Doctor Evdokimenko - treatment of hypertension without drugs

Treatment of hypertension using the Evdokimenko method is a way to combat high blood pressure without pills.

His technique is based on breathing and physical exercises that stabilize blood circulation.

It is believed that this technique really helps, if not get rid of it, then control the disease.

Many patients are already practicing the exercises.

Dr. Evdokimenko claims that methods of treating hypertension without pills will permanently relieve the patient of hypertension.

Biography of Evdokimenko

Doctor of Medical and Technical Sciences - Pavel Evdokimenko was born in 1966 in Moscow. From early childhood, Pavel Valerievich was engaged in writing. At the age of 15, he stopped writing and became interested in medicine. I entered medical school. In 1984, training was completed. Then he completed military service.

In 1994, Pavel received higher education, having completed training at a medical school. After graduating from the institute, Evdokimenko got a job at the largest Russian arthrological center in Moscow (MGAC). At the same time, he improved his skills at a research institute for the study of joint diseases. In 1997, Pavel Valerievich finished working at the MSATs and began teaching at RUDN University. There he resumed his writing activity.

In 2001, the debut book “Osteochondrosis – Myths and Reality” was published. Subsequently it was modified. Later P.V. Evdokimenko published several more books. They were popular among opponents of drug treatment.

Don't tolerate high blood pressure

Now hypertension can be cured by restoring blood vessels...


Pavel Evdokimenko is a frequent guest on television. He starred in medical television programs as an expert. He hosted his own show on the radio.

Currently, Dr. Evdokimenko is practicing medicine in a clinic in the capital. Treats diseases of the spine and joints. He runs a blog on the Internet, talking about ways to combat hypertension. Pavel has 10 published books.

We recommend reading: Gymnastics for the neck for hypertension without music

Indications for use

Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko developed his own method for those who have problems with the cervical spine.

He recommends doing a set of exercises:

  • as a prophylaxis or for therapeutic purposes for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;

  • to strengthen the neck muscles;
  • to gradually increase the mobility of the vertebrae in the spine;
  • to relieve spasms and pain in the collar area;
  • to restore impaired posture;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stoop;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tendon inflammation;
  • damage to the meniscus;
  • pain in joints and back.

The effectiveness of treatment using Evdokimenko’s methods

Dr. Evdokimenko believes that the pills do not cure the disease, but relieve the symptoms. The medicine is effective until you stop taking it. The tablets have many contraindications and provoke the development of joint problems. According to Dr. Evdokimenko, it is enough to take the drugs for 3 months to get joint diseases.

The method of treating hypertension without pills includes a course of measures to eliminate the causes of high blood pressure. To identify the causes of hypertension, examinations of the body are performed. Most causes of hypertension can be eliminated at home. Diet, lifestyle and simple procedures help get rid of hypertension.

Causes of high blood pressure and treatment of hypertension

To successfully treat hypertension , you first need to find out what causes hypertension. It is necessary to find the causes of high blood pressure .

After all, eliminating the cause of hypertension means defeating it by 90%.

The problem is that doctors know almost nothing about the causes of high blood pressure. At best, they say something about age or excess weight, and those who are smarter say something about stress.

Medical textbooks and reference books also write something strange about this:

The causes of hypertension are known to us only in 10-20% of cases. For example, hypertension can be a consequence of diseases of the internal organs. Such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal tumors, atherosclerosis, coarctation of the aorta, and some other diseases.”

Wow! The causes of hypertension are known to us in as many as 10-20% of cases! What about the remaining 80% of cases?

In the remaining 80% of cases, they are unknown. Moreover, the authors of medical textbooks and reference books in these cases get out of the situation very gracefully.

All these very numerous cases of high blood pressure are called essential hypertension.

Unclear? But it's beautiful! I wrote “essential” - and there is no need to write the banal “I don’t know.”

For reference. When you come across the term “essential” or “essential” in any medical book, know that this term means “the cause of the disease is unknown.” Or, to put it simply, “we doctors don’t know why this disease occurs.”

“Well, how is it going with you, dear author,” you ask me, “do you know why that same essential hypertension arises?” Now is the time to modestly lower your eyes and say: yes, I know. And now I will share this knowledge with you. Let's drop the joking tone and get down to business.

Causes of essential hypertension:

Cause of essential hypertension No. 1. Excessive salt intake.

