Doctors told how to survive high atmospheric pressure

A record atmospheric pressure was set in Moscow. The night before it rose to 766 millimeters of mercury, which is 18–20 units above normal. Prior to this, the maximum value was recorded in 2010 - 763.2 millimeters.

The weather hasn't set such records yet. In Moscow on Tuesday they promised +9...+11 degrees and cloudy weather without precipitation, and in the Moscow region - +7...+12 degrees.

Leading employee Evgeny Tishkovets said that atmospheric pressure will peak on October 6-7, RIA Novosti wrote.

Definition and essence

The air in the atmosphere is a mixture of gases that have a certain density. Since the air mass is attracted to the globe, it presses on the entire surface of the planet. Including people.

Atmospheric pressure is the mass of air that presses on a person.

In numerical equivalent, the weight of the air mass that puts pressure on us every day varies between 14 and 16 tons or 1.033/cm³. So why don't we notice such heaviness? This is because the fluids in our body balance the pressure. If the force changes for some reason, the balance is upset.

What is it measured in?

Atmospheric pressure is measured using a barometer and thermohygrometer.

So the units of measurement for pressure are:

  • millimeters of mercury (mmHg);
  • Pascals;
  • bars;
  • kg/cm³;
  • atmosphere.

What affects the indicator

Atmospheric pressure is a variable indicator; it changes depending on many factors:

  1. Location of the area above sea level.
  2. Time of day.
  3. Weather conditions.
  4. Climatic conditions.
  5. Relief.

When ascending one kilometer, the pressure drops by 0.13 from the previous value. For example, a kilometer from sea level, the atmospheric pressure is already 760 and 730 millimeters. This pattern is strictly observed at low altitudes. Then she gets confused.

When descending to a certain depth, the pressure changes in the same proportion.

At night, the pressure increases by 1-2 millimeters of mercury from the daytime value.

Due to the change of cyclones, in which low pressure prevails, and anticyclones, which carry increased atmospheric pressure, the indicator can fluctuate from 641 to 816 mm Hg. Art. at sea level.

Since the human body adapts to living conditions, people have different blood pressure standards. Thus, the norm of a Canadian resident will be significantly different from the norm of an Australian. And even within a country, the indicator may deviate.

Abnormal pressure. How can weather-dependent people cope with weather changes?

Forecasters are reporting alarming news - Russia was covered by an anticyclone from the Arctic, which brought high atmospheric pressure. It is still growing and on Monday will reach abnormal values ​​- 778 mm Hg. Art. How to protect the body from this scourge?

Question and answer 13 ways to cope with weather dependence

First, let's understand the situation: high atmospheric pressure - what is it? This is the weight of air. Regular kilograms. However, air is measured not in kilograms, but in tons. And they all put pressure on us. Normal blood pressure for a person is considered to be 750–760 mm Hg. With such values ​​we feel great. If atmospheric pressure rises, it means that more tons of air are falling on our bodies than usual. And the body begins to rebuild itself in order to painlessly “take on the chest” all this mass. And he knows how to do it! Believe me, he can. That is why I categorically do not advise giving in to the panic that is now being read in numerous media outlets.

There is a second reason to be critical of high-profile press intimidation. The fact is that atmospheric pressure and its fluctuations in themselves do not cause harm to a person! And only if other natural phenomena are added to pressure fluctuations, for example, a certain temperature, humidity, wind, and so on, then health problems can really arise.

High atmospheric pressure does not require low temperatures. Or rather, it is undesirable for us to be cold at high atmospheric pressure. Because in this case, the oxygen content in the air increases, which causes a person’s blood pressure to rise and the speed of blood flow to increase. In such a situation, not only hypertensive people feel bad, but also healthy people. However, weather forecasters predict sunny, warm weather for us with this anticyclone. Therefore, we are unlikely to die today from abnormal atmospheric pressure.

What will help weather-sensitive people survive high atmospheric pressure?

Read more

And, nevertheless, it is necessary to prepare for pressure changes. What if it gets colder? What if someone has an individual reaction to atmospheric phenomena?

Article on the topic

How to survive these vagaries of nature if you are a weather-sensitive person?

First of all, high barometric pressure in adverse weather conditions can affect people with cardiovascular diseases. But hypotensive patients and patients with bronchial asthma should feel better than usual. For weather-sensitive people, their condition will depend on their emotional mood: if they convince themselves that the weather will affect them, then they will feel bad; if they do not pay attention to the weather and go about their normal activities, they will feel good.

