Hirudotherapist – what diseases are treated by leeches and why there is no alternative to them

Paraovarian ovarian cyst is a benign cavity tumor formed from the tissue of the ovarian appendage. The pathology occurs when embryogenesis is disrupted and is diagnosed mainly in women of reproductive age, much less often in the puberty period. At the initial stages of development, the tumor does not cause any pathological symptoms, but as the tumor increases in size, the woman is first bothered by aching, then sharp pain, menstrual irregularities, diuretic disorders, etc. If there is no treatment for paraoviral ovarian cyst, it is complicated by torsion of the pedicle, infection and capsule rupture. Therefore, if there are suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, be examined and immediately begin therapy. Timely treatment of gynecological pathology significantly improves the prognosis for successful recovery.

What is a paraoviral ovarian cyst?

A paraovial cyst occurs during the embryonic formation of the fetus. The disease is not hereditarily determined, therefore it is not inherited. The tumor forms between the layers of the broad ligament of the uterus, as well as between the tube and the appendage. Since the ovary begins to actively develop during puberty and reaches its maximum during puberty, such a cyst often appears in women aged 20 to 45 years.

A paraovial cyst has a benign etiology and never degenerates into cancer. The increase in the size of the formation occurs due to the filling of the capsule with liquid and stretching of its walls. A distinctive feature of a cyst is that it does not resolve either spontaneously or with conservative treatment. Therefore, if dynamic growth of the tumor is observed, the doctor suggests removing it surgically.

An increase in paraovial cystic formation occurs for the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages;
  • early puberty;
  • numerous abortions;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy.

Cosmetics series “Dr. Nikonov" line "ANTICELLULITE"

To combat cellulite, a program has been developed, consisting of a complex of cosmetics from the Anti-Cellulite line and various types of massage, which allows you to correct your figure and restore the energy balance of the body.

The “Anti-cellulite” line is a step-by-step application of three cosmetic products containing a stabilized complex of biologically active substances isolated from medicinal leeches Hirudo medicinalis (HM1), seaweed extract - Laminaria digitata, supplemented with vitamins A and E.

The active complex of medicinal leech NM1 provides improved blood microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, normalization of metabolism in the skin, activation of the breakdown of fat deposits (due to its own triglyceridase activity and stimulation of local lipolytic reactions mediated by c-AMP by stimulating adenylate cyclase), moisturizing and increasing skin elasticity. Laminaria extract helps strengthen the connective tissue structure, normalize metabolism in subcutaneous fatty tissue, and contains active ingredients - biogenic iodine, vitamins, microelements: cobalt, iron, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, bromine, selenium and others.

Vitamin A eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin, increases oxygen content, stimulates cell renewal, and weakens the inflammatory process. Vitamin E activates tissue respiration and blood circulation, cell regeneration. The line can be used to prevent stretch marks (striae). As a result of regular use of cosmetics from the Anti-Cellulite line, skin affected by cellulite takes on a healthy appearance, its elasticity and tone increase. The Anti-cellulite line provides an effective effect on problem areas, helping not only to get rid of cellulite and reduce fat deposits, but also to relieve stress and increase a person’s bioenergetic potential. Self-confidence appears and mood improves. The Anti-cellulite line can be used both at home and in beauty salons.

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Depending on the location of the pathology, a paraovial cyst can be:

  • right-sided;
  • left-handed.

Tumors are classified according to size:

  1. Small - up to 2.5 cm without stem. They occur without characteristic signs and do not cause any complications.
  2. Large - more than 5 cm. They can form a pedicle, which consists of an ovary or fallopian tube. The presence of a stalk can lead to serious complications, as it can twist, causing inflammation and suppuration of the contents of the capsule.


A leech is a living syringe with a unique set of biologically active substances, the action of which causes various effects in the human body: lowering blood pressure, improving blood clotting; For many women, leeches helped get rid of fibroids and mastopathy, dysfunctional and inflammatory gynecological disorders.

Cosmetologists appreciated hirudotherapy. The unique chemical composition of leech saliva ensures instant interaction of its components with skin cells. As a result, the skin is renewed, becomes elastic, firm, and beautiful. It takes on a pink tint, becomes soft and smooth.

Symptoms of a paraovarian cyst

Symptoms of a paraovarian ovarian cyst depend on its size and location. A formation up to 5 cm in size does not manifest itself in any way; a woman may not even be aware of her disease, leading her usual lifestyle.

If the cyst has reached a large size - more than 50 mm, pathological symptoms begin to worry:

  • Bursting, aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, perineum, and inner thigh.
  • The pain syndrome is often not associated with the menstrual cycle, intensifies after physical activity, and resolves spontaneously.
  • Dysuric disorders associated with compression of the growing tumor of the bladder and intestines. A woman complains of an increased urge to urinate, frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea and bloating.
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle, accompanied by a decrease or increase in bleeding.
  • Acute pain during intimacy.