We must understand that modern people eat much more salt than our ancestors did 200-300 years ago. Back then, salt was expensive and in short supply. Then there were even “salt riots” - a concept that has now been completely forgotten by us.

Nowadays, industrial salt production has become so efficient that we can no longer remember the shortage of salt.

But as a result, we began to eat much more salt than we needed. And this led to a sharp increase in the number of hypertensive patients. After all, salt makes it difficult for the kidneys to function and retains water in the body, causing swelling and increasing blood pressure. A passionate love for everything salty is guaranteed to lead to hypertension!

And if you are a salty person, you need to know that it is impossible to reduce high blood pressure without reducing the amount of salt you eat. Unfortunately.

After all, even if you bring down high blood pressure with pills, but continue to eat salty foods in large quantities, your victory over blood pressure will be Pyrrhic - the dose of pills will very soon have to be increased, but the pressure will still gradually increase.

Case from practice.

One day, a very young man, 27 years old, came to see me for headaches. As a result of the conversation, it turned out that in addition to headaches, he had been suffering from severe hypertension for 2 years, which even very strong blood pressure pills hardly brought down.

“I don’t even understand why my blood pressure began to rise,” he told me, “the doctors have already examined me and found nothing.” They say I have some kind of essential hypertension. I don’t know what it is.

— What happened in your life 2 years ago, what changes happened in your life? — I asked the young man, “why did your blood pressure begin to rise just then?” Maybe there was some kind of stress or overwork at that time?

“It seems not,” my patient thought, “on the contrary, everything in life has become better.” I got married at that time, and very successfully. And my wife is wonderful, and my mother-in-law is good - she feeds me delicious food. It just makes everything too salty. At first I couldn’t eat, but now I’m used to it and don’t even notice it anymore.

At that moment I began to guess what was going on here. And further conversation with the patient confirmed my guess. It turned out that everyone in his new family ate salt in exorbitant quantities.

And the whole, literally the whole family (including my wife’s two older sisters) suffered from high blood pressure. Moreover, blood pressure pills helped all family members very poorly. And this is good - since they did not need the pills. All I had to do was limit my salt intake. That's what we agreed on. The young man sharply reduced his salt intake.

As a result, in just 2 weeks he got rid of high blood pressure, which he could not cope with for 2 whole years, and stopped taking his antihypertensive medications.

But his mother-in-law and wife, and his wife’s sisters, of course, had it more difficult - they had been on a “salty diet” for many years. And it was very difficult for them to wean themselves off salt. So their treatment dragged on for a couple of months. But there, too, success was eventually achieved.

To the “salty” story of the young man, I would like to add that this is not an isolated incident , as you might think.

Since writing this chapter, more than 20 people have already attended my appointment with similar stories - both elderly people and very young men and women suffering from hypertension precisely from excess salt consumption.

Moreover, according to my observations, representatives of the fairer sex more often become dependent on salty foods, and therefore increased blood pressure from excess salt consumption also occurs more often in them than in men.


Question. How much salt can you eat daily without harm to your health?

— About 5 grams, or a teaspoon of salt per day. Exceeding this amount provokes a gradual increase in pressure.

The only people who do not need to be severely limited in salt consumption are people over 70-75 years old. Since the kidneys weaken at this age, the body of an elderly person loses a lot of salt, that is, sodium, in the urine. Therefore, salt and salty foods are not contraindicated for people over 70-75.

Question. How can you count these 5 grams, since usually food is prepared for the whole family, and the salt is thrown “into the common pot”?

- Yes, at first glance this is a problem. But if there is a hypertensive person in the family, this problem will have to be solved. The solution is simple - do not add salt to food during cooking. And in this case, each family member salts his food himself, on his own plate, in accordance with his needs.

In this case, a person suffering from high blood pressure should put a teaspoon of salt in his personal salt shaker, and try to stretch this dose throughout the day.

By the way. As experience shows, if you salt food on a plate, less salt is required for a normal taste - after all, the salt does not have time to completely dissolve in the food, as happens if the salt is thrown in advance into a common pan. And therefore, with such a simple technique (adding salt on plates), the whole family can reduce salt consumption without any difficulty.

So. One problem seems to have been solved. Salt food in a plate at the rate of a teaspoon per day. What about pickles? With all sorts of pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms? With salted fish, with herring?

Oh my friends. This is where I will upset you. If you want to get rid of high blood pressure, you will have to practically forget about pickles. After all, it is among pickle lovers that most people suffer from hypertension. So now pickles are only on major holidays.

