Dizziness when getting up and when going to bed

There are a huge number of situations when you feel dizzy. In particular, people encounter a similar problem when they suddenly change their body position, for example, getting up from a sofa or chair. And here many questions arise: why is this happening and is this not a symptom of some kind of pathology?

Answered by Elen Mkhitaryan, Ph.D., neurologist, senior researcher at the Laboratory of General Geriatrics and Neurogeriatrics of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I.Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia :

— Let's start with the fact that dizziness is a symptom that can occur in many diseases. When they begin to treat dizziness, this is wrong, because it is necessary to treat the diseases that led to it. And these are more than 80 diseases and conditions.

What folk remedies will help with weakness and dizziness? More details

What to do if you feel dizzy when suddenly getting out of bed

If a person experiences regular dizziness and changes his position without visiting a doctor, you can get rid of unwanted symptoms on your own. To do this, you can follow a few simple tips:

  • Rise from bed not abruptly, but carefully and slowly;
  • Set up a proper diet, worry less, walk outside more, have good sleep;
  • Eat a lot of foods containing iron;
  • Do physical exercise at a moderate pace, you can do therapeutic and preventive physical exercises;
  • If the nasopharynx is inflamed, do not stop treatment so as not to worsen the situation with dizziness.

In addition to treatment, there is also a preventive course, thanks to which you can avoid the development of a destructive process in the future and be healthy. After sleep, when getting out of bed and feeling dizzy, do simple exercises:

  1. Focus your gaze on one thing that is not moving and wait until your head stops spinning;
  2. In the middle of the forehead, press the point with your finger for 10 seconds, massaging it smoothly;
  3. Massage your head, neck, face;
  4. Do breathing exercises. To do this, you need to slowly exhale and inhale air; at the same time, you can inflate your stomach and retract it.

If after these exercises dizziness does not go away, or if a person gets stronger when standing up in bed or in a chair, then try to limit yourself from going outside and urgently call a specialist to get qualified help. After the condition returns to normal, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis in order to discover the nature and causes of such symptoms, otherwise there is a risk of progression of symptoms.

How to treat dizziness when suddenly getting out of bed

When dizziness interferes with your life, you need to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. There are several methods for treating this disease. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist depending on the cause and the presence of other symptoms. The main treatment methods include primarily:

  • Medicinal course of treatment - medications are prescribed by the doctor, which normalize the action of the circulatory and vestibular systems, restore brain function, and stop dizziness, which is caused by kinetosis.
  • Massage can be of several types - classic, manual, acupressure. With its help, areas in which the intensity of dizziness in the neck is reduced are used.
  • Physiotherapy – thanks to specially designed exercises, the functioning of the circulatory system in the brain area is restored, which reduces the incidence of dizziness.

Therapy with needles and aromas - refers to alternative medicine, due to which spasms in the arteries are relieved and the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized.

If you experience dizziness when getting out of bed, then it is better to follow a few tips:

  • Try to get out of bed or chair carefully;
  • Normalize your diet, eat more healthy foods;
  • Refuse harmful viewing of telecommunications;
  • Walk more in the fresh air.

After undergoing a full examination of the body and finding out the causes of dizziness, specialists, based on the tests obtained and the results of the procedures performed, prescribe complex therapy. If a patient experiences dizziness when getting out of bed or getting into bed, a course of treatment is often prescribed, consisting of drug therapy and additional:

  • Manual method. It includes massage and needle piercing.
  • Therapeutic exercise, reflexology.
  • Aroma therapy. Due to the entry of essential oil odors into the body, tension in the vascular system is relieved.

Medicines are often used that restore and normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, improve the functioning of the arteries and remove factors that interfere with the functioning of the systems. If the cause is a disease of the heart or vascular system, then non-steroids and muscle stimulants are prescribed.

Thanks to this and timely assistance to the body, you will be able to save yourself from the inconveniences arising from dizziness, predict and anticipate its further occurrence.

How to choose the right drug

Without diagnostics, you should not self-medicate. By taking pills on their own, people, especially the elderly, risk their health. Many medications, including painkillers, tranquilizers, and antidepressants, some of which are sold without a prescription, have side effects.

Important information

Medicines for dizziness in older people are prescribed only by a doctor after undergoing a diagnosis. Malaise may be associated with both fatigue and tumor growth.

