Monastic tea - composition of the collection, use in folk medicine

Monastic tea (collection) is a unique set of herbs that have healing properties. The composition of this collection is balanced and has a fairly broad effect on the human body. Since ancient times, monks have been growing and collecting medicinal plants, making various infusions from them and using them to treat ailments. The monastery tea contains herbs that can be used to support and strengthen the body in the presence of serious illnesses, speed up recovery, and avoid complications. The components of such a drink do not undergo special processing; they go on sale in their pure, natural form. As a rule, the use of such an infusion does not cause side effects, and the occurrence of allergies is also unlikely.

Truth or scam?

Monastic tea has become widely known recently. Currently, more and more people are using traditional options for treating diseases. One of these options is the monastic collection of herbs.

The composition contains dried plants and herbs, which have very healing properties and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. There is quite a wide variety of types of this tea, each of which helps in the treatment of a specific disease. The composition can contain completely different types of herbs, but at the base you can often find chamomile, burdock, pine needles, rose hips, dandelion, St. John's wort. Sometimes the composition may include berries and other natural ingredients. All these components have long been known and widely distributed, they contain nutrients and can provide significant assistance in the treatment of the disease. It has long been proven and tested that many herbs help strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and harmful compounds from the body, reduce inflammation and much more. Those. Such tea will definitely not do any harm, but on the contrary, it will help cope with many health problems.

Unfortunately, nowadays quite often people come across fakes. Monastic tea is no exception. Manufacturers offer tea, which is significantly different in composition from that of the monastery, but they claim that their collection is the real one. And the price, as a rule, for such a fake is quite high. The counterfeit packaging does not contain any ingredients, does not indicate the place where the plants were collected, and there is no description of the healing properties. Scammers often claim that the tea they offer was collected in ecological places over which prayers were read daily. This is a lie. A person can easily be sold tea of ​​unknown origin, which can also cause harm. Therefore, it should be understood that such tea should not be purchased in pharmacies, not through the Internet or intermediary companies, but precisely where it is collected and packaged - in monasteries or churches. This is where the name of the tea comes from. What is offered in other places is a real scam.

The most important thing is that you need to approach the use of monastery tea wisely. It is not a cure for diseases; when taking it, you cannot refuse full-fledged traditional treatment. It serves as a useful adjunct to primary therapy. Tea is not able to completely heal the body from the disease, but will only support the body or promote a speedy recovery.

Basic components

The healing decoction is quite easy to prepare at home. The composition of monastery tea can be changed by having basic and auxiliary components on hand:

  1. Elecampane root . The flower got its name due to the fact that it can cure nine diseases. It is not for nothing that it is often included in cough syrups, as well as preparations to strengthen the immune system. You should be careful when using the ingredient, since elecampane has a number of contraindications.
  2. Black and green tea leaves . They have a tonic effect and give the finished drink a pleasant taste.
  3. St. John's wort . Helps with depression, makes it easier to fall asleep. Indicated for various ailments as an antibacterial agent.
  4. Rose hip . The plant, rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements, has a positive effect on all internal organs.
  5. Oregano . Improves the functioning of the immune system and kidneys.

The composition includes only medicinal plants. This is the reason for its unique properties.

Interesting! There are several types of tea, each of which includes a variety of components. The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on how to prepare the monastery tea. Experts recommend brewing it in a water bath so that all the beneficial microelements are preserved in the finished product.

History of appearance

Some legends say that the invention of monastery tea belongs to monks who lived in Belarus in the 16th century. Life in monasteries at that time was quite difficult, the monks engaged in hard physical labor every day and observed strict fasts. To support the body, give it more strength and fight diseases, they collected unique medicinal plants and brewed tea. Due to the certain specificity and asceticism of life in monasteries, grass was collected from a nearby forest or field. Today, many monasteries have a plot of land that is used for monastic needs, including growing medicinal plants for making monastic tea.

There is another opinion that for the first time the composition for the monastery healing infusion was compiled and then prepared in 1430 by clergy in the Solovetsky Monastery (it was also called Spaso-Preobrazhensky), which was located on islands in the White Sea. The real recipe for this tea was even written down in the special charter of the monks. It has not survived to this day, but they say that it contained only those herbs that grew exclusively in the island part of the White Sea.