You also need to rid your table of foods containing hidden salt. The most hidden salt is found in sausages and meat products of the so-called “fast food”: sausages, frankfurters, sausages, smoked meats - bacon, brisket, boiled pork, carbonade, brisket, ham, etc.

There is also a lot of hidden salt in bouillon cubes, salted and smoked cheese, chips, and salted sauces (especially soy sauce). In red and black caviar. In general, everything is delicious.

Is it hard to live without all this? Yes, it's hard. But health, I hope, is more valuable to you. Moreover, you can still afford delicious pickles once a week. But 2-3 times a week is no longer possible.

Question. Or maybe not eat a single gram of salt at all, in any form? It will be better this way?

I, of course, do not believe that any of us, of our own free will, will be able to do without salt or anything salty. But even if there is such a hero, I will say right away that we do not need excessive heroism. Sodium salts are essential for the body in moderation. We need our 3-5 grams of salt per day to maintain water-salt metabolism (but exactly 3-5 grams, and not more!).

With this, I want to close the “salt topic” and move on to the next possible cause of essential hypertension:

Cause of hypertension No. 2. Late dinner and the habit of drinking tea or alcoholic drinks at night.

No matter how much they tell the world that dinner should be given to the enemy, nothing changes: most people still come home from work in the evening and eat their fill. As a result, by the time you go to bed, the food does not have time to be digested, and at night, to put it simply, puts pressure on the diaphragm. This leads to increased pressure.

I understand, I understand what you will tell me about this, dear readers. Like, during the day, at work, there’s no time to eat. There's no time even to have lunch. And the only opportunity to sit quietly at the table is in the evening, after work.

I understand you, dear readers. But he doesn’t understand the pressure. He does not care. It doesn't like to be eaten at night. So let's do this - shift our habits a little. Let's find time for breakfast or lunch. And for dinner we will eat a little less (two or three times). Or at least we won’t eat heavy food - meat, dumplings, pancakes, complex salads like Olivier, etc. But most importantly, let's not eat right before bed.

Moreover, all this talk about the lack of time for breakfast and lunch, by and large, comes from the evil one. We usually eat heavily in the evenings because we have such habits and traditions. And even on weekends or holidays, many people only have a snack during the day, but in the evening they dine for a long time and “tastefully.”

Traditions and habits are good. Especially if you are young and healthy. But if your blood pressure rises, traditions and habits will have to be reconsidered. Is this better than taking pills? Or not?

By the way, one of the most harmful traditions is drinking tea at night. Especially if you drink a lot of tea, several cups per evening. Drinking large amounts of liquid puts stress on the kidneys. And the kidneys are an organ that needs to rest at night.

Drinking tea at night does not allow the kidneys to switch to “night mode” of operation, and as a result, they work for wear and tear. And this leads to increased pressure. Moreover, the pressure increases most strongly in the morning or in the morning among lovers of evening tea and late-night meals. But in the evening the pressure more or less returns to normal, especially if during the day the person moved a lot, worked physically (but did not overload) or walked.

Notes on the topic. It is better for people who suffer from high blood pressure to skip dinner altogether, according to scientists from Argentina. They made such conclusions after observing hypertensive patients who did not eat in the evenings for several days.

Having completely abandoned the evening meal, the very next day after the start of the experiment, people began to feel better. Their blood pressure dropped noticeably. However, food restrictions did not have such an effect if the volunteers drank tea or water before bed. And only a strict “evening diet”, combined with a decrease in the amount of liquid drunk before bedtime, relieved hypertensive patients from high blood pressure.

As the study participants admitted, the most difficult thing for them was to overcome the fear of hunger. All people who are used to falling asleep on a full stomach begin to panic when they are asked not to eat anything at all before going to bed. And the volunteers selected for this experiment were no exception. But after a few days they got used to not eating enough at night, and their condition improved every day.

Argentine scientists have once again confirmed the “golden rule” of nutritionists: do not eat “after six” or at least not overeat at night. This rule not only helps to maintain a slim figure, but also helps fight high blood pressure.

The only thing more harmful than drinking tea or eating late at night is drinking alcohol in the evening. Alcoholic drinks consumed in large quantities, in principle, often provoke an increase in blood pressure.

But if you indulge in beer, vodka or cognac at night, there is a high probability that your blood pressure will jump especially strongly at night or in the morning - in proportion to the amount you drink. Of course, getting drunk during the day is also not an option. But if you really need to drink “something stronger”, it is better to do it around 6-7 pm, and not later.

