How to use it correctly and how much does Hypertofort cost?

Svetlana Shcherbakova


Higher education:
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU) Level of education – Specialist 1994-2000

Additional education:
State Educational Institution “Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia


The manufacturers of Hypertofort present their development not only as an innovative product that helps normalize blood pressure, but also as a drug that improves health in general. Is this biologically active supplement really effective? Let’s look at it further.

Composition of the drug Gipertofort

The drug Hypertofort has a natural composition. The hawthorn fruits present in the dietary supplement have a pronounced vasodilating effect. This component of the drug Hypertofort improves blood circulation and normalizes the heart rate.

Taurine contained in the product is included in many dietary supplements that are used in the treatment of hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Hypertofort also has fibergam, which is extracted from acacia resin. Such dietary fiber has a therapeutic effect on the body similar to activated carbon. Fibregam helps remove toxins from the body and normalizes cholesterol levels in the body.

One of the components of the dietary supplement is magnesium. This chemical element helps lower blood pressure and prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamin B6 contained in the dietary supplement has a general strengthening effect on the body and helps to resist stress. It saturates the brain with oxygen.

The product also contains motherwort. The medicinal plant relieves the symptoms of hypertension. Motherwort is used in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis.

The medicinal plant helps strengthen the nervous system. Motherwort helps increase performance and improves sleep. The medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. Motherwort normalizes hormonal levels in women and increases sexual desire in men. The medicinal plant improves immunity. Decoctions made from motherwort are used during epidemics of acute respiratory diseases.

In what cases are dietary supplements prescribed?

The drug hypertofort is indicated for use in the treatment of grade 1 and 2 hypertension. If the patient has a 3rd degree of illness, the drink can be drunk to improve treatment with medications. In order not to worsen the disease, it must be treated immediately at the first symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease at an early stage of development.

  1. Headache – often manifests itself in the area of ​​the back of the head and temples. The pain is moderate and does not cause any particular inconvenience.
  2. Reduced performance - a lack of strength is felt, with other symptoms appearing - drowsiness, lack of appetite.
  3. There is a dazzle in the eyes - often the symptom manifests itself if you suddenly change your body position.
  4. Disorder of attention, memory.
  5. Shortness of breath - occurs with minor physical labor. During an attack, shortness of breath appears on its own.
  6. The complexion of the face changes.


Hypertofort has no special contraindications. In some cases, an allergic reaction to certain elements in the drink is possible.

Therefore, before buying the drug and using it, you should consult a specialist to exclude possible allergies.

Instructions for use - method and dosage

The scheme for using Hypertofort for hypertension is quite simple. It is necessary to dissolve the contents of one sachet in a sufficient amount of boiled water. The resulting drink must be carefully stirred until completely dissolved.

Note! Positive changes in well-being can be seen after the first use of the dietary supplement. To obtain lasting results, you need to take Hypertofort for at least seven days.

Method of use

This tool is easy to use. To take it, you do not need to consult a doctor. You must read the instructions before drinking the dietary supplement. The sachet with the contents should be poured into a glass or cup and filled with warm water, stir the drink until smooth. The medicine is taken immediately.

During the day you are allowed to drink no more than 2 sachets. Treatment takes a month. Based on the manufacturers' statements, a noticeable effect of hypertofort is noticeable after taking the first week. Attacks of hypertension occur less frequently and are not as severe. The patient's health improves. After a month of use, it is necessary to interrupt treatment for 10 days and then repeat the course.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the components of Hypertofort. The use of dietary supplements should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • the patient has recently experienced a heart attack or stroke;
  • a person takes medications that contain magnesium.

When using a dietary supplement, allergic reactions may occur.

Important! Pregnant women are advised not to use Gipertofort. The dietary supplement contains motherwort. The medicinal plant can provoke an increase in uterine tone. As a result, the risk of premature termination of pregnancy or intrauterine bleeding increases.

It is recommended that people who are engaged in mental work refrain from using the product. In some cases, Gipertofort causes drowsiness.

