Cod is a marine fish of the cod family. It has a greenish-brown color with brown spots and
The portal vein collects blood coming from the abdominal organs (intestines, spleen, stomach) and carries
What is akinesia? The term akinesia refers to the inability to perform clinically perceptible movements. The disease may
What is GGTP? Gamma-GT (synonyms - gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, GGTP, gamma-glutamyltransferase) refers to an enzyme that is produced
Screening of the hemostasis system (that is, the blood coagulation system) is perhaps one of the most frequently
Maria Kuleshova expert biochemist What will help the heart during cardio? How to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system?
Carrying a baby? this is a difficult, but quite pleasant process of waiting for the birth of your beloved
Pain in the back of the head is a fairly common problem. And she has many reasons. Therefore it is important
The problem of hemorrhoids has been repeatedly touched upon in medical articles. For interested readers, there were detailed
Echinacea herb is an antibiotic and antiseptic of natural origin. Often used during exacerbation of seasonal