Cause of hypertension No. 3. Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle.

One of the main causes of hypertension is physical inactivity, that is, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement. When a person sits all day at a computer at work or on the sofa in front of the TV, the movement of blood flow through the blood vessels is hampered and sharply reduced. The resistance of peripheral blood vessels increases and blood pressure rises.

To any person who has even the slightest knowledge of physiology, this is as obvious as two and two = four.

When your blood pressure rises, instead of taking pills, just walk down the street. Walk for at least half an hour and your blood pressure will immediately drop. Walk for 30-40 minutes every day, and your blood pressure will gradually normalize.

Of course, if you have been hooked on pills for a long time, or eat 100 grams of salt a day, the effect of walking will not be so noticeable. But he will still be there. And the effect of walking will be especially good if your blood pressure rises due to stress. Movement is a “great stress reliever”, a way to “discharge” stress hormones and relieve tension in the body and blood vessels.

Case from practice.

One of my patients had very high blood pressure. Doctors prescribed her pills, but the pills didn’t help much, and in addition they quickly produced side effects. Some pills made her legs swell very much, others made her cough, and others made her dizzy.

When the patient and I first met, I found out that she was already retired, living alone in a small, cramped one-room apartment. She hardly goes outside: there is no husband and children, so there are almost no household chores, and there is no reason to leave the house - except perhaps to the store, and then only 1-2 times a week. As a result, all her entertainment is TV and sausage sandwiches.

Having found out all this, I prescribed medicinal herbs to the patient, but at the same time I cheated and said that the herbs would only work if the woman walked for at least 40 minutes a day. Actually, herbs could not have been prescribed. The walks did their job very quickly, and after 3 weeks the woman’s blood pressure returned to normal.

By the way. Nordic walking, which is now gaining popularity, with ski poles in hand, although it looks outwardly ridiculous, due to the movement of the shoulder girdle, reduces high blood pressure even better than regular walking.

In addition to walking, swimming is a good way to reduce blood pressure. Especially if you swim not in a pool, but in salt water - in the sea. Some hypertensive patients often remark with surprise: “It’s strange, I go on vacation to the sea, swim, and my blood pressure immediately drops. I return home and it rises again.”

Nothing surprising. Swimming in the sea is a very good “pressure pill.” Swimming in the pool is a slightly weaker “pill”.

Yoga also helps lower blood pressure.

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania, led by Dr. Debbie Cohen, conducted a study that examined the effect of yoga on the blood pressure of patients.

The experiment involved 58 volunteers aged 38-62 years, who were divided into three groups. The first group went on walks and followed a diet that promotes weight loss. The second group practiced yoga 2-3 times a week, and the third combined yoga with diet.

The best results were obtained by subjects from the second and third groups. Their blood pressure decreased more than that of patients from the first group.

Scientists attribute the positive effect of yoga to the fact that during such classes special relaxation techniques are practiced and a serene mood is created. Experts say that due to its specificity, yoga can be even more beneficial than any other physical exercise.

Cause of hypertension No. 4. Nocturnal lifestyle.

An unnatural lifestyle, non-compliance with the regime, when a person works at night and sleeps during the day, also provokes the development of hypertension.

At night, a person must sleep - after all, at 3 a.m. the body starts producing the most important hormones that regulate blood pressure, the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. But these hormones are produced in normal quantities only if a person has already fallen asleep by three o’clock in the morning.

If a person is awake every night, the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted. And this leads to endogenous (internal) stress, increased blood sugar levels, and increased blood pressure.

Forced insomnia has exactly the same effect on the body, when a person simply does not have enough time for proper sleep due to work or study. And a person spends less than 6 hours in bed every day, or rather every night (less than 6 hours a day).

But ordinary insomnia, when a person is in bed and cannot fall asleep, although unpleasant, has a less destructive effect on the body: resting in bed, even without full sleep, still gives our body at least some rest. Of course, from such insomnia, over time, blood pressure also begins to increase, but not so critically - unless the person begins to worry too much about his sleep.

Question. What should those who would like to fall asleep, but cannot fall asleep due to insomnia, do?

My answer is: take phenazepam.

“Excuse me,” you will be indignant, “but phenazepam is very harmful. It’s also addictive.”

Yes, phenazepam is harmful and addictive. But only if you use it for a long time. If you drink it no longer than 6-7 days, it will calm the nervous system and restore sleep. And addiction will not have time to arise.