It is not recommended to select medications on your own, since dizziness may also indicate insufficient oxygen supply to the body, ENT diseases, and circulatory problems. In addition to discussing symptoms with a specialist, it is worth clarifying under what circumstances vertigo occurs and what contributes to it.

Even when a doctor prescribes medications, it is worth monitoring the condition. Some pills are not suitable for the body and cause negative consequences. These drugs include groups of analgesics or painkillers, antianginal drugs, diuretics, antibiotics, antihypertensives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants with tranquilizers, hypnotics and anticonvulsants. We are not talking about all representatives of groups, but about the majority.

Particularly toxic are drugs belonging to the category of glycoside antibiotics. Their prominent representatives are Neomycin with Streptomycin, Kanamycin.

Tablets for dizziness

It is imperative to take medications for dizziness in old age if you have health problems. They help restore blood circulation and oxygen supply. Such products belong to the group of nootropics.

Frequent dizziness can be eliminated by taking the following medications:

  • Glycine;
  • Piracetam:
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Vinpocetine.

The first drug is different in that it has no side effects. It helps accelerate metabolic processes in the brain, because it is because of their disruption that oxygen starvation occurs. This product is safe even for children. Its constant use helps to completely eliminate dizziness.

With the help of Piracetam, blood flow in the head is normalized. Systematic use leads to the achievement of effect. It is not recommended to use the drug after 16:00 in the evening, as it provokes brain activity, which can interfere with sleep.

Cinnarizine or Stugeron dilates blood vessels in the brain without increasing blood pressure. The drug normalizes the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

The principle of action of Vinpocetine is to improve blood supply to the brain and oxygen saturation.

If unpleasant symptoms are associated with a disorder of the vestibular apparatus, Betahistine is prescribed. In addition to eliminating dizziness, it affects hearing, improving it.

In addition to the popular nootropics listed above, Cereton is often prescribed. It is also aimed at restoring and improving blood supply to areas of the brain, and also improves memory and concentration.

All medications aimed at eliminating vertigo must be taken for at least three months. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the desired result. Depending on the cause of the disease, the course of treatment may increase.

Preparations based on natural ingredients

Despite the fact that most drugs consist of synthetic components, even among nootropics that effectively eliminate dizziness in older people, there are those consisting of natural components.

Many people prefer natural drugs, arguing that the drugs are less harmful and do not cause side effects. As mentioned above, there are also synthetic drugs like Glycine, which does not have negative consequences.

Helpful information

The advantage of drugs based on natural ingredients is that they are suitable for people of any age, as well as those who are especially sensitive. The most popular drugs for eliminating dizziness are Vinpocetine and Bilobil.

The principle of operation of the first is described above. Its main active ingredient is Vinca minor. Bilobil is developed based on the medicinal plant Ginkgo Biloba. The drug improves the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, reduces the level of platelet aggregation, and increases concentration and attention.

But the disadvantage of such drugs is that their minimum period of use is 3 months. And the number of techniques varies from one to three.

Main reasons

In medical practice, there are a number of reasons why you feel dizzy when standing up.

Possible ones include the following:

  • Anemia. Dizziness when you stand up occurs as a result of a lack of oxygen that supplies the brain and tissues.
  • Severe fatigue, overwork.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Poor nutrition. Doctors diagnose such causes quite often, especially in people who use diets or are unable to eat normally as a result of a busy work day. The body simply does not receive useful substances, it is exhausted, and you may feel slightly dizzy when standing up.
  • Emotional tension and frequent stress.
  • Failures or diseases of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Use of medications. Feeling dizzy due to the side effects of certain medications, especially if they are used for a long time or they are very strong.
  • Diseases of various systems in the body. The cause may be in the nervous, circulatory or vascular system. In this case, the tissues cannot be properly supplied with oxygen, and if you suddenly get out of bed, you will feel dizzy.
  • Injuries to the head, neck or spine.
  • Endocrine system disruptions. The reasons why ailments appear are hidden in the hormonal background, when a person’s body produces large or insufficient production of certain hormones.
  • Diseases of the inner ear.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Visual fatigue. Similar reasons can be in eye diseases, as well as in people whose work is related to observational activities. In some cases, workers at the computer experience dizziness when standing up.
  • The release of adrenaline into the blood can cause dizziness when standing up suddenly.
  • The symptom occurs in women during menopause, pregnancy and menstruation due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • Adverse habits can also contribute to the deterioration of the condition. For example, smokers dilate blood vessels, and people who abuse alcohol develop problems in the nervous system and vestibular apparatus.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Migraine attacks.
  • Poisoning from food or chemicals.