The choice of herbalists

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There are several varieties that are recommended to be brewed at home. Depending on the problem, other herbs are added to the base composition:

  1. For diabetes . The set includes rose hips, blueberries, chamomile and St. John's wort.
  2. For prostatitis . The composition includes St. John's wort, nettle, motherwort.
  3. From obesity . Mint, chamomile, linden, dandelion and elderberry are the components of this set. The decoction gets rid of excess fat deposits, promotes normal metabolism and dulls the feeling of hunger.
  4. From osteochondrosis . Pine buds, lavender, yarrow, marshmallow and horsetail are added to the drink.
  5. To cleanse the liver . Includes calendula, mint, chamomile, burdock and fennel.
  6. To improve vision . It includes St. John's wort, blueberries, and chamomile.
  7. For arterial hypertension . Hawthorn, motherwort and fireweed are all used for diseases of the cardiovascular system. The proportions are agreed upon with the therapist.
  8. From alcohol addiction . In this case, the composition will include juniper, wormwood, bay leaf and thyme. The ingredients will help reduce your addiction to alcoholic drinks and other bad habits.

Composition of herbs and plants

The most universal type of tea in terms of healing properties is considered to be restorative monastery tea. It has the ability to have a healing effect on all organs and systems of the human body, supplies vitamins to the body, is able to restore cells, strengthens the immune and endocrine systems, supports the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminates minor problems in the musculoskeletal system.

The composition of the monastery tea includes the following components:

  • Elecampane. A very good antiseptic, eliminates inflammation of various types and tones. Has powerful expectorant and diuretic effects.
  • Sage. Has bactericidal qualities. Gives monastery tea a delightful aroma.
  • Oregano. Helps restore the liver, increases appetite, and eliminates insomnia. It has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and the nervous system as a whole. Normalizes metabolism, improves digestion. It has calming and tonic qualities.
  • St. John's wort. It is an excellent antidepressant, improves mood and eliminates insomnia.
  • Rose hip. Strengthens and increases the level of immunity, slows down aging, it contains vitamin C in large quantities.
  • Fireweed. This herb contains microelements beneficial to the body, has an antiseptic and cleansing effect, gives energy, and improves mood. Helps cope with diseases of the esophagus.

In addition, the collection contains a number of elements and chemical compounds useful for the body, namely:

  • Polyphenolic compounds. They have a positive effect on blood pressure, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent varicose veins.
  • Antioxidants. Effectively destroy harmful substances - free radicals, and also protect the body's cells.
  • Tannins. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Polysaccharides. They have a positive effect on brain activity and also normalize blood sugar.
  • Tannin. Tones the body, improves memory and attention.
  • Microelements and vitamins. They have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Essential oils. They have bactericidal and relaxing effects.

Indications for use

The unique herbal composition of monastery tea determines its healing properties. By taking this healing drink, you can get rid of many diseases or prevent their development.

See also: Types of Pu-erh - which type of tea is better and tastier

For the treatment of prostatitis

Experts note the positive effects of tea in the treatment of prostatitis. It is possible to achieve the following positive results:

  • soften the severity and intensity of pain during urination;
  • prevent male infertility;
  • improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Regular consumption of monastery tea will help prevent the development of prostatitis in young men, the formation of kidney stones, regulate the process of urination, prevent the development of prostate inflammation, and stabilize a man’s immune potential.

Monastery tea for parasites

A large number of people suffer from parasites affecting their body. As a result, immunity decreases and the functioning of organs that are attacked by parasites is disrupted.

The special complex composition of monastery tea helps not only prevent infection, but also get rid of uninvited guests.

In the treatment of diabetes

One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus. As the disease develops, the human body experiences a lack of insulin, which leads to disruption of the metabolic process.

Drug therapy does not always help get rid of diabetes. In this case, monastery tea will come to the rescue. Regular and moderate consumption of the drink allows you to achieve the following results:

  • stabilize the process of metabolism and carbon exchange;
  • improve the body's absorption of insulin;
  • simulate the functions of the pancreas;
  • increase the effectiveness of the diet by several orders of magnitude;
  • normalize body weight;
  • moderate appetite to normal;
  • boost immunity.

A specially selected herbal tea composition acts as an additional therapy that helps support the body during the development of stage 2 and 3 diabetes. Patients diagnosed with stage 1 diabetes mellitus feel a significant improvement in their condition while taking monastery tea. Experts recommend that people who are predisposed to developing diabetes start taking tea starting at the age of 30.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

It would not be a bad idea to drink monastery tea if you have various problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are the following:

  • gastritis, expressed in chronic form;
  • ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • colitis of various etiologies;
  • fungal and bacterial intestinal infections;
  • poisoning caused by the use of toxic substances, alcohol or medications;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • insufficiency of enzymatic etiology;
  • highly developed flatulence;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

See also: White tea - what is it

Such a wide range of effects of monastery tea in the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is due to the fact that it contains 9 medicinal herbs, which together provide a positive effect on the human gastrointestinal tract.

