What causes human blood to turn blue?

Color of discharge during menstruation: what to look for

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The color of menstrual flow, when critical days arrive in a timely manner, can be different - from scarlet to black. Many factors influence the color change, as well as the thickness of the blood:

  • medications taken during menstruation;
  • diseases arising in this cycle;
  • physical activity during the period;
  • volume of discharge - the more blood, the brighter it will be and the fewer clots there will be;
  • amount of fluid - the more of it, the lighter and thinner the blood.

Taking medication

Physical activity

Changes in the color and density of menstrual blood do not necessarily indicate a disorder, and it is difficult to make a diagnosis based on this symptom alone. Gynecologists agree that changes in the duration of menstruation, their irregularity or intensity are more important than the color of the blood during the period.

However, scientists from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists published a report recommending that changes in menstrual blood be assessed as a significant symptom of disease. At the same time, they recommend measuring blood pressure and body temperature.

According to experts, the color of menstrual blood indicates the hormonal background, which affects the functioning of the entire body.

Royal disease or blue blood sign

Hemophilia is a hereditary blood disorder that is caused by a congenital absence or decrease in the amount of blood clotting factors (most often VIII or IX). The disease is characterized by a blood clotting disorder and manifests itself in frequent hemorrhages in joints, muscles or internal organs.

The disease manifests itself only in males; women are carriers of the hemophilia gene. Hemophilia in a woman occurs very rarely and only if both parents were carriers of the mutation - such cases are 1 per 100 million people. In 70% of cases, the disease is inherited, in 30% it occurs in the event of a “breakdown” of a gene, i.e. no family can be immune from the fact that a sick child may be born into it.

Previously, hemophilia was considered a “royal” disease or a sign of blue blood. Its most famous carrier was Queen Victoria, who passed the dangerous gene on to her children, and after them to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, including Tsarevich Alexei, the only son of Nicholas II. Since in those days consanguineous marriages were considered the norm and relatives formed families to preserve titles, lands and the throne, the disease became established and was very common in various royal dynasties.

Today, about 400 thousand people in the world suffer from hemophilia. There are more than 600 such patients in Belarus. They are included in the register of blood diseases and receive therapy free of charge.

The first signs of hemophilia can be detected immediately after birth: increased bleeding in the area of ​​the navel stump, severe hematomas on the head and body. However, it is rarely possible to detect hemophilia in infancy, since the child receives a sufficient amount of active thrombokinase through mother's milk. At a later age, parents discover incessant weak bleeding when teething, the teeth injure the oral cavity and these wounds do not heal well. The most obvious signs appear from the moment when children begin to walk independently - due to minor bruises and falls, severe subcutaneous, joint and muscle bleeding occurs. With chronic hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joints), joint mobility is lost and the need for joint replacement surgery arises.

Therefore, it is extremely important to take replacement therapy from the first days of diagnosis. Treatment can prevent bleeding or reduce its effects, reducing disability. Replacement therapy is the introduction of a deficient blood clotting factor into the patient's body directly into a vein to ensure a normal level of hemostasis.

The life prognosis for current hemophiliacs is favorable, subject to constant adherence to treatment conditions. Their average life expectancy is the same as that of healthy people.

The most important preventive measure is medical and genetic counseling for those entering into marriage. Identification of female carriers of the gene is possible by determining blood clotting factors VIII or IX in their blood using a quantitative biochemical method.

General practitioner of the Healthcare Institution “Korelichskaya Central District Hospital”

Natalia Manylo

Pink blood during menstruation

Pink blood during your period can mean low estrogen levels. Estrogens are the main female hormones and are produced by the ovaries. Their concentration increases in the first phase of the cycle.

When there is not enough estrogen, problems with menstruation arise - cycles become irregular. A lack of these hormones can also create problems with pregnancy.

Low estrogen levels can be caused by intense physical stress. Research has shown that vigorous exercise can lower these hormones, which can sometimes lead to menstrual irregularities, including missed periods.

Brown blood during menstruation – is there a problem?

Dark blood can sometimes also be confused with discharge.

Brown menstrual bleeding may be a consequence of starting hormonal therapy, including taking birth control pills. Then menstruation does not appear, but so-called withdrawal bleeding occurs. If the discharge is brown and contains mucus, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and the bleeding itself appears outside the time of the expected menstruation, you need to contact a gynecologist to be examined for infections.