Therefore, follow the rules for using phenazepam: do all your evening chores in advance, go to the toilet at night, take a pill and immediately go to bed. After taking a phenazepem tablet, try not to get up that night until the morning. Do not take phenazepam for more than 7 nights in a row. If necessary, repeat the weekly course, but not earlier than after 2-3 weeks.

If all these rules are followed, phenazepam will give a very good effect. Just like 20 years ago, today phenazepam remains, from my point of view, the best sleeping pill. In addition, in pharmacies it costs only “three kopecks.”

Cause of hypertension No. 5. Errors in nutrition, lack of potassium and magnesium, non-compliance with the water regime.

You can read about how to eat and how much to drink if you have hypertension here >>

Cause of hypertension No. 6. Coffee addiction.

Modern people love to drink coffee. But coffee, as you know, is a fairly strong stimulant, and it increases blood pressure.

Of course, one cup of coffee raises blood pressure slightly and not for long. But if you drink 3 or more cups of strong coffee every day, then over time you can easily develop “caffeine hypertension.”

Now attention! If you have a particular weakness for coffee and are used to drinking it in large quantities, and at the same time your blood pressure rises, make an effort and try to go without your favorite drink for several days. Monitor how your blood pressure will behave against the background of a “coffee-free diet”.

If it decreases, it means that the cause of your hypertension was precisely coffee. And the amount of coffee you drink should be sharply reduced - to 1 cup of coffee per day. Or even switch to coffee substitutes, for example, chicory. If, despite the “coffee-free diet,” your blood pressure has not changed, it means that the cause of your high blood pressure is not coffee, but something else. And you can continue to calmly drink your favorite invigorating drink.

Cause of hypertension No. 7. Incorrect time management, constant rush.

Constant rush and eternal lack of time very often leads to increased blood pressure.

Studies on healthy people have shown that even solving an arithmetic problem under time pressure (especially if you are under pressure) causes an increase in blood pressure.

That is, always when you are in a hurry or you need to do something urgently, very urgently, or when you are late for something and are worried, at that moment your blood pressure is guaranteed to rise. True, not by much, only 10-20 units. And if you are healthy, then your blood pressure will return to normal very quickly.

The trouble is that some people are in a hurry and are ALWAYS in a hurry to get somewhere.

Typically, these are those heads of firms or enterprises who shoulder all the company’s affairs to the maximum extent possible, instead of entrusting part of their affairs to deputies, secretaries and their assistants. As a result, workaholic managers work too much, seven days a week for 16-18 hours.

At the same time, they sleep no more than 6 hours a day, and, in addition to all their fatigue, they always do not get enough sleep. And, naturally, they gradually develop hypertension. And very early, at a young age. Sometimes even at 25-30 years old.

The second category of hurried hypertensive people are the eternal workers who get up at the crack of dawn, get their children ready and see them off to school, and then run to work. There they take the rap “for themselves and for that guy,” take on their own and other people’s responsibilities, and try to have time to do everything that the authorities have assigned. And a little more than that - “to make the boss happy.”

And then they run to the shops for groceries to feed their children and husband, and also cook, help the children do their homework, clean, and iron. It’s good that the washing machine now does the washing, otherwise I’d still have to have time to wash it.

People in a hurry usually don’t find time for rest, or for entertainment. In addition, they consider rest and entertainment to be useless activities on which they feel sorry to waste their precious time.

But depriving themselves of well-deserved rest and entertainment, without psychological relaxation, workaholics (no matter whether they are forced workaholics or workaholics “by circumstance”), usually get the highest blood pressure levels.

It is very difficult to treat such patients. To all the doctor’s arguments that they need to rest and sometimes even have fun, they repeat with their usual persistence: “I have work (children, husband, old sick parents, etc.). Who will do my business for me?”

Typically, the doctor’s arguments reach such a patient only when “a brick falls on his head” - a stroke, heart attack or some other serious illness occurs. And it’s also good if the “brick” turns out to be not very large, and the disease that occurs is curable. But sometimes it’s already too late...

Fortunately, such patients have one great advantage. They are usually very reasonable and sane. And if the doctor was still able to convince them to work less, find time for rest and entertainment, and also take care of their health, these patients obediently adapt and often become very disciplined patients. In this case, they respond quite well to therapy.