Current issues

Let us list a number of questions asked to managers on the website of the manufacturer of this drug for the treatment of high blood pressure. It is important to read this information so as not to leave negative reviews about the drug later. Lack of truthful information leads to errors in the use of medications to treat hypertension. Here are the most painful moments:

  • Are there any contraindications for the blood pressure drink?

Yes, if you cannot tolerate one of the components of the composition, then it is prohibited to use the product! For allergy sufferers, take half the dose. There are no other contraindications.

Doctors recommend that allergy sufferers take the drug with caution.

  • When treating the opinion of doctor Myasnikov, is it important to take into account?

Yes, Dr. Myasnikov is a competent practitioner who has recorded several useful videos on the proper treatment of high blood pressure.

  • Can or should I use the product during pregnancy?

There is no information in the abstract.

  • Is there any addiction after treatment?

No! When therapy is interrupted, there is no withdrawal syndrome.

  • Does Hypertofort have exact analogues?

There are no exact analogues. Other products (tablets, drops) for the treatment of high blood pressure contain similar combinations of ingredients; many dietary supplements are supplemented with fragrances and sweeteners, which is unsafe for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Let us note side effects that are important to know for people working on a conveyor belt or precision mechanisms that require quick reactions. The components included in the dietary supplement cause drowsiness. Drivers and people for whom increased concentration is important take it with caution.

Terms of sale and storage

A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase the drug. Hypertofort should be stored in a place protected from moisture and sunlight. The shelf life of the product is 10 years.

Where to buy Hypertofort?

It is almost impossible to buy the drug Hypertofort in a pharmacy. The dietary supplement should be ordered on the manufacturer's website. To do this, you must fill out an application containing the following information:

  • name of the potential buyer;
  • contact phone number.

After completing the application, the company manager will contact the potential buyer to agree on the details of the order. Payment for the goods is carried out after receiving it by mail.

What is the price?

The cost of the product is quite high. The price of the dietary supplement is 990 rubles.

Where to buy and how much you will have to pay

We have discussed what a sachet is for treating high blood pressure. Now let's find out how much this drug costs and where it can be purchased at an affordable price? The price category of the original Hypertofort is about 990 rubles. For more information, please visit the manufacturers' official website. The resource displays current promotional offers for the cost of goods, specials. conditions for wholesale buyers and a lot of useful up-to-date information. You will save significantly on delivery by ordering 2-3 packages of the drug for the treatment of hypertension.

Analogues of the drug

Hypertofort has no analogues in composition. At the same time, Normalife has a similar therapeutic effect. The drug helps reduce blood glucose levels, helps eliminate emotional stress, and normalizes sleep. The dietary supplement prevents the formation of blood clots and improves the condition of the patient with varicose veins.

Normallife helps lower blood pressure, improves memory and coordination of movements. The drug can be used in the complex treatment of angina and arrhythmia. Normallife allows you to intensify the process of restoring motor function impaired due to a stroke.

It is recommended to take the product if you have the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis.

The product contains the following components of natural origin:

  • chestnut and St. John's wort (in the form of extracts). They activate the process of removing toxins from the body;
  • a hood made from deer antlers. This component of the drug has a pronounced immunomodulatory and wound-healing effect. Extracting deer antlers helps increase the strength of blood vessels;
  • bee venom Beekeeping products stabilize blood glucose levels and normalize blood circulation. Bee venom increases the speed of recovery after a recent stroke;
  • bioflavonoids that activate metabolism;
  • acacia, ginkgo biloba, larch extracts. These components of the product help reduce weight and improve hematopoietic function.

The drug should be taken three times a day. Recommended single dose is 10 drops. The average duration of the treatment course is four weeks.

When treating hypertension, you can also use a special patch. The product helps eliminate headaches and other characteristic symptoms of the disease.

In the complex therapy of hypertension, motherwort infusion can also be used. The drink normalizes heart rate and helps lower blood pressure.

An infusion based on motherwort is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. 15 grams of crushed motherwort herb is poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. After 45 minutes, the drink is filtered.

