Running from a heart attack. Is it true that sports are good for a diseased heart?

There are various rhythm disorders for which physical activity is not recommended. Sometimes the condition can worsen so much that the patient should adhere to a moderate lifestyle. With sinus tachycardia, various options for work and rest can be considered, and much depends on the cause of the arrhythmia.

Sinus tachycardia (ST) is a faster-than-normal heart rate. The human heart has a natural pacemaker called the sinus node, which generates electrical impulses that travel along the fibers of the heart muscle and cause it to contract. In this way, the heart pumps blood throughout the body.

Normally, in an adult, the rate ranges from 60 to 90 beats/min. If the heart rate is 100 beats/min or more, they speak of tachycardia.

Electrical impulses may be generated faster than normal without any visible disturbance. In such cases, they talk about sinus tachycardia, and most often it does not cause concern to the person. Additionally, a distinction is made between normal and pathological variants. It is in the second case that you need to be careful during physical activity.

Video: Increased heart rate and rocking

Study from abroad

The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology published the results of a study by a group of scientists who studied the effects of active strength training on the condition of people with heart problems. The experiment was carried out on rats. “Our studies in rats with heart failure show that exercise reduces the severity of the disease, improves heart function and increases performance. And training intensity is really important to achieve this effect,” says NTNU researcher Thomas Stelen .

Article on the topic Prevention of flaming motor. How to influence heart age In the study, scientists found that exercise improves a number of important heart functions. For example, cells begin to process calcium better and transmit signals to the heart more efficiently. Due to this, as scientists note, the heart beats more energetically and can resist dangerous rhythm disturbances. Moreover, from the data they obtained, it turned out that the loads must be quite intense in order to reverse a number of pathological processes in the heart.

Russian doctors also express their opinions on physical training and the work of unhealthy hearts. They note that an insufficient level of physical activity has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart. “In general, physical activity at any level is good for your health. The choice of the level of physical activity and its dosage depend on the person’s current health status, his lifestyle, the presence or absence of bad habits, the functional state of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems, the body’s endurance and the goal that the patient wants to achieve. You should choose the type of physical activity that brings pleasure to a person and is accessible to him,” advises Vera Larina , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov.

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It should be understood that not all loads are equally indicated for different age groups. “A physically adapted young body can withstand an almost unlimited load: according to WHO, young people are currently men and women under the age of 45. In the older age group, it is worth remembering that not everything is clear; of course, one cannot deny the benefits of walks, outdoor activities, gymnastic exercises, and housework, gardening or vegetable gardening. But high-intensity physical activity is not beneficial for everyone, and that is why all groups of people exposed to extreme stress must be under the supervision of doctors. The line between health and ill health, unfortunately, is very fragile, each person has his own threshold, beyond which the consequences of intense physical activity become unpredictable,” says Vladimir Larin , Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University them.
N.I. Pirogova.

Heartbeat in sports

An increase in heart rate during physical activity is generally considered normal, says the cardiologist. “The heart rate reasonably increases when we move and especially when there is active physical activity,” says Tatyana Shalygina.

To prevent problems, you should calculate in advance the optimal values ​​for increased heart rate for physical training and carefully monitor it. “There are certain formulas by which the maximum and submaximal values ​​of heart rate are calculated for a particular patient in accordance with age or gender, as well as weight. These are the parameters that are recommended to be achieved during training,” says Tatyana Shalygina.

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There are many such formulas, the cardiologist emphasizes. You can calculate the optimal heart rate for exercise yourself. So, the simplest formula for submaximal values ​​is 200 minus age, for maximum values ​​- 220 minus age. “The only thing is that during exercise we do not recommend reaching the maximum; it is worth working up to 75% of the maximum heart rate,” says the cardiologist.

Therefore, during training, you should constantly monitor your heart rate values ​​and react in time if something goes wrong.

Workouts for the heart

The fact that people with heart disease also require physical activity is not discussed. Doctors are sure: of course, it is needed. “Physical activity is an essential component of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the development of their complications. Therefore, overall health benefits can be obtained from regular physical activity at any level in a satisfactory and stable state of health,” notes Vera Larina.

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Walk more often.
Cardiac surgeon - on how to keep the heart healthy “Physical activity is necessary, because due to increased breathing, the flow of oxygen to all organs and tissues, including the myocardium, increases. But we are not talking about strong and serious physical activity; you need regular walking for 30 minutes, or less, or more, depending on your physical activity habit. If shortness of breath or a feeling of fatigue occurs, you need to rest a little,” adds cardiologist, leading researcher at the Institute of Preventive Medicine, expert at the National Health League Olga Molchanova .
The only question is how intense such a load should be. “Health benefits can be obtained from any low-intensity physical activity. You shouldn’t overcome yourself, and if you don’t want to do physical activity, then it’s better not to do it. It is also worth limiting high-intensity team sports, when emotions interfere with objective perception of physical well-being,” advises Vera Larina.

