Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels: benefits, varieties, description of techniques

Good condition of the cardiovascular system is the key to good health and normal functioning of the main human organs. The heart is a tireless motor that forces blood to move throughout the body. Chinese medicine believes that blood supplies organs not only with oxygen, but also with vital energy (Qi). That is why the condition of the vessels through which it flows is so important.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system is influenced by many factors: stress, chronic diseases, genetic predisposition. Today, not only older people, but also young people suffer from heart disease. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels “Qigong” helps to maintain and improve their condition, as well as strengthen the body.

How to delay the aging of the body

Why are we turning to Chinese practices again? Because the Chinese have been testing healing methods for centuries, proving that they really work.

No one will argue that the health of the entire body depends on the state of the cardiovascular system, because the blood pumped by our “pump” supplies the organs with oxygen and vital energy (Qi). To keep your heart pumping blood well, you need to do simple exercises every day.

Try doing 8 exercises for at least three days, and you will immediately notice an improvement in your condition. When your body feels that it has gotten better, you will never stop doing Chinese gymnastics.

Those who are already practicing note how inflammatory processes are gradually eliminated, chronic diseases go away, energy appears, and performance increases.

In addition, you have:

  • the elasticity of blood vessels will improve;
  • blood clots will not form, varicose veins will decrease;
  • blood pressure will return to normal;
  • anxiety, excessive excitability and fears will disappear;
  • heart function stabilizes;
  • dizziness will disappear;
  • memory and attention will improve.

What problems arise with our blood vessels and why?

Problems with blood vessels can begin from your very birth: some unpleasant features can be inherited (vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension or hypotension, bloating of the veins in the legs).
A sedentary lifestyle causes blood stagnation in the lower extremities and can lead to early heart attacks and strokes, and atherosclerosis. Diabetes reduces blood circulation in the feet, which can lead to gangrene. Remember: what hereditary predispositions do you have regarding the cardiovascular system? How are they influencing your life now?

The most effective method of improving the cardiovascular system is light, regular exercise, an active lifestyle, and giving up bad habits. However, not all of us have the opportunity to lead a completely healthy life: many professions require sitting, and in large cities you unwittingly inhale clouds of exhaust fumes and become at least a passive smoker.

And, honestly, write: which of you leads a 100% healthy lifestyle, while earning your own living and having a family and at least one child?

The total length of blood vessels in the adult human body is approximately 100,000 kilometers. Those. Imagine that if all your vessels are stretched in one line, then they can wrap around the Earth’s equator 2.5 times! This is the route the blood takes in our body every day.

Set of exercises

It is better to perform exercises on an empty stomach. When performing, you cannot increase the heart rate above 120 beats/min. So keep an eye on your heart rate.

trembling leaf

You can do it without getting out of bed. Lying in bed, raise your legs and arms up, vigorously shake your limbs for 1-3 minutes. Vibration helps strengthen blood vessels.

In addition to improving the condition of the capillaries, lymph flows out. This allows you to remove toxins from the blood and remove morning swelling.

Head tapping

Using your fingertips, gently tap your entire head for 1 minute. There will be an improvement in blood supply in the vessels of the head.

Scratching your head

Comb your head with your fingers for 1 minute, starting from the forehead, moving towards the back of the head.

gold fish

You can also do it without getting out of bed.

Lying on your back, place your hands under your neck. Pull your toes towards you and tense your body. Do it 8-10 times to disperse the blood. Then tense your muscles and begin to vibrate your whole body, like a fish in water. This movement will relax the nerve endings of the neck and improve blood circulation in small vessels.

Leg Curl

Lying down, raise your legs, then bend them at the knees. Do 8 times.

Swing your legs

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Swing your legs alternately towards the opposite hand. Sitting on a chair, simultaneously raise your right arm and leg, then your left.

Head rotation

Standing for 1 minute, perform circular rotations with your head, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain.


Rise onto your tiptoes, then drop sharply onto your heels. This way you will get rid of harmful energy by cleaning the blood vessels. Execution time 1 minute.

Main areas of study

The techniques of Chinese gymnastics are quite simple and accessible to everyone. To achieve a good result, it is important not only to do the exercises correctly, but also to find inner harmony.

Attention! During the training period it is necessary to exclude alcohol and nicotine! A healthy diet and proper daily routine are also important.

Basic rules of Qigong:

  1. Gradual increase in loads;
  2. Physical exercise should be done daily;
  3. There should be no feeling of fatigue;
  4. Heart rate should not be more than 120 beats/min;
  5. You can’t exercise if a person feels bad;
  6. Do not practice if you have heart pain without the permission of your doctor;
  7. Perform exercises on an empty stomach.

Exercises by Nishi Katsuzo

Nishi, like other developers of techniques for restoring health to blood vessels, recommend performing health complexes daily.