Clots in the discharge are also a cause of great concern among women. If there are many of them, it can lead to anemia. As a rule, this symptom implies massive and regular exfoliation of the uterine epithelium. But in some cases, this may indicate uterine fibroids or endometrial polyps. It is especially dangerous when the blood is very red, dark, and the menstruation itself is extremely heavy.

Dark discharge and large clots are also characteristic of endometriosis.

Menstruation can also be confused with discharge during pregnancy - implantation bleeding. This bleeding usually lasts a few hours, although it can last up to three days. Typically, pregnant women have scanty discharge, the blood is brown and looks more like dirt than blood.

Bright red menstrual blood

If the blood during this period is bright red, similar in color to cranberries, this is a sign that everything is in order. It is very good if menstruation is also regular.

Of course, monthly bleeding looks and feels different for every woman, but in general: a bright red period is a signal that there is no reason to worry.


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When providing first aid, it is important to know which blood is arterial and which is venous.
These species are easily identified by their flow patterns and color. With arterial bleeding, a fountain of bright scarlet blood is observed. The liquid flows out pulsatingly and quickly. This type of bleeding is difficult to stop, which is the danger of such injuries.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to raise the limb and compress the damaged vessel by applying a hemostatic tourniquet or pressing it with finger pressure. In case of arterial bleeding, the patient must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Arterial bleeding may be internal. In such cases, a large amount of blood enters the abdominal cavity or various organs. With this type of pathology, a person suddenly becomes ill, the skin turns pale. After some time, dizziness and loss of consciousness begin. This is due to lack of oxygen. Only doctors can provide assistance with this type of pathology.

With venous bleeding, dark cherry-colored blood flows out of the wound. It flows slowly, without pulsation. You can stop this bleeding yourself by applying a pressure bandage.

Strange menstruation - no periods

Pregnancy is the main cause of amenorrhea among women under 50 years of age. However, amenorrhea without any reason is quite common, but the absence of periods for several months in a row is a warning sign. Besides pregnancy, other reasons for missing periods include stress, weight loss, over-exercising (long-distance running, etc.), hormonal problems and menopause.

You need to contact a gynecologist if you have not had your period for 2 months in a row. Additionally, you should make an appointment with your doctor if your first menstrual period does not start by age 16.

Menopause is the last menstruation for every woman. The cessation of menstruation occurs because over time the ovaries stop producing eggs and the amount of estrogen decreases. Menopause usually occurs around age 52. Premature menopause occurs before a woman turns 45, but it is rare.

There are other symptoms that indicate the passage of menopause, the most common being hot flashes. In case of bleeding after menopause, you should visit a gynecologist, then it is associated with suspected uterine cancer.

Composition of human blood

The largest share of heme composition is plasma, about 60%. It is a yellow liquid. It contains proteins, enzymes, various amino acids, minerals, hormones. The remaining 40% is allocated to formed elements that perform a special function in the body:

  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • platelets.

Platelets are platelets that are produced in the bone marrow. The thickness of the blood and its ability to clot depend on them. Leukocytes are white cells in its composition. They are formed in the bone marrow and provide an immune response. They are characterized by active motility, due to which leukocytes capture foreign cells and destroy them. Red blood cells deliver oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from tissues due to their hemoglobin content.

Strange scanty and heavy menstruation - is it dangerous?

The regularity and abundance of bleeding is an important factor in women's health. It is difficult to accurately determine blood loss during one menstrual cycle. Menstruation is considered heavy if a woman has to use double protection, blood gets on her bed linen, clots appear in the blood, or if her usual lifestyle has to be changed due to her period.

If your periods change and become more abundant than before, you definitely need to see a gynecologist. There are many reasons for heavy menstrual periods. However, in most women, the uterus is functioning properly and hormone levels are normal. Appropriate treatment can reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.

What changes should you be wary of?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color change from cycle to cycle. The shade of the discharge should not change. For example, if a woman has always had red periods, and then they become very dark, almost black, this is a reason to be examined by a gynecologist.

Alarming symptoms when color changes are:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • frequent urination;
  • violation of cycle duration;
  • burning and itching;
  • unpleasant (putrid) odor;
  • pain radiating to the anus;
  • fever, chills, weakness, dizziness.

The above symptoms may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. Also, the reason for consulting a doctor is the appearance of discharge between periods, regardless of its shade.

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