There are many reasons why you feel dizzy when getting out of bed, so for an accurate diagnosis it is important to consult a doctor. . Only a doctor can find the true provoking factors, and based on the data obtained, the correct treatment is prescribed

Only a doctor can find the true provoking factors, and based on the data obtained, the correct treatment is prescribed.

Dizziness is not always the result of pathological problems. If, when standing up suddenly, dizziness appears, which quickly passes and does not occur constantly, then this is not a symptom of the disease.

The reason is that the body cannot coordinate as quickly. In this case, a few seconds are enough for the condition to return to normal.

Diseases that cause dizziness

Dizziness often misleads both patients and doctors. But we can identify several pathologies for which this symptom is most characteristic.


Often episodic dizziness is a symptom of BPPV - this is a pathology of the labyrinth - benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The development of this disease is provoked by excessive deposition of calcium salts (otoliths) in the labyrinth, which cause irritation at a certain position of the head, manifested by dizziness.

The disease is characterized by short-term attacks of severe dizziness, which may be accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting and nystagmus (involuntary rapid eye movements). The attacks go away on their own or after vestibular exercises. This pathology can be dangerous if there is a sudden attack while driving a car or while at height.

Meniere's disease

Inflammatory non-purulent disease of the inner ear. It is characterized by a critical increase in the volume of endolymph, a fluid that is located in the labyrinth (inside the semicircular canals). As a result of a sharp increase in intralabyrinthine pressure, endolymphatic hydrops occurs, which leads to edema and inflammation, which is manifested by systemic dizziness. Nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and increasing hearing loss (hearing loss) also occur. Balance is severely disturbed, to the point that the patient cannot even sit. The disease is quite rare, in severe cases it leads to complete deafness, and is dangerous due to sudden attacks.

Cerebellar lesion

The cerebellum is located at the back of the brain. Receives signals from the muscles of the limbs and is responsible for the formation of posture and coordination of movements. A “drunk” gait when sober is a possible sign of a cerebellar tumor. The patient walks with his legs spread wide apart and cannot walk “on a ruler”; he is forced to constantly catch himself for stability. This condition is regarded as dizziness. These symptoms of impaired coordination of movements of central origin with damage to the cerebellum also arise as a result of impaired blood supply (ischemia, infarction), and during intoxication.

Dizziness due to alcohol intoxication

Ethyl alcohol selectively accumulates in the brain and causes brain damage. Due to damage to the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei of the brain stem, balance and coordination of movements are impaired even at the mild stage of alcohol intoxication. It also depends on the body’s individual susceptibility to alcohol, the condition of the liver and general well-being.

Typically, after alcohol poisoning, dizziness decreases when lying down and increases when trying to stand up. Sometimes your head may feel dizzy from a hangover for several days, until the body is completely cleansed of the toxic breakdown products of ethanol. Drinking plenty of mineral water helps speed up this process and eliminate the negative effects of alcoholic dehydration.


Motion sickness, accompanied by nausea and dizziness, occurs not only at sea, but also in any moving vehicle. In women, this pathology occurs more often, but it can also affect experienced sailors.

Helpful information

One of the causes of this condition is a conflict between visual perception and signals coming from the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. That is, the eyes see a flashing picture from a train/car window, the movement of waves on the sea - while the vestibular apparatus does not register the movement of the body.

To reduce dizziness, you need to harmonize the signals entering the brain: move your legs, imitating movement, or try to look at the horizon line, where there is no flickering. Sucking and chewing movements ease the condition: sailors suck on matches for this; you can use lollipops, crackers, citrus fruits, and mint chewing gum. The best remedy for seasickness is sleep. As a preventive measure, you can take Aeron, Cinnarizine (half an hour before the start of the trip/before sailing).

Diagnosis and prevention of dizziness

There is a kind of test that you can do yourself and identify orthostatic hypotension.

To begin with, measure your pulse and, if possible, your blood pressure several times while standing. Having received an average stable result, they do the same while lying down. Then you need to stand up and repeat the measurements in a minute, three, five and ten. This is done in order to understand how quickly the pressure is restored when blood is redistributed throughout the body.