What do I usually prescribe for them? Besides relaxation and seaside holidays? Very often I recommend a special relaxing procedure - floating.

You can read about floating here >>

Question? What to do if we don’t have a floating chamber in our city? Or if it's expensive for me? Is there a replacement for this procedure?

There is a replacement. Very good, and free at the same time. But it will take time.

This replacement is called “Day of Complete Relaxation.” I wrote about such a day in my book “The Secret Formula of Health.” I’m telling you for those who haven’t read The Secret Formula.

So. At least one of your days a week (say, Saturday or Sunday) should be completely devoted to rest and relaxation, so that on this day the body recovers from all the stress of the work week. Stress, both physical and emotional.

Even one day of complete relaxation, if you arrange it for yourself at least once every 2 weeks, will allow you to completely reboot your nervous system. It will help you treat diseases that arise from haste and fuss - hypertension and arrhythmia.

What should you do on a relaxation day? That's the point: nothing. At all. For such a day to be of any use, it must truly be a day of silence and rest.

On this day you can’t watch TV, you can’t listen to loud music (or better yet, don’t listen to music at all), you can hardly talk, much less talk loudly or argue with your beloved spouse and children. You cannot read newspapers (emergency newspaper information involuntarily excites you). You cannot talk on the phone - your mobile phone must be turned off on this day. You can't sit at the computer. You can’t play games, especially active games.

It’s impossible, it’s impossible... But what is possible? - you ask me.

Almost nothing. That's what a relaxation day is for - for complete relaxation. Take a walk in a quiet place. Look at the clouds, listen to the sound of the wind. Go fishing on a quiet river. Reflect on life. Hold hands with your loved one. Just be quiet together.

It’s difficult and boring, but the “flow of vanity” needs to be stopped sometimes. It is necessary to give rest to your nervous system, which is overloaded with haste, vanity and streams of information pouring into us every day from TV, radio, computer, newspapers and magazines.


The only informational entertainment that you can afford on such a fasting day is reading books (but, I repeat, not newspapers and magazines). You can read any books that do not excite you, that do not contain information that irritates you.

For example, you don’t need to read about crime, wars, politics and horror. It is more useful to read fiction novels, science fiction, fairy tales and fantasy on a fasting day. Reading such books, firstly, gives free rein to flights of imagination and takes us back to our youth and childhood. That is, to where we were healthy and carefree.

Secondly, reading such books calms the nervous system. Allows you to switch from everyday life. This is what we are trying to achieve.

Cause of hypertension No. 8. Collection of negative information.

There are people, and there are quite a lot of them, who constantly worry and worry about trifles, and collect any negative information from everywhere. They love to watch news programs about various incidents, accidents, catastrophes, criminal situations, or read newspapers with “black”, angry and pessimistic articles. And then for a very long time they are impressed by what they read or saw.

As a result, such people live with a constant feeling of “danger in the world around them,” and are always in a feeling of underlying anxiety. Because of this, their sympathetic part of the nervous system is tense, stress hormones are released into the blood, and pressure gradually increases.

Treatment of anxious patients, in addition to the selection of sedative therapy, should begin with an explanation of the causes of the disease. Very often I ask these patients a provocative question: “Why do you need to collect all this information, all this negativity? What useful things do you want to learn from a TV show or newspaper article about accidents, disasters and other horror stories?”

Almost all sick people are confused by this question, and almost all of them answer the same question uncertainly: “Well, I have to know what’s going on in the world…. I need to know what troubles to watch out for..."

It’s curious, but from further conversation it becomes clear that these people are quite clearly aware that collecting negative information and knowledge about possible troubles protects few people in this world from trouble. Rather, on the contrary, the more you immerse yourself in the “gloomy information field,” the worse it is for your health and mood.

Therefore, there is no practical sense in collecting negative information, and the manner of “trying it on” is just a habit, and, moreover, very harmful to your mental and physical state.

Ultimately, those of my patients who, after our conversation, were able to give up this habit, later get rid of hypertension more easily. At the same time, they get rid of the need to swallow pills every day to lower blood pressure.

And those who continue to “feed” on negative news only increase the dose of medications they consume from year to year.

Cause of hypertension No. 9. Just nerves.

Sometimes a person has some unexpected problems or troubles at home or at work. And against this background, his blood pressure rises. For an understanding doctor, such a jump in pressure is not hypertension. And for those who don’t understand, it’s hypertension and a reason to prescribe more pills to the patient.