To boost immunity

Even in ancient times, people suffering from various ailments used herbal teas collected by monks from remote monasteries. The main reason for the popularity of herbal remedies was that the herbs were grown under sunny skies in an environmentally friendly environment.

Monastic tea remained faithful to the ancient recipes of the old monks. Thanks to this, our contemporaries also use this unique herbal tea to treat and prevent many ailments.

Benefits for the body

Monastery tea has a number of beneficial properties. Within a few days from the start of use, you can feel the positive effect, and with regular use, you will notice a noticeable improvement in your overall condition. The benefits of the infusion are as follows:

  1. Feeling better, energy levels and stamina increase.
  2. The state of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  3. The immune system increases and strengthens, the body becomes more resistant to many diseases.
  4. Calms the nervous system, prevents stress, normalizes sleep.
  5. Metabolism improves.
  6. It has an antiseptic effect and helps the body fight inflammatory processes.
  7. Stabilizes blood sugar
  8. Blood pressure normalizes and the risk of hypertension decreases.
  9. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, effectively removes sand, and prevents the appearance of stones in the gall bladder.
  10. Tea has a diuretic effect, which helps cope with bacterial infections of the genitourinary system.
  11. The body is cleansed of harmful substances, toxins and waste, as well as the circulatory system.

Monastery tea is also used to prevent the development of various diseases, such as:

  1. Various oncological diseases.
  2. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  3. Dysbacteriosis is a disorder of the intestinal microflora.
  4. Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas
  5. Kidney and liver diseases.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
  7. Prostatitis.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases. Tea can prevent heart attack, angina, ischemia, and blood clots.
  9. Joint pathologies.

Beneficial features

The benefits of monastery tea are determined individually for each component in the composition. To 100% evaluate the effect of regular use, we consider the plants individually:

  • Dog-rose fruit. Contains a large amount of antioxidants. The berries have excellent phytoncidal and bactericidal properties, which work great in the fight against infections, burns, dermatitis and trophic ulcers. The fruits contain almost all known vitamins, which makes them an almost universal medicine.
  • Elecampane roots. Fresh, unprocessed raw materials contain a huge amount of the polysaccharide inulin, which is necessary for diabetes. The substance is used as a substitute for sahzam - it does not break down into components, but is excreted unchanged. The essential oil of the plant contains helenin and alanthol - complex chemical elements that help with diseases of the duodenum and ulcers.
  • St. John's wort herb. Widely used in pharmacology - helps fight depression and stress. Women often use the plant to relieve tension before the start of their menstrual cycle. St. John's wort also has a supporting effect in the treatment of various addictions.
  • Oregano herb. Contains a large amount of essential oils that provide the plant with a bright, rich aroma. The active components of oregano have a calming effect. Tannins in the composition are used as an expectorant and antiseptic.
  • Black loose leaf tea. It has a general tonic and stimulating effect (due to the presence of caffeine).

The herbal mixture in the complex contains an incredible amount of useful substances. All the variety of elements has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a sick or healthy body.

Harm and contraindications for use

Monastery tea is an absolutely natural product, it contains only herbs. Therefore, it has practically no contraindications. But each person has his own individual characteristics, so before starting to drink this tea, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor. There are several situations when drinking monastery tea is not recommended. Such situations include the following:

  1. Allergy to one of the tea components. Although tea contains mainly herbs that are not capable of causing allergies, intolerance may occur. The main symptoms of this condition may be: swelling, headache, rashes and itching. People prone to allergic reactions are advised to try the tea in small quantities first. If no adverse reactions occur, then the tea can be consumed in full.
  2. It is not recommended to drink monastery tea during pregnancy. Certain types of herbs can lead to miscarriage, as well as possible fetal pathologies.
  3. It is also not recommended to use the infusion during breastfeeding. In this case, the child is transferred to artificial formula.

What kind of tea is this?

Monastic tea, as is quite obvious, has long been made by monks in monasteries. It was prepared from herbs at the monastery itself, so it was always considered environmentally friendly and healthy. The knowledge of the monks allowed them to collect combinations of herbs that most effectively helped against certain ailments.