The test results are assessed as follows:

  • pulse quickens to 11 beats - normal;
  • from 12 to 18 strokes - there are some problems with pressure, but this is not dangerous;
  • from 19 beats or more - there is a risk of fainting when standing up, and this indicates poor vascular function.

Of course, in any case, it would not be a bad idea to see a therapist, neurologist or cardiologist with such a problem, especially if dizziness bothers you often. You may not be aware of the onset of heart problems. Or, if it is in order, about the “pranks” of your autonomic system.

If you know that you naturally have low blood pressure, you are relatively healthy and such attacks do not occur often, then no treatment may even be required

But you still need to pay attention to your body and try to prevent dizziness.

Precautionary measures:

  • It is not recommended to stand up abruptly, sit down after lying down, straighten up and change body positions;
  • After you wake up, do not jump up, but first take a few deep breaths, stretch, you can massage your face, arms, legs;
  • If you need sharp repeated repetition of movements, then start this cycle with smooth and unhurried actions, gradually increasing speed and sharpness;
  • Do not sit in one position for a long time at the computer or TV. Periodically, smoothly and leisurely get up, warm up, walk around the room;
  • Before standing up, be careful not to hit anything in case you do start to feel dizzy.

Many people are afraid of such dizziness, but this may not always mean something terrible. Only a doctor can tell you what exactly is happening to you.

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Features of treatment

Only after a diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed. It may include traditional therapy: taking medications (antibiotics, nootropics, corticosteroids), physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy. If desired, you can supplement the treatment with traditional methods: use special compresses and decoctions that help get rid of dizziness.

It is important not only to undergo treatment, but also not to create situations in the future that provoke dizziness:

  • Have a good night's sleep in a comfortable bed.
  • Treat colds under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Ventilate the sleeping area.

To avoid the feeling of “I get up and feel dizzy,” you need to adhere to the right lifestyle: don’t smoke, give up alcohol, eat right, and exercise if possible.

Dizziness as a symptom of illness

Dizziness when getting out of bed may be accompanied by other specific symptoms that vary depending on the disease. This may include darkening of the eyes, nausea or vomiting, profuse sweating, fainting, and much more.

In this case, you will no longer be able to do without contacting a competent specialist.

What diseases cause you to feel dizzy when standing up?

  1. Ear diseases. The inner ear is one of the most important elements in the body. It is filled with liquid, with the help of which we accurately determine the position of our body in space. But when inflammation or injury to the ear occurs, the amount of fluid changes in volume and blood flow is disrupted. The pressure in the inner ear increases, which leads to dizziness, which is accompanied by illusory sounds, noise or ringing, congestion, and deafness. Such symptoms indicate infectious inflammation, traumatic brain injury to the temporal part, and a possible brain tumor.
  2. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. As you know, it is this structure that provides a sense of balance. It transmits impulses to the brain about the position of the body in space. The brain responds by adjusting muscle function depending on body position. And if the vestibular apparatus does not function correctly, then you may feel dizziness and nausea.
  3. Cervical osteochondrosis. It is characterized by calcification of the intervertebral joints, which, when moving the head, can provoke stretching and damage to nerves and blood vessels. Because of this, the brain may not receive the required portion of oxygen, which will manifest itself as dizziness when getting out of bed. Attacks are observed during periods of exacerbation and are aggravated by hypothermia, excessive stress and long periods of sitting in a sitting position.
  4. Disturbances in brain activity can cause dizziness. This happens most often due to vascular dysfunction. With various types of brain anomalies, congenital or acquired, the vessels are no longer able to ensure the distribution of blood flow in the required volume and at the required speed. This leads to oxygen starvation. There may be several root causes: concussion, epilepsy, tumor, cerebral atherosclerosis. Dizziness during a concussion is the first symptom. Therefore, if you have a similar symptom, remember if you have had any head injuries recently. After all, a mild concussion can manifest itself after some time.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Failure of the heart rhythm leads to ailments such as dizziness when rising from a horizontal position. At the same time, blood is not produced in the required volume, and its movement is intermittent. The required amount of oxygen is not delivered to the brain, which causes pre-fainting conditions. Causes: vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart disease, hypertensive crisis.
  6. Poisoning. General intoxication causes a painful condition, in particular accompanied by dizziness.

Dizziness with the diseases and injuries listed above is only their symptom. Therefore, the treatment process, as a rule, is aimed at combating not dizziness, but the pathology that caused it.