You and I will now immediately run away from such a doctor to... to whom? Don't know. Maybe there is no need to run to anyone. We'll do everything ourselves. For example, let's sit down, calm down and drink soothing herbs.

For example, you can drink valerian. Oh, again I know what you will tell me now. Like, she hardly helps you. And it really doesn't help. But this is only because you are drinking it incorrectly. And now I’ll tell you how to drink it correctly.

First, buy valerian in tablet form, not liquid form. You need to buy regular valerian tablets, yellow ones, but those that are packaged in shiny blisters. According to my observations, they are slightly more effective than those packaged in glass jars. Or does it just seem so to me? God knows. On the one hand - maybe it just seems, on the other - 20 years of practice behind me. Anyway, let's do it my way, okay?

Second. Drinking valerian in small doses is really useless. We will drink a lot - 3 tablets in the morning and 5 tablets in the evening, for a minimum of a week, a maximum of a month (no longer). In such doses, valerian really calms down well and equalizes blood pressure, if the pressure has risen due to nervousness, and it rose not very long ago (a month or two ago).

Third. Remember that for some people (about 10%) valerian has the opposite, stimulating effect. It is better for such people to use motherwort tincture.

The recommended dose of motherwort tincture is from 30 to 50 drops at a time, after meals, three or even four times a day. Before taking, the tincture can be diluted in ¼ glass of water. But you don’t have to dilute it, drink the tincture as it is, and just wash it down with water.

The result of using this medicine usually does not appear immediately, but after about 7-10 days from the first day of use. You can and should take motherwort for a long time – 1-3 months.

Valerian and motherwort are good. But my favorite is hawthorn tincture. The same one that alcoholics sometimes drink. Well done boys. They do it right. Even if your liver falls off from drinking, your blood pressure will be good.

Well, you and I will take care of your liver and drink hawthorn tincture correctly. Not too much, but not too little - in therapeutic, so to speak, doses. Approximately one teaspoon in the evening, before dinner (or during it). And if you are not driving, then take another half teaspoon during the day, during lunch.

It is better not to dilute the hawthorn tincture in water before use, drink it as is. You can simply drink this tincture with water. But if the hawthorn tincture is too strong for you, you can dilute it in 1/2 cup of regular still water. And drink it in this form, diluted.


That's all, dear friends. We are done with the causes of hypertension and the elimination of these causes. The chapter turned out to be very big. So let's wrap it up.

And now let's move on to the next topic - other methods of treating hypertension >>


  • All important articles about hypertension and high blood pressure
  • Hypertension, arterial hypertension, high blood pressure: a very profitable disease!
  • What pressure is considered normal and what is considered high?
  • The first chapters of the book “Being healthy in our country”
  • All articles by Dr. Evdokimenko
  • Where to buy books by Dr. Evdokimenko


Breathing exercises will quickly help lower your blood pressure. They relieve nervous tension and regulate the functioning of the circulatory system.

Deep abdominal breathing

Performed at any time of the day. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and breathing.


  • The starting position is sitting or standing with a straight back. Place relaxed hands on your stomach, palms down.
  • A deep nasal breath is taken, inflating the abdominal area with a smooth transition to filling the chest with air, bringing the shoulder blades together.
  • After 6-7 seconds of holding your breath, the air is slowly exhaled through the nose. Start exhaling from the stomach, then squeeze out the air from the sternum.
  • Hold your breath while exhaling completely for 5-10 seconds.
  • A minute break, calm breathing.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Inhalations and exhalations are performed smoothly, without abruptness. Exercise may cause slight dizziness. This condition will go away in a few days.

Increased deep abdominal breathing

Performing intense abdominal breathing, the tongue is pressed against the palate. Everything else is repeated as in the first option.

Slow exhalation

This is the next stage of breathing exercises. After 10 days from the start of the first classes, you can begin the second exercise - deep breathing with slow exhalation.

Exercise stabilizes blood pressure, trains the heart, and improves cerebral blood supply.


Slow exhalation differs from deep abdominal breathing in 3 ways:

  1. After a full deep breath, exhalation immediately begins, without delay.
  2. Exhalation exceeds inhalation by 2 times in time.
  3. The exercise is performed 3 times without rest breaks.

Stopping breathing on exhalation

2 weeks after starting the exercises, the following is done. It enhances the results from previous classes.


  • See instruction 1.
  • After exhaling air, the chin drops to the chest.
  • Breathing is held for the maximum possible time (no more than 40 seconds).
  • A minute break, calm breathing.
  • Perform 1 more set of exercises.