Another characteristic sign of such gynecological pathology is acute abdominal syndrome, which is characterized by severe, sometimes unbearable pain and indicates the development of dangerous complications requiring immediate medical intervention.

Side effects

The main side effect of hirudotherapy for hernia is an allergy to leech saliva. It manifests itself as itching, burning, and redness. An unpleasant but normal condition is a prefix reaction, which is manifested by severe itching, redness of the skin, swelling at the site of the bite, and swelling. This is not an allergy or an infection, but an immune reaction similar to a mosquito bite. Unpleasant symptoms disappear within 1-3 days after the first session. After repeated procedures, the symptoms will become weaker and then disappear.

The prefix reaction does not always appear. It is usually experienced by older people and those suffering from obesity. In children it is minimal or does not occur at all.

Other complications appear only when leeches are applied incorrectly. For example, if the bite turns out to be unsterile (the leech has recently fed, the doctor worked without gloves), a dangerous infection can be transmitted through the blood. In the fight against the bacterium, the lymph nodes may enlarge, your health may worsen, and your fever may rise. You can avoid such effects if you do the procedure in our clinic.


A gynecologist diagnoses and treats paraovial cysts. You should urgently make an appointment with him if you have characteristic symptoms of the pathology. But most often the disease is diagnosed during a routine ultrasound, since in the initial stages of development it is asymptomatic.

After analyzing complaints and collecting anamnesis, the doctor conducts a bimanual gynecological examination, during which a paraovial ovarian cyst on the right or left is clearly palpated. The tumor is characterized by limited mobility, has smooth contours, and an elastic consistency.

To confirm the diagnosis, diagnostic procedures such as:

  1. Transvaginal ultrasound examination. During diagnosis, a round, thin-walled neoplasm with homogeneous anechoic content is visualized on the monitor screen.
  2. Laparoscopy. A minimally invasive diagnostic procedure performed using an optical laparoscope through punctures in the abdominal wall. By moving the laparoscope, the doctor examines the external contours of the uterine body, ovarian tissue, and the pelvic cavity.

A differential diagnosis must be carried out, which excludes pathologies such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • true ovarian tumor.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness of leeches, they cannot be recommended for all patients. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. An indirect contraindication will be tumors of any nature, including benign ones. Procedures with leeches should not be carried out if:

  • decreased blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe anemia;
  • weight deficiency;
  • allergies to hirudin and other active substances.

Contraindications will be increased skin sensitivity, the presence of any fungal, viral or infectious diseases. High temperature and general deterioration in health are reasons for urgent interruption of the course. It will be possible to resume it only after the therapist confirms that the patient is completely healthy.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst on the left

A tumor that forms on the left ovary is called a left paraovial cyst. The neoplasm can reach impressive sizes, is attached to the base with a pedicle, but can develop without it.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst on the left is diagnosed much less frequently than on the right. It does not have a clear clinical picture and is often detected during a routine diagnostic examination. When the size of the tumor reaches 9 centimeters or more, it compresses the surrounding tissue. Soon the woman begins to be bothered by a frequent urge to urinate and causeless constipation.

Is it possible to get pregnant during adhesions?

Adhesions disrupt the proper functionality of the reproductive organs, which greatly reduces the chance of getting pregnant. There is a chance of pregnancy and its successful gestation, especially in cases where the adhesive process affected only one tube. But the likelihood of conception decreases, and the risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage also increases.

In this case, IVF may help. The fallopian tubes are not involved in such fertilization, and a 3-5-day-old embryo is immediately implanted into the uterine cavity.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst on the right

Paraovarian cyst of the right ovary is diagnosed more often than the left. This is due to the anatomical features of the appendage and the more intense blood supply to its tissues. Symptoms of a right-sided cystic tumor are more pronounced. Due to increased nutrition, it grows much faster, causing serious complications in advanced cases. The progression of the disease is accompanied by acute pain in the lower right segment of the abdominal cavity, disturbances in the functioning of the intestines often occur, the abdomen becomes asymmetrical and enlarges on the right side.


For people leading an active lifestyle and spending a lot of time on their feet, a series of cosmetics has been developed containing the active bioenergy complex of BAS from the medicinal leech NM1, as well as other natural components, which together exhibit an anti-stress, regenerating, analgesic effect, providing comfortable conditions for active activities. lifestyle. Cosmetics are used both for the prevention of microcirculation disorders, tissue trophism, metabolism, inflammatory processes, and for emergency care for bruises, injuries, muscle pain, fatigue, and nervous excitement.