The finished infusion is diluted with a small amount of boiled water until the original volume is obtained (200 ml). Take 70 ml of medicinal infusion twice a day. The product is consumed 60 minutes before meals. The average course duration is 30 days. If drowsiness or other side effects occur, stop treatment.

One Pill Strategy: Cardiologist's Practice

EGP 07/31/2020/3

The prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) among patients who have undergone acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and/or coronary artery stenting is more than 80% [1]. Adequate treatment of hypertension can reduce cardiovascular mortality: in 2015, 10 million cardiovascular deaths, 4.9 million cases of coronary heart disease and 3.5 million strokes were prevented [2].

However, the implementation of antihypertensive therapy in patients with high and very high vascular risk in real cardiologist practice is associated with a number of difficulties. First, polypharmacy is almost inevitable in post-ACS patients for at least the first year [3]. Secondly, the effectiveness of blood pressure correction in high-risk patients is insufficient [4], primarily due to low compliance against the background of the need to take a number of drugs [5,6]. Meanwhile, in most patients, the effect of monotherapy even at the beginning of treatment is insufficient [3,7,8], and a combination of at least two drugs is required to control blood pressure [8]. Monotherapy can be recommended only in the following cases [3,8]:

  • patients at low risk and with stage 1 hypertension, if SBP numbers do not exceed 150 mmHg. Art.
  • very high risk patients with high normal blood pressure levels.
  • frail elderly patients.

Fixed combinations of drugs can overcome the inconvenience of taking combination therapy. Starting therapy with a combination of two molecules in one tablet has become a professional trend in 2021 in the treatment of hypertension. A mandatory requirement is the choice of rational combinations. As one of them, Russian and European communities name the combination of an ACE inhibitor with a calcium channel blocker [3,7,8]. This is the formula used to create the drug Egipres ®.

Egipres ® contains amlodipine and ramipril in fixed combinations: 5 mg + 5 mg, 5 mg + 10 mg, 10 mg + 5 mg and 10 mg + 10 mg, respectively. The synergy of the two molecules provides a more pronounced reduction in cardiovascular risk compared to either component alone [9]. Ramipril has a large evidence base for improving the prognosis in patients who have suffered ACS [10]. In patients with coronary heart disease, amplodipine reduces mortality from cardiovascular causes [11]. The synergistic combination of these molecules in the drug Egipres ® allows you to achieve and maintain the target blood pressure level for a long time, over 24 hours [12,13]. The summation of effects also ensures a reduction in the frequency of adverse events; in particular, when taking a combination of amlodipine and ramipril, the likelihood of developing edema decreases, according to the literature, by 2.5 times due to the fact that ramipril prevents edema caused by amlodipine [14].

The drug Egipres ® [11] is the only fixed combination of ramipril and amlodipine available to Russian clinicians today. Just one dose of Egipres ® per day is sufficient for adequate treatment of hypertension, which is convenient and promotes high adherence to therapy.