First, you need to contact a therapist who will prescribe tests and instrumental examinations. Based on their results, he will make a diagnosis or refer you to another doctor with a more narrow specialization.

Tinctures are proven folk remedies for dizziness.

Garlic tincture is indispensable for vestibular disorders caused by disruptions in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, infections and accumulated waste and toxins in the body.

To prepare the product, you need to combine 300 g of chopped garlic with 0.5 liters of alcohol. Pour the mixture into a glass container and leave in a cold room for 2 weeks. Take the finished tincture 20 drops, after dissolving it in 100 ml of milk.

Chestnut tincture can stimulate the functioning of blood vessels, strengthen the body and improve well-being. In the spring, you need to collect chestnut buds, chop them finely, combine with hot Cahors in a ratio of 4 tbsp. spoons of kidneys to 1 liter of wine. The mixture must be heated for 15 minutes using a water bath, then cooled and put in vanilla powder and 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. It is advisable to drink 50 ml of the tincture before meals.

Garlic tincture

Hawthorn tincture is effective for diseases of the heart and brain. To make it, you should combine 300 g of hawthorn buds, 100 g of honey (linden honey is best), 1.5 liters of cognac, 1 g of cinnamon, 1 g of vanilla powder. You need to consume 1 tbsp before meals. spoon.

Tinctures from Japanese Sophora and white mistletoe are effective for atherosclerosis and vascular diseases accompanied by vestibular disorders. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of the plant into a glass of hot water, wait 1 hour, drink before each meal.

Additional recommendations

In order for the treatment to be effective and not take a long time, it is important to follow some recommendations. So, the following measures will help speed up recovery: . proper nutrition and avoidance of junk food; exclusion of coffee and strongly brewed black tea from the diet (it is better to drink only green tea); moderate physical activity (it is also important to spend enough time walking in the fresh air); refusal of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes; visiting the pool (in the absence of contraindications); adherence to sleep and rest patterns.

  • proper nutrition and avoidance of junk food;
  • exclusion of coffee and strongly brewed black tea from the diet (it is better to drink only green tea);
  • moderate physical activity (it is also important to spend enough time walking in the fresh air);
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes;
  • visiting the pool (in the absence of contraindications);
  • adherence to sleep and rest patterns.

Other treatments for dizziness in older people

Dizziness in older people is best treated by a combination of medications, folk remedies and the following methods:

Physiotherapy. Properly selected exercises strengthen the spine and stimulate the functioning of blood vessels. Regular exercise can sometimes give more significant results than taking medications.

  • Physiotherapy. Modern technologies in this area are multifaceted; water, sound, light, magnetic, and laser treatments are available. Regular implementation of these procedures has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Reflexology, in particular acupuncture. It normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, relaxes muscles and activates blood circulation.
  • Psychotherapy. The likelihood of dizziness in older people is significantly reduced if measures are taken to relieve nervous tension and anxiety.

Entering into old age will be much easier if you take care of your health in advance. The physical capabilities of the body directly depend on compliance with the daily routine, proper nutrition, intensity of exercise, and abuse of bad habits. Think about what is easier - to prevent the disease or to treat it later? Provide your body with normal functioning, do not neglect examinations if you are already about sixty. Be active, walk more, look at the world positively. Then you definitely won’t have to deal with bouts of dizziness.

How to know if you are in danger

If you feel dizzy when you get up from your squat while following a strict diet, then the only culprit is a lack of glucose in the blood. If you received a scolding from your superiors or spoke in front of a large audience, then the symptom described that arose as a consequence should not be frightening either - in this case it is the result of a large release of adrenaline, which provoked vasospasm.

But if, after suffering from otitis media, you experience severe dizziness with cold sweat, nausea and vomiting, or your hearing decreases, and whistling or noise appears in your ears, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The same actions must be taken if, along with dizziness, severe headaches are observed, accompanied by photophobia, nausea and tinnitus. And if the patient also has impaired coordination, vision and sensitivity, then reluctance to see a doctor can cause serious consequences.

It is not difficult to understand whether you need to go to a specialist. Remember that any additional symptoms are a reason to be wary!

Causes of dizziness

Frequent attacks of dizziness always have a factor that provokes them. Patients are perplexed as to why they feel some discomfort when getting out of bed, when getting up abruptly, when getting up from their haunches, or when climbing stairs is difficult. A symptom such as dizziness occurs in many diseases.