If your health worsens, you must follow the following rules of behavior.

First. Avoid any physical activity. Do not engage in heavy work, cancel jogging and going to the gym. But you shouldn’t go to bed either, since hormones that control blood pressure (lowering it) are produced during movement. Walk around the apartment and wipe off the dust. This will be both necessary movement and not hard work.

Weather dependence: how to prevent “weather” illness

Read more

Second. Cancel quarrels, scandals and other hassles! You should also not watch news on TV. Any negative emotions worsen the condition.

Article on the topic

Harbingers of a storm. Why do people react to the weather and how to deal with it

Third. Be prepared to take an extra dose of your usual medications.

Fourth. Healthy people may experience headaches and dizziness. In this case, you can take Valocordin or put Validol under your tongue. They act as vasodilators, so they can relieve headaches.

Fifth. Do not drink alcohol under any circumstances.

Sixth. Be sure to get enough sleep. Do not reduce the amount of sleep, do not disturb the sleep pattern.

Seventh. In case of a sharp deterioration in health, you must consult a doctor - call an ambulance.

In general (remember!) in any unfavorable weather conditions, overwork, excessive physical and emotional stress for the body is stress, which can lead to failures of autonomic regulation, heart rhythm disturbances, surges in blood pressure, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Continued: How weather-dependent people can survive low atmospheric pressure →

Atmospheric pressure standards

The ideal pressure is 760 millimeters of mercury or 1013.25 millibars. In such conditions a person does not feel any discomfort.

But this indicator is specifically measured above sea level in France at an air temperature of +15 degrees Celsius. It is very rarely found in other parts of the planet.

Since different countries have different topography, all inhabitants of the planet are adapted to their normal pressure. For example, residents of Mexico City do not tolerate the indicator considered normal, since their pressure does not exceed 580 mm Hg. Art.

How does pressure affect a person?

The human body consists largely of liquids, as well as gases and their mixtures. This combination successfully resists air pressure. Human blood vessels create their own pressure, the strength of which is influenced by external forces. It was calculated that the ideal indicators of atmospheric pressure are a set of indicators:

  • 760 mmHg Art.;
  • t = 0˚C;
  • the location of the person should not be above sea level.

But not everyone can achieve simultaneous fulfillment of all conditions. Settlements are located, as a rule, above sea level. In addition, each territory has its own relief and its own temperature regime. For example, in high-mountain resorts low pressure prevails, because the layers of the atmosphere high in the mountains become thinner.

However, the mark of 760 mm Hg. Art. is the standard. If barometer readings exceed this value, they speak of high pressure, and in the opposite situation, low pressure.

The decrease in pressure is accompanied by a decrease in the level of oxygen in the air and an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide. This affects the condition: the tissues of the cerebral cortex do not receive enough oxygen, shortness of breath and insurmountable weakness occur. The heart, in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen, begins to pump blood more intensely, and along with the increase in the speed of the blood volume being pumped, blood pressure increases.

High barometric pressure can cause headaches, general malaise and disability.

Fluctuations within normal limits

Changes of up to 5 mm are considered normal, and our body copes with them absolutely calmly. In this case, the person does not experience any discomfort or unpleasant sensations.

Fluctuations of 5 to 10 millimeters of mercury can cause discomfort for people with poor health.

More sudden changes can be fatal.

For whom are changes in atmospheric pressure dangerous?

Young and healthy people, as a rule, do not experience any problems with health and well-being due to pressure changes. However, the older generation and members of the risk group immediately feel a deterioration in their health and an exacerbation of chronic diseases. People at risk include people with:

  • any degree of damage to the central nervous system: strokes, necrosis of brain tissue;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, obstruction of lung tissue;
  • vascular damage of varying severity: formed plaques more often break off, turning into deadly blood clots.

Pressure surges for such patients create a real problem: sleep deteriorates, mood changes sharply, and joint pain occurs. In bedridden patients after a stroke, hallucinations or schizophrenia may occur.

The influence of hell vibrations on the human body

Since balance is achieved through the fluids of our body - blood, lymph, tissue fluid - atmospheric pressure directly affects blood pressure. Changes in one lead to imbalance in the other.

Low barometer reading

A decrease in pressure, which is observed when rising to a height, can lead to the following consequences:

  • labored breathing;
  • low heart rate;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • low blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • problems with concentration.