Nowadays, teas also help to cope with diseases, but more often exclusively restorative and tasty teas are common. Even though this tea is much more expensive, it is much healthier, juicier and more enjoyable than regular tea. In addition, nowadays you can make it yourself, significantly reducing the price level.

The knowledge of the monks allowed them to collect combinations of herbs that most effectively helped against certain ailments

Advice! Don't trust scammers. If you want to buy monastery tea, then go to the shop at the monastery itself, or better yet, make it at home so as not to overpay.

Cooking at home

The infusion can be prepared at home. Of course, it will be different from the one purchased in the temple, but the healing properties will not be lost from this. The composition includes five ingredients: elecampane (root), St. John's wort, rose hips, oregano, black or green tea. All ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy and markets. There are three main cooking recipes.

Classic recipe

  1. Mix all components, maintaining proportions.
  2. Take 15-20 g of the mixture, pour it into a kettle and brew it with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Wrap the kettle well in a warm cloth and let it brew for about 30 minutes.
  4. Ready tea must be consumed immediately and cannot be stored. Adding sugar or jam is allowed.

Cooking in a water bath

Cooking for this recipe takes a little longer than the classic one. But there is a significant advantage - you can drink this tea throughout the day.

  1. First you need to combine 20g of rose hips and 20g of elecampane.
  2. Add a liter of boiling water to the resulting mixture. Keep in a water bath for 30-35 minutes.
  3. Next, add the remaining components (20g each, add 10g of tea) and leave for another 40 minutes.

Before drinking, you need to dilute the tea leaves with water. Adding sugar is also allowed.

Recipe from the Solovetsky Monastery

This recipe uses additional ingredients: lemon, dandelion, ginger, burdock, horsetail and honey.

  1. You need to take 5g of burdock, dandelion and horsetail (brew each herb in separate containers), add 50 ml of hot water for each type, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  2. After boiling, remove from heat and set aside for 2 hours.
  3. After two hours, you need to strain and combine everything.
  4. Add lemon juice (from half a lemon), 20 g of ginger and 10 ml of honey to the resulting mixture.
  5. You can drink tea after about half an hour.

How to brew monastery tea

The effectiveness of a healing drink is directly dependent on how correctly it is brewed. To do this, it is recommended to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. To brew 1 cup of tea you need to take 200 ml of liquid 1 tsp. herbal collection.
  2. Bring water to a boil and let it cool to a temperature of 95 degrees.
  3. Pour the tea leaves into a ceramic or glass bowl.
  4. Pour hot water over the contents and cover the dish with a lid. It is important to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to ensure the air circulation process.
  5. Let the drink brew for 20-30 minutes, and then strain the tea.
  6. To give the drink a special taste, you can add lemon or honey.

Tea can be consumed both warm and cold. The drink can be brewed for each meal separately or for the whole day at a time. Do not forget that for herbal teas it is important to obtain the correct extract from the herbs, which is only possible if the brewing technology is followed. Reheating an already prepared drink is not recommended.

How much to drink - treatment

Although monastery tea is a natural product, there are still a few simple rules for its proper use. By following simple recommendations, you can get the maximum benefit and achieve the best results in strengthening and improving your health.

  • You should drink monastery tea no more than 2-3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment lasts one month, followed by a break of three months. After this period, the treatment is repeated.
  • You need to drink a healing drink in combination with a diet prescribed for a specific disease. Alcohol is completely excluded during this period.
  • It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude and believe in the healing power of the drink.
  • You should not stop taking it prematurely, even if you do not get the desired immediate result. The effect of use may appear after some time.
  • You can add honey or lemon to the finished drink, this will only enhance the healing effect.

How to cook properly

Herbalists pay special attention to this. Herbs will have a beneficial effect only when used correctly. Much depends on the harmonious combination of its parts, as well as compliance with the recommendations:

  • The drink must be freshly brewed. It is recommended to store the prepared broth for no more than 2 – 3 hours.
  • For good results, you need to drink 100 g 3-4 times a day.

The standard proportions are as follows: for one liter of boiling water you will need 2 tablespoons of all the basic ingredients. If desired, you can add honey, berries, aromatic herbs. This will improve the taste of the drink and at the same time will not neutralize its medicinal properties.

Let's talk in more detail about how to prepare monastery tea. This process includes four stages:

  1. Two saucepans are placed one inside the other to create a water bath structure.
  2. Chopped elecampane root and rose hips are poured into the upper container. Fill with cold water (1 liter). After this, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. St. John's wort, tea leaves and other ingredients are then added. Cover again, turn off and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. At the end of the process, it is necessary to strain the contents through a sieve and add boiled water (so that the total volume is 1 liter). The tea is ready to drink.