When performing, it is necessary to measure the pressure before and after. If the results are too high, breathing exercises are stopped. The method is not suitable.


Head massage helps to quickly relieve high blood pressure. The massage technique is simple and does not require special skills. An assistant is required to complete this.

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  • Bend and fix the soft cushion on the head of the back of the chair.
  • The patient should sit on a chair backwards and place his head on the cushion, face down, body relaxed. Place your hands on your knees, hang them down, or place them on a cushion.
  • The massage therapist stands behind and places his hands on the patient's head, from the forehead to the back of the head.
  • Start smoothly stroking the head from the forehead to the back of the head and neck.
  • Continue stroking the head for 3 minutes.
  • Continue stroking for 2 minutes from the neck to the shoulder joint, reaching the middle of the shoulder.
  • Continue from the neck to the middle of the back for 2 minutes.

Massage will not lower normal blood pressure, but high blood pressure will return to normal.

When to expect an effect

Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the neck will give the first results not after a month, as many expect, but only after six months of persistent and regular training.

Daily painstaking work and strict adherence to all the doctor’s recommendations according to his technique will completely restore flexibility and elasticity to the cervical spine.

Gymnastics, developed by academician Pavel Evdokimenko specifically for people suffering from high blood pressure, arthrosis, periarthrosis, which affect the spine, neck, and limbs, gives positive results. You just need to be patient and make an effort. Only those who follow all the recommendations and perform the exercise daily achieve success.


Hirudotherapy is treatment with leeches. By drinking blood, leeches promote its renewal and relieve blood vessels from pressure. Hirudotherapy treats many diseases.

The first session includes placing 4 leeches: 2 behind the ears and 2 down the back of the head. Each session adds 2 leeches. Maximum 10. 7 sessions are carried out, every 3-4 days. The hirudotherapy procedure is painless.


  • allergy to leeches;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • critical days for women;
  • recent surgery (less than 3 weeks ago);
  • recent viral infection (less than 2 weeks ago);
  • cancer;
  • heart disease.

After the procedure, blood may bleed at the leech bite sites for 36 hours. This is normal.

An ancient method of bleeding

300 years ago, ancestors considered hypertension to be multiblood and treated it with bloodletting. In ancient times, even unqualified doctors did this. The procedure led to a large number of deaths. After some time, they stopped treating hypertension with bloodletting.

In modern society, the method of bloodletting has been resumed. There are 2 types of treatment: hirudotherapy and medical blood donation. Dr. Evdokimenko himself does not practice bloodletting, but shares knowledge about the method.

How does bloodletting work?

When donating blood, venous blood is taken. The pressure decreases. This leads to an imbalance of arterial and venous pressure and a difference in blood pressure in the ventricles of the heart. Heart rate increases, cardiovascular failure is suppressed. Venous and blood pressure is equalized.

Therapeutic bloodletting is performed in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of medical staff no more than once a month. After 3 sessions, a break is taken to restore blood balance.


  • anemia;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy (except for eclampsia);
  • open injuries;
  • heart disease;
  • age over 70 years.


Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the neck, according to reviews from grateful patients, gives good results, but it should be remembered that it is not indicated for everyone.

There are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • Crick;
  • fresh injuries affecting the cervical vertebrae;
  • instability of the vertebrae in the cervical spine;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • severe deformities or fractures in the cervical spine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tachycardia;

  • high readings on the tonometer;
  • pre-infarction condition;
  • problems with the vestibular system;
  • during viral and respiratory diseases;
  • only 3 months after surgery on the throat and spine.

It is recommended to use the Evdokimenko gymnastic complex with extreme caution for people with pathologies affecting the fundus of the eye, glaucoma. For oncology and bone tuberculosis, exercises are carried out taking into account specific features.

If discomfort is felt while performing a gymnastic complex, this means that it is contraindicated or the execution is incorrect. In this case, you should continue training after consulting a doctor.

Doctors' opinion about the Evdokimenko complex

Treatment of hypertension using the Evdokimenko method has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Most doctors prescribe medications, but speak positively about Evdokimenko’s methods of combating hypertension. Well-known orthopedist Valentin Dikul, as well as general practitioner Irina Dodina, have a good opinion.

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All exercises and methods of treatment by the doctor contribute to the overall health of the body: strengthen the immune system, relieve nervous tension, and energize.

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