“Physical activity can be dosed after an examination to identify the severity of heart failure and stabilize the state of health, as follows from the 2021 Guidelines for the treatment and management of patients with heart failure,” emphasizes Olga Molchanova. To avoid unpleasant surprises from your body, as the cardiologist notes, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Before prescribing exercise, blood pressure levels should be normalized, for example, with the help of special medications;
  2. Blood sugar levels should be adjusted if there is concomitant diabetes mellitus;
  3. Stabilize the condition of coronary heart disease, obesity and other diseases;
  4. Take a test, such as a 6-minute walk test or test options using a bicycle ergometer, treadmill, etc.

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If the indicators are at a minimum, then you can practice breathing exercises and perform physical exercises while sitting, says Olga Molchanova.

How to correct the situation?

“If, against the background of physical activity, malaise or rapid heartbeat appears, physical activity should be stopped. But not sharply, but slowly. Be sure to endure a recovery period when the pulse returns to normal. For example, reduce the load a little if this happened on the treadmill, reduce the speed if you can’t tolerate it well and your heart rate has increased significantly,” says Tatyana Shalygina. Yes, the pulse has the right to rise against the background of the load, it will be scary if it does not react to the load and does not increase. But an overly active heartbeat should also be a signal that something is wrong.

Article on the topic

Running from a heart attack. Is it true that sports are good for a diseased heart?

From the point of view of an increase in heart rate and assessing whether this is normal, a person’s fitness also matters. If a person is an athlete, his heart rate will initially be lower, and his pulse will rise more slowly during exercise.

Today, fitness clubs ask for a cardiologist's opinion or a certificate of admission to physical education and sports. You can also get tested at a specialized sports dispensary. This will eliminate contraindications to exercise, the cardiologist notes. “We sometimes ask to undergo a stress test in order to record a cardiogram during exercise and make sure that the person tolerates physical activity well,” says Tatyana Shalygina.

This will allow you to structure your workouts more competently, to know exactly the heart rate values, so that you can correctly monitor it and reduce it in time during the training process.

Class Rules

“Physical exercise needs to be done daily. For those with moderate exercise tolerance and moderate heart failure, moderate-intensity exercise can be prescribed, such as walking for 30 minutes every day. With high tolerance and mild heart failure, you can walk for 1 hour or ski in winter,” says the cardiologist.

At the same time, patients cannot increase the load on their own; they should definitely consult a doctor. So it is quite possible to escape from a heart attack, but only with all precautions and the right approach to training. There is no point in setting Olympic records, but you definitely need to think through an individual training program.

There are contraindications, you should consult your doctor

Treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia

If the root cause is identified and eliminated, but attacks of tachycardia still occur, the patient is prescribed a course of antiarrhythmic drugs. However, in severe cases, medications are also powerless. Then doctors decide on the possibility of electroshock treatment of tachycardia. The essence of this method is to stop the heart and then start it again. As cardiological practice shows, after such a shock, the heart begins to beat in the normal rhythm in most cases. This treatment practice is carried out only in inpatient settings equipped with modern resuscitation equipment.

To prevent the development of an attack of tachycardia, cardiologists recommend the following to patients:

  • Follow your routine - it is important to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Get rid of the habit of drinking several cups of strong coffee a day.
  • Reconsider your attitude towards bad habits - smoking or alcohol abuse is unacceptable.
  • Change your eating schedule - meals should be frequent and small, about 5-6 times a day. The emphasis in the diet should be on low-fat foods and fresh herbs and vegetables.
  • If possible, it is necessary to protect your nervous system from stress, and your body from physical overload.

Prices for services

Appointment with a cardiologist, treatment and diagnostic, primary, outpatient1500
Treatment and diagnostic appointment with a cardiologist, repeated, outpatient1000
Preventive, outpatient appointment with a cardiologist550
ECHO-CG (cardiography, ultrasound of the heart)3250
Combined examination (Holter ECG + ABPM)6050
Comprehensive consultation with a cardiologist ECG with interpretation + Echo-kg3650
Call a doctor to your home (Khimki, Starbeevo, Ivakino, Naberezhnye)5350
Calling a doctor to your home (Skhodnya, Podrezkovo, Novopodrezkovo, Planernaya station, Firsanovka)6450
Call a doctor to your home (Kurkino, Novogorsk)5900
Call a doctor to your home (Left Bank, Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road)7500
Medical consultation3300
Extract from outpatient card660
Consultation (interpretation) with analyzes from third parties1300
Consultation on treatment adjustments550
Repeated reception of CMN1600
Initial reception of CMN2000
Express test for determining the level of Troponin in the blood.1900
Expand all prices

Strictly prohibited sports

In case of tachycardia, professional sports are prohibited. Regardless of the type of exercise, the load on the myocardium increases, which increases the risk of rhythm failure. Increased production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands additionally causes an increase in heart rate.

Typically, professional sports involve an intensive training schedule with short rest breaks. This can have a negative impact on your well-being, and in the presence of cardiac pathology, lead to a worsening of the disease.

Persons with tachycardia are also advised to avoid heavy lifting and exhausting work (for example, weeding a garden). High-intensity activities such as basketball, football, etc. have an adverse effect.