The methods of Professor Hu Xiaofei, as well as the exercises of Nishi Katsudzo, include the famous 8 exercises for blood vessels.

These exercises were developed by the Chinese a long time ago, but are still used today as an easy way to maintain health and gain peace of mind. The healing technique can be used at any age, with different levels of physical fitness.

Modern healers also take classical movements as a basis, like Nishi, Yanshen Gong, Hu Xiaofei. These are the 8 movements described above:

  • “Trembling leaf” - shaking arms and legs;
  • “Tapping the head” with your fingertips;
  • Bending raised legs in a lying position;
  • Raising on toes and lowering heels;
  • Rotate your head while standing.

Professor Hu Xiao Fei claims that after 40 years a person begins to age because he no longer has enough vital energy.

Taking just 10 minutes in the morning, you will improve your blood vessels and brain. Even in 10 minutes you can stop natural aging.

Features of gymnastics

If you perform gymnastics correctly, improvement in your condition can be observed after the first lesson. Exercises normalize vascular tone and improve blood circulation. They have no age restrictions. In order to be sure that the exercises are performed correctly, it is better to follow video lessons or find a Qigong trainer.

Various areas of Chinese gymnastics:

  • Niches;
  • Hu Xiao Fei;
  • Yanshen Gong.

How to train small capillaries

Small capillaries, or small vessels, are located throughout the body. They deliver blood to the skin, all internal organs, and then produce an outflow of waste products through the venous bed.

If blood circulation deteriorates in any area of ​​the capillaries, then harmful substances immediately begin to accumulate there, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of all systems and internal organs.

By turning to the gymnastics of the founder of the training system for the capillary network, Katsuzo Nishi, you will allow your blood vessels to remain healthy. Start each morning by doing 8 unique exercises. You can also perform these movements before going to bed. All gymnastics will take you no more than 10 minutes a day.

Cases when the use of the health system of Tibetan monks is recommended

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed is recommended for the following disorders:

• chronic stressful conditions;

• deterioration of vision and hearing;

• decreased attention, memory problems;

• chronic fatigue;

• disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and lymph stagnation;

• problems with posture.

In reality, there are many more problems in which Tibetan hormonal gymnastics can help us.

Exercises to support capillaries

Anyone who sits a lot at the computer should definitely do just a few exercises throughout the day to help the brain stay in good condition:

  • Slowly tilt your head back, then forward.
  • Slowly turn your head, looking left, then right.
  • Place your head on your left shoulder and hold for 5 seconds. Make movements smoothly, without jerking.
  • Place your head on your right shoulder and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Move your jaw forward. Do 8 times.
  • While standing, slowly perform circular movements with your head, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Do 1-2 minutes. This will strengthen the neck muscles and is also very beneficial for the blood vessels of the brain.

To improve the functioning of your heart and blood vessels, walk on your toes for 10 minutes every day. Another very useful movement: clap your palm on the opposite shoulder.

Charging for the neck

As the place where the largest and most important vessels of the body are located. From the neck there is further blood supply to the brain. When the muscles in the neck are weakened, you have to strain to support your head in its usual, constant position. This tension compresses nearby blood vessels, impairing the supply to the brain.

Gymnastics helps in strengthening the neck muscles that support it. The main thing is smoothness in the proposed movements, without sudden jerks in bends or turns. At the same time, carefully monitor your breathing.

  • The first thing is to stand close to the wall, press closer. Inhale, lean your body against this wall as much as possible, straining your neck. Fix the position, stand without breathing for 2-3 seconds, relax.

  • Second, sit down. Press your palm to your forehead, then press hard, trying to throw your head back. At the same time, tense your neck muscles, preventing pressure. A few seconds of “fighting”, a break. Repeat: first try to tilt your head back, then forward, resting on the opposite side. Then right, then left. You will get several similar exercises.
  • Third – circular, slow rotations at the head, which need to be held for 2-3 seconds in the area of ​​​​both shoulders. 6 times.
  • Fourth – bend over, slowly. Forward, then back. Repeat 5-10 times, especially when the work is sedentary.

Exercise is an assistant for hypertensive patients

Gymnastics is extremely important for those suffering from hypertension. When blood pressure is high, the walls of the blood vessels are tense, and they are pressed by the increased mass of blood. Gradually, the walls lose their natural ability to relax, narrow, and it becomes more difficult for blood to pass through such narrow places. The problem is aggravated by atherosclerotic plaques. Unfortunately, if it is not treated in time and prevention is not carried out, problems with blood pressure will turn into serious, chronic diseases. Vessels, pressure.