When air pressure decreases, people with respiratory pathologies and usually low blood pressure are at risk. Usually their condition gets worse under such conditions. If a person does not feel changes, such fluctuations can be considered normal for him.

High barometer reading

Fluctuations upward in the mercury column are observed when descending into mines, caves or other lowlands.

Discomfort will differ from low blood pressure:

  • ringing in the ears, stuffy ears;
  • pulsation in the temples and neck;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • rush of blood to human skin, redness;
  • spots before the eyes;
  • headache:
  • dizziness;
  • nausea or vomiting.


With elevated atmospheric pressure, heart attacks and strokes often occur. People prone to weather dependence should monitor weather conditions and on days of high blood pressure not overload their body with stress or physical activity.

At-risk groups

If the mercury moves even one division in 2-3 hours, weather-dependent people will feel it. Fatigue, drowsiness, nausea and other unpleasant or even painful symptoms will immediately manifest themselves. Who are classified as people dependent on changes in atmospheric pressure?

Various injuries, diseases or congenital pathologies are the cause of such unpleasant symptoms. So the people who suffer from weather dependence first of all are:

  • with high or low blood pressure;
  • with respiratory pathologies - asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, chest injuries, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • with musculoskeletal disorders - arthrosis, osteochondrosis, old injuries;
  • with ear diseases;
  • after traumatic brain injury or with increased intracranial pressure.

What to do to relieve symptoms

It is very important for middle-aged and older people to take care of their health. Cyclones and anticyclones can cause serious consequences.

To prevent stroke and heart attack, as well as alleviate unpleasant symptoms, you should listen to some tips:

  1. Consultation with your doctor. He, based on the patient’s characteristics, will be able to select the right drug or, for example, treatment in an oxygen pressure chamber.
  2. Regularly checking weather conditions. It is necessary to free such days from stress at work and at home.
  3. Correct sleep schedule. Sleep duration should be at least 7 hours. When the weather changes, it is better to go to bed earlier.
  4. Proper nutrition. The menu should be balanced and complete. Eliminate fatty foods, but consume foods containing omega 3-6-9 acids.
  5. Walks in the fresh air (preferably in the evening).
  6. Moderate physical activity.
  7. Reduced stress levels.

High and low atmospheric pressure

In high pressure areas the weather is calm, the sky is cloudless and the wind is moderate. High atmospheric pressure in summer leads to heat and drought. In low pressure areas the weather is predominantly cloudy with wind and precipitation. Thanks to such zones, cool, cloudy weather with rain occurs in summer, and snowfall occurs in winter. The high pressure difference in the two areas is one of the factors leading to the formation of hurricanes and storm winds.

Who suffers more often from weather changes?

The influence of atmospheric pressure can be felt anywhere! From the big city to the mountain peaks and the interior of an airliner.

Urban residents, who are most affected by pressure drops, are divided into two groups:

  1. Weather dependent. These include people whose diseases cannot be clearly divided into psychological and physiological. Even without the influence of weather conditions, they are susceptible to mood swings, excessive sweating, headaches, apathy, nausea and dizziness. This happens as a result of exacerbation of diseases under the influence of weather fluctuations.
  2. Suffering from heart and vascular diseases. These include hypertension and coronary heart disease. The response to increased atmospheric pressure in such people is headache and heart pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, angina attacks and increased blood pressure. Hypotonic and hypertensive patients experience general weakness and decreased performance.

Diseases aggravated by weather dependence:

  • pathologies of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, etc.);
  • damage to the central nervous system (risk of recurrent stroke and brain damage);
  • hypotension and arterial hypertension (the risk of hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction and stroke increases sharply);
  • Cardiovascular pathologies (arterial sclerosis, in which detached plaques can cause thrombosis and thromboembolism).

Some people do not feel the impact of changing weather conditions at all. They can change time zones and climate zones without unpleasant symptoms, while their well-being and state of health does not change.

Others, even with a slight fluctuation in temperature outside the window, feel the influence of the weather. This sensitivity is usually called weather dependence.

What to do

Maintain a normal blood pressure level and adjust it if necessary. First of all, you should measure it at least twice a day.

It is important to minimize the negative impact of weather conditions on the human body and maintain normal well-being.

This will help you a lot:

  1. good sound sleep;
  2. balanced diet;
  3. sports and exercises;
  4. walking in the fresh air.
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