  1. Mancia G. Highlights of the August issue. J Hypertens. 2018;36:1611-13.
  2. Korennova O.Yu., Podolnaya S.P., Prikhodko E.P. et al. Antihypertensive efficacy of a fixed combination of amlodipine and ramipril in patients with arterial hypertension and very high cardiovascular risk. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology 2018;14(6). pp. 840-845.
  3. 2018 ESC/ESH Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension.
  4. Shalnova S.A., Deev A.D., Balanova Yu.A. on behalf of the participants of the ESSE-RF study. Treatment of hypertension in high-risk patients. Monotherapy or combination? Attending doctor. 2016;7:17-23.
  5. Boytsov S.A., Balanova Yu.A., Shalnova S.A. Arterial hypertension among persons 25-64 years old: prevalence, awareness, treatment and control. Based on ESSE research materials. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014;13(4):4-14].
  6. Davidovich I.M., Malay L.N., Kutishenko N.P. Long-term results and adherence to therapy in patients after acute myocardial infarction: registry data (Khabarovsk). Clinician. 2017;11(1):36-44].
  7. Chazova I.E., Zhernakova Yu.V. and others. Clinical recommendations. Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension. Systemic hypertension. 2019; 16 (1): 6–31.
  8. Russian Cardiological Society. Arterial hypertension in adults. Clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2021.
  9. Circulation. 2001. 103: 919-925.
  10. Chesnikova A.I., Koshenskaya I.N., Terentyev V.P. Efficacy of ramipril in patients with arterial hypertension in combination with coronary heart disease. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2008;4(2):41-6]. doi:10.20996/1819-6446-2008-4-2-41-46.
  11. Instructions for use of the medicinal product for medical use Egipres®, GRLS of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 03/18/2014 LP-002402.
  12. Ostroumova O.D., Zykova A.A. Efficacy of the fixed combination ramipril/amlodipine in the treatment of arterial hypertension, chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. Journal "Medical Council" No. 13, 2021.
  13. Tomcsany JA Ramiprilés Amlodipin kombináció vérnyomáscsökkentô hatékonyságának Monitorozása és beavatkozással Nem járó Adatgyûjtése (RAMONA tanulmány). Hypertonia és Nephrologia 2013;17:49–96.
  14. Opie LH et al. Drugs for the heart 1991: 42-73.

The material is intended for medical workers.

Doctors' opinion about the effectiveness of the drug

You can read positive reviews from doctors about the drug Hypertofort. The product helps fight the symptoms of hypertension at an early stage.

Andrey Sergeevich, general practitioner:

Hypertension can occur in both older and younger adults. Factors that provoke the development of pathology include: overwork, chronic stress, lack of sleep. Hypertension is most often diagnosed in people who lead an inactive lifestyle. The likelihood of hypertension increases with poor diet. The drug Hypertofort allows you to normalize blood pressure. The product helps get rid of nervousness and insomnia. In parallel with taking the dietary supplement, it is recommended to follow a diet. The patient should refuse fatty foods, exclude smoked meats, pickled vegetables and other harmful foods from the diet.

Ivan Petrovich, cardiologist:

Due to my profession, I am very prejudiced towards various dietary supplements. But I had a positive impression about the drug Hypertofort. Some of my patients have taken this remedy. Gipertofort helped them return to a full life. An important advantage of the drug is that it can be taken at any stage of hypertension.

Results and conclusions

And now about the most important thing: divorce or not and what are the reviews of the dietary supplement Hypertofort? Many dietary supplements are “dummies” without a therapeutic effect. But such products do not undergo the months-long and costly certification process. If manufacturers tell the truth about the components of the medicine, then the product really helps. After all, it consists of natural and time-tested ingredients that have been used for centuries.

There are real reviews written about Hypertofort, a blood pressure drink, and rarely do people give a negative assessment of the dietary supplement. There is no universal medicine; different people’s bodies react differently to the same medicine, which makes it difficult to treat diseases. Be attentive to yourself, take care of your health, then longevity will delight you with energy and the absence of illnesses.

Hypertofort - reviews of doctors and patients

Smeyanova A.A. - cardiologist

Often patients come to me with 2 problems at once - high blood pressure and cardiac dysfunction. I recommend buying them hypertofort to combat hypertension. The price is not high. The drug does not cause any side effects.

Valentina – surgeon

Hypertension developed due to stressful work. The staff advised me to buy hypertofort, the price is quite reasonable. It's natural and helped me a lot.

Semyon, 48 years old, Krasnodar

I use pills for blood pressure surges, the doctor advised me to buy hypertofort. The price did not matter, because it is necessary to try all possible methods for treatment. I took pills and dietary supplements one at a time. I was sleepy during the day, but fell asleep well in the evening. Thanks to the drink, blood pressure normalized.

Victoria, 51 years old, Moscow

The doctor advised me to buy the product. The price of the product on the manufacturer’s website was 1000 rubles. Thanks to the drink, the pressure has returned to normal and does not rise above the critical level.

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