Static exercises that require holding the body in a certain position for a long time should be avoided. In this case, breathing is impaired, which leads to an inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

Is it possible to play sports with tachycardia?

In this case, we are talking about pathological tachycardia, i.e., against the background of existing diseases. The answer is clear - yes, you can play sports, but exercises for tachycardia should be limited.

This applies to the duration and intensity of training, as well as types of sports. Usually, activities are allowed in which the loads are not so intense, the movements are uniform, smooth, and breathing is not interrupted. Before starting sports activities, consultation with a cardiologist and, if necessary, related specialists is required.

The doctor will clarify how severe the patient’s tachycardia is, whether there are symptoms of heart failure, and whether physical activity can be tolerated.

Additional examination may be required - ECG, daily monitoring (Holter). As a rule, playing certain sports with tachycardia is not contraindicated, but is even recommended. In particular, when doing yoga, you can achieve a decrease in heart rate.

What is possible?

The easiest way is walking. You need to walk evenly, leisurely and at a comfortable pace. Walking helps strengthen the heart muscle. For tachycardia, exercise therapy is beneficial. The doctor develops a physical therapy program individually, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s condition. You can play sports with tachycardia in the following forms:

  • morning work-out;
  • breathing exercises;
  • water procedures.

For tachycardia, the following sports are recommended:


Relaxing bike rides are fun. Cycling provides moderate cardio exercise and relieves tension in the nervous system. As a result, the heart muscle is strengthened, vascular tone is increased, cholesterol levels are reduced, and the blood is enriched with essential nutrients and oxygen.

Therapeutic swimming

Water has a calming effect on humans. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and provides a gentle massage effect on skin receptors and muscle nerves. This helps get rid of neurosis, which often causes tachycardia. Regular swimming normalizes the heart rate and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Swimming during tachycardia is a good exercise for the muscles and a way to relax.

Skis and skates

These types of exercises bring great benefits to the body in the winter season. Moderate skiing or ice skating improves blood circulation. The vessels become wider, causing blood to move faster. Even with short walks, the heart rate gradually decreases. This has a positive effect on lung ventilation and promotes oxygen saturation in the blood. Regular skating helps cope with tachycardia and other heart ailments.

Other sports

Table tennis and volleyball contribute to improving heart condition and promoting health. These game exercises strengthen the musculoskeletal system, train the heart muscle, improve reaction, and develop discipline. Exercise therapy for heart diseases can be carried out in the form of physical exercises or on simulators. The gym with moderate loads is useful for a sedentary lifestyle. Yoga and Pilates are also helpful. These are static loads that train the body. Yoga is a good way to relieve stress, improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

Other physical activities

For tachycardia, it is recommended to exercise in the morning. Firstly, it tones all the muscles of the body and helps it “wake up”. Usually 20 minutes of exercise is enough. The complex, among other things, should include light static exercises to develop coordination and proper breathing.

Instead of exercise, you can spend 15-20 minutes stretching. It is important to pre-warm the muscles by, for example, walking or massage.

The ideal would be to engage in physical therapy (therapeutic exercise), where a set of exercises is selected by a doctor, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, previous diseases, and concomitant pathologies. The risk of complications with exercise therapy is almost zero.

For beginners, walking up the stairs will be helpful. You should start with 1-2 floors, at a calm pace, gradually adding the number of steps.

You can also do dancing and fitness. An additional positive effect here is provided by pleasant emotions and teamwork. In many sports centers, fitness can be selected according to age and load on a specific muscle group.

Gymnastics for tachycardia also involves exercises during which the work of the heart increases gradually, and traumatic exercises are excluded.

General physical education, that is, regular exercise involving all muscle groups, will be useful in the fresh air, in the company of like-minded people.

Which workouts are good and which are bad for your heart?

The most popular way to develop cardiac endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system is cardio training. These include running, cycling, walking, jumping, swimming and other activities that do not require much muscle strength. Such exercises do not contribute to a sharp increase in muscle mass, and the load on the heart increases gradually. Cardio training helps the heart simultaneously increase the number of myocytes and, in proportion to its mass, fully fill with blood in diastole. Thus, the volume of the heart increases, and it can pump more blood per unit of time, having time to get enough rest.

In turn, strength training stimulates an increase in the volume of skeletal muscles, which need to be supplied with more oxygen. An already trained heart can handle such a load.

In fact, both strength training and cardio training can be used to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Often in physically weak people, those who have heart problems, or a high degree of obesity, cardio training can cause a sharp increase in heart rate and blood pressure. In this case, strength training can be used with minimal weighting at a comfortable rhythm. At the same time, the increase in load will not be sharp, and the heart will have time to adapt to the new needs of the body. The main attention should be paid to the intensity of the growth of weights and a sufficient amount of rest.


As for going to the gym, you need to consult with your doctor and undergo prescribed diagnostic tests to rule out heart-related pathologies. Don’t thoughtlessly purchase a piece of exercise equipment or sign up for a gym. Excessive independent training can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and lead to the fact that a person ends up in a hospital bed. Therefore, before visiting the gym, you need to draw up a training exercise plan and strictly follow your doctor’s instructions.

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