Age-related changes in women - menopause

Menopause is hormonal changes in the body of women over the age of 45, when the reproductive function of the body gradually fades away. The level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, and an unusual lack of them causes ailments of various types. Some tolerate it well, while others need time and just want to lie down.


During poisoning, the body tries to fight poisons and toxins, which triggers a process that fights intoxication. Harm is caused to the entire body, since toxic substances are carried by the blood to all organs. A defensive reaction is activated, the symptoms of which are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and bowel dysfunction.

Tumors in the brain

Neoplasms in the brain provoke circulatory disorders and increased intracranial pressure, and in the later stages, when metastases begin, along with dizziness, vomiting, loss of coordination, and mental disorders occur. In this case, dizziness does not go away even in a lying position.


Maintaining water balance is not only advice from nutritionists, it is a mandatory requirement for maintaining normal functioning of the body. Low water consumption thickens the blood, impairing its mobility through the vessels, and after this, all organs experience insufficient blood circulation, and the brain is oxygen starved.

Disorders of the vestibular apparatus

The vestibular system tells the brain about the position of our body. If it becomes inflamed, it is attacked by viruses, then the patient experiences false sensations that knock him out of balance: pain in the back of the head, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, vertigo, turning and moving the room.

Severe stress, overwork

Severe stress, overwork, and neurosis negatively affect the health of the entire body. A feeling of constant anxiety and fatigue force the nervous system to work in an unusual mode.

The brain cannot relax, which is why constant tension provokes intracranial pressure, dizziness, and irritability. The head seems to be compressed, the frontal lobe is painful (if it hurts to press, then you need to rule out sinusitis).

Head and inner ear injuries

They provoke a number of changes in the brain, blood supply is disrupted, blood pressure increases, etc. It is painful to tilt and turn the head in any direction. Dizziness due to injury to the inner ear is explained by damage to areas of the vestibular analyzer, which disrupts some of the functions.

Severe blood loss

Insufficient blood volume provokes a number of complications in the normal functioning of organs. The brain immediately experiences oxygen starvation. From the cardiovascular system, there is a disturbance in the heart rhythm, blood pressure drops, and the body goes numb.

Diseases of the circulatory, cardiovascular or nervous systems

Pathologies of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems are the main reason for dizziness. The inability to supply the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients, frequent failures and disorders gradually worsen the functioning of brain cells.

Men are more likely to suffer from heart disease and high blood pressure. Teenagers experience weakness due to hormonal levels affecting the vascular system.

Use of medications

Some medications have side effects such as dizziness. This may be due to the specific treatment provided by the drugs. This also occurs due to an overdose, when intoxication begins.

Carrying out therapeutic exercises

To protect yourself from dizziness and increase the body's resistance to disease, you should perform some sets of exercises:

  1. Close your eyes and try to draw a circle with them. Sessions last for several minutes before going to bed and after waking up. The exercise is performed while lying on your back.
  2. Smooth movements of the head from side to side for several minutes help strengthen the vestibular system and prevent feelings of nausea.
  3. Pressing your fingers on the eyes helps eliminate vomiting and vertigo.

Dizziness while lying down can occur at different ages. Since this ailment can be provoked by various reasons, the patient needs to seek help from an experienced specialist as quickly as possible, who will carry out the necessary diagnostics and prescribe treatment.


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What is the danger and when should you see a doctor?

Dizziness is a fairly common complaint among patients when visiting a doctor.

This symptom can occur due to a large number of reasons:

  • If dizziness occurs infrequently and without accompanying symptoms, then there is no danger to health.
  • If the reason lies in overwork , stressful situations, fasting, poor nutrition, etc., then you need to bring your well-being back to normal, your daily routine and diet, and dizziness will disappear on its own.
  • If dizziness occurs frequently and is accompanied by multiple symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In case of fainting, numbness of the extremities, nausea, vomiting, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after conducting the necessary examination.


Strictly speaking, VSD is not an independent disease. This is the name of a complex of various symptomatic manifestations that affect various organs of the human body. Why does it arise?

The formation of VSD occurs against the background of primary deviations of various parts of the autonomic nervous system. Sudden and constant stressful situations play the role of a catalyst for this malaise and cause a surge in symptoms of latent autonomic dysfunction. No less culprits in the development of dystonia are constant mental and emotional overload. Damage to various parts of the autonomic nervous system leads to nervousness and psychosis, non-standard reactions to stressful situations, and emotional imbalance. But before diagnosing VSD leading to orthostatic hypotension, it would be useful to undergo a small check that confirms or refutes the patient’s fears.

