more than six months, antiarrhythmic drugs are taken constantly.

What to do if medications are ineffective? Carry out a re-diagnosis. If it shows persistence of the pathology, surgery should be performed. As a rule, the intervention consists of ablation (cauterization) of the ectopic focus. Usually the operation lasts only 30-60 minutes.

In some cases (in the presence of complications, blockades and other heart rhythm disturbances), patients are fitted with pacemakers.

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Treatment of arrhythmia

Often, when a doctor prescribes a small dose of medication and with lifestyle corrections - quitting smoking, alcohol, intense physical and emotional stress - the arrhythmia gradually goes away.

For the treatment of pronounced arrhythmias, as well as severe conditions, a pacemaker is used. This is a device that replaces the work of the heart. Using electrical impulses, it tells the heart to beat at the correct frequency and intensity. This device is implanted under the patient's skin in the chest area. Special electrodes that are directed to the heart through the vessels and impart an electrical impulse to it. Thanks to modern technological developments in the field of medicine, the batteries that support the operation of the device can last from 8 to 10 years. The device is designed so that neither extraneous microwaves, nor electrical devices, nor radars and other equipment interfere with the operation of the pacemaker. The only exceptions are magnetic resonance imaging devices and other devices intended for physical treatment.

Pacemakers are used mainly in cases where, as a result of arrhythmia, the heart makes a small number of contractions. Then the stimulator normalizes the rhythm and brings the number of contractions to normal. In the opposite case, when the arrhythmia is accompanied by too intense heartbeat, the stimulator is used very rarely.

In some serious cases, arrhythmia requires surgery. If the arrhythmia is caused by coronary heart disease, then in this case an operation called balloon angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting is performed. Sometimes arrhythmia is caused by a malfunction of the electrical center in the heart. It is eliminated by catheter ablation, when a catheter is inserted into the heart and a series of radiofrequency current discharges are applied through it.

Arrhythmia that occurs after a heart attack is treated with open-heart surgery, which removes the damaged muscle that is interfering with the normal functioning of the heart.


Prevention of both pathology and major diseases of the cardiovascular system is based on a number of measures.

These include:

  1. Stabilization of the diet. It should be balanced and rich in heart-healthy foods. Experts recommend constantly eating fatty red fish, avocados, apples, and pomegranates. You should avoid animal fats, fried foods, and homemade pickles.
  1. Moderate physical activity. Be sure to alternate them with rest. It is best to go swimming or Nordic walking, which is popular today.
  1. Taking medications recommended by your doctor.
  1. Rejection of bad habits.
  1. Maintaining emotional stability. Try to avoid any stressful situations, get plenty of rest and relax in a pleasant environment.
  1. Strengthening the heart muscle with physiotherapy.

Secondary prevention of attacks should be carried out under the constant supervision of a cardiologist. If necessary, you can seek advice from other specialists. They will also give their own recommendations for maintaining emotional balance and preventing the development of a number of pathologies.

Arrhythmia after eating

Palpitations can be caused by eating a large portion of food. After food enters the digestive tract, the body sends an increased volume of blood there, which allows the digestion process to be activated.

The amount of blood entering the gastrointestinal tract depends on the size of the meal eaten. This increase in blood circulation peaks approximately 25-40 minutes after eating, and can last for 1 to 2 hours, corresponding to the digestion of food. To make up for this modification in blood circulation, the heart must work harder. This can lead to a faster heartbeat (tachycardia), and other symptoms such as nausea, abdominal discomfort, etc. may appear.

If you notice that your heart palpitations tend to occur after eating large amounts of food, you may want to try eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day. In some cases, this method of solving the issue can help with other problems of the digestive system.

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