Due to the fact that it consists of accessible components, anyone can prepare the infusion. The recipes are quite simple.

Important! If you carefully follow the regime, the result will not take long to arrive. Do not overdose, even if it seems safe. Try to adhere to the established consumption schedule.


It is necessary to understand that the medicinal properties of monastery tea directly depend on how and where it is stored. Therefore, this issue must be approached responsibly, so as not to be disappointed later in the lack of the expected effect. Proper storage of herbal collection implies the following:

  • It is necessary to store strictly in a dark, dry and cool place, the most suitable temperature is 15-20 degrees. When exposed to light, the collection loses its color, a foreign odor may appear, and its properties will be lost. Humidity is also unacceptable; this is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria and mold;
  • the storage container should close well, should not be transparent, it is better to use ceramic dishes, do not use plastic jars or plastic bags;
  • After opening the package, the tea is suitable for consumption for three months. The shelf life in unopened packaging is unlimited.

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What diseases can monastic tea help against?

There are a huge number of herbs growing on our land, so choosing the ideal collection for a particular disease is not difficult. Here is just a small list of ailments for which you can find a suitable recipe: problems with high sugar, spoiled appetite, insomnia, excess weight, bad habits, problems with the reproductive system, etc. Of course, this is not a complete list of diseases, but these are the most basic. And we will introduce you to a couple of recipes, but first you should learn how to prepare this herbal tea.

Tea can help solve problems with high sugar, poor appetite, insomnia, excess weight, bad habits, problems with the reproductive system, etc.

Advice! There are no tea recipes that help against all diseases at once, as well as tea preparations for incurable or difficult-to-treat diseases. Don't be fooled by this. All teas only help to cope with symptoms, relieve pain, improve tone, immunity, fight vitamin deficiency and other similar actions.

Sweet tea vs sugar

Diabetes mellitus is sweeping the world as a huge and serious problem, which is still almost impossible to cope with. People suffering from insulin deficiency can so far only dull the symptoms without completely curing the disease. And often such medicines are very expensive or rare, so it’s worth learning how to make tea against diabetes symptoms as well. And here is the suitable composition:

  • Hawthorn fruits;
  • Elder petals;
  • Strawberry fruits;
  • Clover;
  • Flax seeds;
  • Mint;
  • Plantain;
  • Black currant leaves;
  • Bean pods;
  • Blueberry leaves.

This herbal tea is great for helping you avoid foods with a lot of sugar, which goes well with your diet. It can give you that pleasant sweet taste that people with diabetes miss so much.

Tea can give you that pleasant sweet taste that people with diabetes miss so much

Advice! Don't rely on tea alone. Follow the diet prescribed to you by your doctors. Tea only complements such a diet and replaces expensive medications.

How to get rid of sweating

A disease in which a person sweats in different situations is called hyperhidrosis. This disease causes discomfort and affects active communication with other people. In addition, there is a risk that various fungal diseases may begin to develop on the skin.

Thanks to its mild effect, the composition is able to overcome an unpleasant problem. The secret lies in the presence of several very beneficial herbs for the body that can:

  • normalize the functioning of all organs;
  • have a powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative effect;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • regulate the functioning of sweat glands;
  • improve human well-being.

Getting rid of acne

Thanks to monastery tea, you can successfully cope with acne. Not every person realizes this, but the product acts gently and effectively. In this case, you can use the composition for both internal and external use.

Advice! After drinking the drink, you do not need to immediately throw away the tea leaves; you can use it for washing. It is necessary to pour a small amount of boiling water over the remaining tea and leave until the infusion has cooled completely. Next, it is recommended to cleanse the skin with a decoction before going to bed.


Pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age and certain categories of people with the following diseases should not drink the monastery drink:

  • glaucoma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • severe PMS with heavy menstruation;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Monastic tea has contraindications in the form of individual intolerance to the components. Since the collection contains a variety of herbs, an allergy to at least one of them is a taboo for treatment. Elderly people should be careful with tea; for them, the daily intake of tea can be adjusted downwards.

The monastic drink is worth trying for everyone who strives to preserve their health and youth for as long as possible. Knowing the rules of brewing and consumption, you can significantly improve your well-being, increase overall tone and help the body cope with the negative effects of environmental factors.

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