Other methods.

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to do exercises that train the vestibular apparatus. The exercises consist of changing the posture that causes dizziness. Perform at least five times a day, for several minutes.

Classic option:

  1. The patient assumes a sitting position on the bed.
  2. Turns his head to the left.
  3. Slowly lies down without changing the position of the head.
  4. Slowly sits down, while turning his head to the right.
  5. Repeats the entire procedure, turning his head in the other direction.

In case of an unexpected attack, massage of the temples will help. It is performed as follows: place your index fingers on your temples, massage in a circular motion 10 times clockwise, 10 times counterclockwise. To enhance the effect, you can massage your earlobes.

Slow squats help cope with an unpleasant condition.

Eye exercises can eliminate dizziness. This is done like this: at a slow pace, leaving your head motionless, look up and down (at least 20 times), increase the pace. Slowly begin to move your eyeballs from left to right (at least 20 times), leaving your head motionless, and increase the pace.

What to do if you feel dizzy when you stand up

When you suddenly rise from a bed, from a chair, or when you stretch, you often feel very dizzy due to the outflow of blood from the brain, and you may experience slight discomfort: cloudiness, nausea, soreness in your temples, and some may fall from this. When you suddenly get out of bed, especially after sleep, the body has not yet moved from one phase to another. You need to get up gradually: first sit down, then get up so that the blood has time to flow to the brain in the required volume. When you get up abruptly, but have not yet woken up, you will only harm yourself.

This case indicates the presence of VSD, so they begin with its treatment, which consists in the general strengthening of the body and immunity:

  • A contrast shower will help, which causes the blood vessels to expand and contract as quickly as possible;
  • Physical activity and normal sleep at night contribute to overall strengthening.

Treatment is selected only by a qualified specialist after diagnosing and identifying the exact disease. By squatting, we compress the blood vessels of the legs; it is impossible to stay in this position for a long time. After lifting, you should shake your legs a little to speed up the blood flow.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since many diseases have such a specific symptom, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis in order to get rid of it forever. After a preliminary diagnosis based on medical history, the therapist sends the patient to the appropriate doctor, where the following examinations are prescribed:

  • laboratory diagnostics allows you to determine the level of hemoglobin, sugar, oxygen saturation;
  • diagnosis using computed tomography and MRI is necessary if serious pathologies are suspected (tumors, injuries, hemorrhages, etc.);
  • Ultrasound of cerebral vessels helps assess their condition;
  • an audiometric test is used to detect diseases of the inner ear and the consequences of otitis media.

Drug treatment

Medicines are prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, so as not to cause complications. There are a number of drugs that are prescribed to treat the most common ailments.

RelaniumPrescribed to normalize the functions of the vestibular apparatus. Take half a tablet 2 times a day.
GlycineTo improve brain activity, take 1-2 tablets under the tongue 2-3 times a day.
GinkumTo increase the efficiency of brain activity, 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day
MotiliumTo eliminate nausea. Symptomatically, 1 tablet during an attack.

Self-medication with folk remedies

Long before the advent of medications, effective remedies for dizziness appeared. However, they do not so much treat as relieve discomfort.

  1. A drink based on herbs, honey and apple cider vinegar helps. Take herbs (valerian, lemon balm, chamomile) in equal parts, add 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Then pour boiling water and let stand for about 6-7 hours.
  2. Sage tea will give you strength and improve your well-being. Brew it at the rate of 0.5 liters of water and 4 tablespoons of dry mixture. Then leave for about half an hour.

Diagnosis of diseases

Do you constantly feel dizzy? Do you often have headaches, dark vision, or ringing in your ears? It is necessary to visit a doctor and determine the exact cause of the discomfort. For this purpose, examinations are prescribed:

  • Angiography of neck vessels.
  • MRI of the brain and neck.
  • Computed tomography of the head.
  • Ultrasound of the cervical spine.

If the doctor suspects that the cause of the discomfort is damage to the patient’s inner ear, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • Hearing test.
  • Electronystagmography.
  • Audiometry.

To make a diagnosis, the patient is carefully examined; sometimes labyrinthitis is detected just at the examination stage.

Which doctor should you go to if you feel dizzy when you suddenly stand up? The patient can be helped by a therapist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist.

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