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Complications of paraovarian cyst

Increased physical activity, sudden changes in body position, and excessive sun exposure can provoke severe complications of the cyst:

  • leg torsion;
  • content infection;
  • capsule rupture.

Torsion of the leg causes compression of the uterine ligaments, as well as nervous and vascular structures. This leads to necrosis of the cystic formation, which is accompanied by a sharp deterioration of the condition:

  • intense spasms that surround the entire abdominal cavity;
  • tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • weakness, up to loss of consciousness.

Suppuration of a cyst is often caused by the penetration of pathogenic microflora into its cavity, spreading throughout the body through the lymphogenous or hematogenous route from a distant source of infection. Characteristic symptoms of progression of purulent processes:

  • fever and temperature rise to critical values ​​of 38 – 39 °C;
  • severe intoxication;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness, lethargy.

Rupture of a paraovial cyst leads to a state of shock and is accompanied by unbearable pain and internal bleeding. Any complications of the pathology require emergency surgical care, otherwise the situation can be fatal.

The journey of the virus in the body

The source of HSV infection is a patient or a virus carrier (there are no external manifestations of the disease, but the virus is excreted in saliva, urine, and discharge from the genitourinary system). The virus is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, blood transfusions and organ transplants. During pregnancy, infection of the fetus can occur transplacentally (through the placenta) and during childbirth.

It has been established that in 40% of cases, primary HSV infection occurs by airborne droplets in early childhood, and the source of infection, as a rule, is family members who have active signs of herpes infection (usually recurrent herpes of the lips). The herpes simplex virus enters the body through injured skin or mucous membranes (red border of the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, conjunctiva) - where typical blistering rashes appear (the result of the activity of the virus), and penetrates the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Viral particles reach the nerve nodes (ganglia) of the central nervous system, where they remain inactive for life. For example, with herpes of the face, the virus is stored in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve, and with herpes of the genitals - in the ganglia of the lumbosacral spine. From the nerve ganglia, viral particles begin to move to the periphery - the skin, mucous membranes, and a focus of infection develops during a relapse.

Under certain conditions, HSV multiplies in lymphocytes (blood cells), which leads to their damage and disruption of the genetic mechanisms that control immune responses. Clinically, this manifests itself in frequent colds, decreased performance, weakness, increased body temperature, and enlarged lymph nodes.

A recurrent course of the disease is observed in 17-50% of the population infected with HSV. Exacerbations of herpes occur after various provoking factors: hypothermia, mental or physical trauma (dental, gynecological medical procedures), alcohol intake, against the background of hormonal surges (“menstrual herpes”). “Solar herpes” is known, which appears under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

However, it is worth noting that the herpes virus may never manifest itself as a disease during a person’s life.

Treatment of paraovarian cyst

Paraovial cysts are not prone to self-resorption and often become complicated, so the doctor will recommend surgical treatment of the tumor. Removal of the tumor is carried out in two ways:

  • Laparoscopy. A gentle, minimally invasive surgical operation, during which all manipulations are performed through 2 small punctures in the wall of the abdominal cavity. An optic is inserted into one hole, and a surgical instrument is inserted into the second. Under video surveillance control, the surgeon excises the pathological neoplasm and affected tissue.
  • Laparotomy. This is a radical traumatic operation that involves dissecting the anterior wall of the peritoneum and performing all manipulations through the incision. Laparotomy is prescribed for cyst rupture and heavy bleeding.

After surgical treatment, relapses of the paraovial cyst do not occur, since it is formed only during intrauterine development from embryonic tissue.


Antibodies to the herpes virus appear in the blood serum by 4-7 days after the initial infection, reach a peak after 2-3 weeks and can persist throughout life. The diagnosis is made by the characteristic increase in antibodies and determination of their class. For example, the detection of a certain level of immunoglobulin M (antibodies) indicates a primary infection of a person or an exacerbation of herpes. The detection of a certain level of immunoglobulin G indicates that the human body has encountered the virus and has developed antibodies - the person is infected, but not infectious to others. The result is known the next day. The analysis can be repeated at intervals of several days.

Cost of treatment for paraovarian ovarian cyst

The cost of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease, the therapeutic methods used, and the presence of associated complications. Our doctors will conduct a quick and highly accurate diagnosis and select the most effective treatment regimen using gentle, organ-preserving surgical methods. Our multidisciplinary clinic has the most adequate price-quality ratio.

To clarify the cost of treatment for gynecological pathology and make an appointment with a specialist at the Healthy Family clinic, call the number or request a call back. As soon as the managers see the request, they will immediately contact you, advise on all issues of interest and agree on a time convenient for you.

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