  1. Sit down, then smoothly turn your body. Make slow, leisurely swings with your hands (to the sides).
  2. Sit down, raise both arms up. Then lowering them, move them behind your back, slowly bending forward.
  3. While sitting, raise your leg, then your arm. Hold for 1-2 seconds, lower. Then raise the other leg and arm.
  4. Sit down and slowly raise your leg. Hold it for a few seconds, then repeat the movement, but with the other leg.

Of course, exercise alone is unlikely to help relieve high blood pressure quickly. Gymnastics is needed as an additional means to the main treatment process.

Hu Xiaofei

It is unlikely that today there will be a person who would be interested in Chinese gymnastics and would never have heard of Professor Hu Xiaofei. For more than 20 years he has been practicing Qigong and popularizing traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Hu Xiaofei graduated from Beijing Sports University with a master's degree in martial arts and traditional sports.

As director of the Department of Physical Health at Peking University, he also serves on the committee of the International Federation of Health Qigong, where he serves as deputy director of the Technical Committee, and the committee of the Chinese Health Qigong Association, where he is deputy director of the Scientific Committee.

For his contribution to the development of sports, he was awarded the State Prize, and his seminars on traditional Chinese gymnastics Qigong were even mentioned at meetings of the United Nations.

But where did it all begin?

His mentor was the famous martial artist and professor of Chinese medicine Zhang Guangde, who developed a new, unique system of health restoration that combines Daoyin methods, physical exercise and work with consciousness, based on extensive research into ancient Chinese knowledge in the field of medicine and health.

The new system combines Daoyin methods, physical exercises and work with consciousness

Professor Hu Xiaofei is not only a follower of these ideas, he was also able to complement and expand them.

It is thanks to his tireless work that today we can find followers of ancient Chinese practice all over the world.

Over the years , he has taught tens of thousands of students both in China and abroad, and his students have managed to win championships and receive gold medals not only in domestic but also international competitions such as the 13th National Tournament and many others.

  • Professor Hu Xiaofei has repeatedly served as president of international and national competitions, including the 13th National Health Tournament,
  • was a teacher of “National master classes on fitness and Qigong”, as well as “National trainings in Qigong”.

His face can often be seen on television screens and in other media, including heard on the radio. Professor Hu Xiaofei traveled abroad more than 100 times, where he conducted classes for those interested in Chinese medicine, repeatedly visited nursing homes and almost 1000 times the Central Party School.

Over the years of his activity, more than 30 scientific articles have been published, including “Health Qigong in China over the past 20 years”, “Guangdong Language Guide”, “Research on the Popularization of Scientific Knowledge in the Field of Health Qigong” and others.

Professor Hu Xiaofei also actively participated in the Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Program Research Project in 2008. His name is listed in the National Association for the Scientific Research of the Body.

There is no doubt that he made a huge contribution to the spread of Chinese health culture throughout the planet.

The professor is the author of such books as:

  • "Qianlong Health Technique", translated into Chinese, Japanese, English and Russian,
  • "Gymnastics for blood vessels."

The famous course of Professor Hu Xiaofei “Gymnastics for blood vessels”

He has also edited many books on medicine and general health, including The 365-Day Sports Prescription.

Currently, he is mainly engaged in teaching graduate students, undergraduates, distance education students, and international students at the National Beijing Sports University.

All these years people have constantly asked him...

What is the true meaning of practicing Qigong?

To this he replies:

“The true essence of Chinese Qigong gymnastics is to make you a normal healthy person, both physically and spiritually. When people take their time and try to remain calm, they achieve inner harmony.”

Qigong practice is mainly aimed at...

  • so that people can increase their physical activity and cultivate a healthy lifestyle,
  • thus eradicating all ailments,

Currently, more than 500,000 people in China actively practice Qigong. Since 2006, the International Health Qigong Association has begun to promote the fundamental ideas of health qigong abroad. Today there are 29 countries, 54 organizations and more than 10,000 foreign practitioners around the world.

Currently, more than 500,000 people in China actively practice Qigong

As for the Beijing University of Physical Culture, where Professor Hu Xiaofei lives and works, it has also become a base for the popularization and promotion of Chinese gymnastics.

Every year more than 100 foreign students come to the center to study sports and traditional methods of general health. The center's teachers also often travel abroad, where they conduct master classes and give lectures. The number of foreign students today has exceeded 1000 people.

Modern people often experience health problems due to the fast pace of life leading to stress, neglect of exercise and unhealthy lifestyle.

In his lectures, Professor Hu Xiaofei talks and shows how to avoid this.

He not only shares his knowledge about the history of the origins of traditional Chinese gymnastics and medicine, but also offers specific methods for maintaining health.

A professor once said that ancient Chinese culture strives for “the unity of heaven and man” and “the unity of people and society.”

It turns out that if people can comprehend this seemingly simple idea, then they will achieve harmony with nature and other people. This is the solution to all problems and the answer to many questions of humanity.

Course and articles by Professor Hu Xiaofei:


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