Lymphadenitis in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment

Local therapist


Natalia Vladimirovna

20 years of experience

District doctor-therapist of the first category

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Lymphadenitis is a disease of the lymph nodes with specific or nonspecific infection. The patient usually feels unwell, weak, sore, and noticeably swollen lymph nodes. The reaction in the form of inflammation and hyperthermia is due to the protective function of the lymphatic system. It protects the body from the spread of infection.

In most stories, the disease itself does not occur independently, but as a complication of the underlying cause. The smallest bacteria enter the lymph through mucous membranes or damaged skin.

With lymphadenitis, the following types of lymph nodes are affected:

  • cervical;
  • elbows;
  • submandibular;
  • popliteal;
  • inguinal;
  • axillary

Symptoms and signs of lymphadenitis

The main signs or symptoms of lymphadenitis in adults are:

  • suppuration;
  • boils;
  • phlegmon;
  • hyperemia of the skin near the lymph nodes;
  • pain in the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
  • migraine;
  • lack of appetite or its noticeable decrease;
  • general malaise;
  • swelling.

Further accumulation of pus and an abscess may occur. If you do not open it in a timely manner, then the contents have a risk of breaking through, causing fever, tachycardia and damage to the body by toxins.

The disease “lymphadenitis” in its already persistent chronic form is not accompanied by acute unpleasant sensations. A slight swelling remains, the pain is mild.

Are you experiencing symptoms of lymphadenitis?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call


Prevention of acute lymphangitis consists of:

  • high-quality and timely treatment of wounds;
  • rehabilitation of pustular diseases;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Secondary prevention of lymphangitis consists of opening the resulting purulent foci and taking antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor.

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.


To understand the disease, you need to understand the main causes of lymphadenitis, which can occur in men, women and children. Lymphadenitis in adults is formed due to exposure and active reproduction of staphylococci and streptococci. The cause of the disease is also their breakdown products and released toxins. They penetrate the lymph by contact, lymphogenous and hematogenous routes.

As a result of infection, the infection quickly adapts to new conditions, begins its active reproduction and spread throughout the body.

Why is lymphangitis dangerous?

Long-term lymphangitis can lead to:

  • lymph circulation disorder (the qualitative composition of lymph changes, its quantity increases significantly);
  • obliteration of lymphatic vessels (the lumen of the vessel becomes overgrown);
  • development of elephantiasis (skin and subcutaneous tissue thicken due to chronic inflammation of the lymphatic vessels), lymphostasis (tissue swelling resulting from impaired lymph outflow);
  • abscess (purulent inflammation of tissues with their melting, which leads to the formation of a purulent cavity);
  • sepsis (a systemic inflammatory reaction diagnosed as a result of infectious agents entering the blood);
  • cellulite (changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer, which lead to disturbances in lymphatic outflow and lymph circulation).

Routes of infection

The root cause of a secondary disease can be:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • caries;
  • otitis;
  • flu;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • plague;
  • anthrax;
  • syphilis;
  • tularemia.

Therefore, if you have the diseases listed above, then try to eliminate them as soon as possible. This will help avoid secondary infection, which is quite difficult to fight.

Possible complications

A diagnosis of lymphadenitis is a good reason to see a doctor and begin treatment immediately. Otherwise, serious consequences cannot be ruled out, which may manifest themselves through:

  • fistula;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • septicopyemia.

If a fistula ruptures into the esophagus or bronchi, there is a high probability of developing mediastinitis, the formation of bronchopulmonary or esophageal fistulas.

Against the background of chronic lymphadenitis, purulent processes in the form of sepsis or adenophlegmon often occur. Lymph flow is disrupted, scars form, and healthy tissues are replaced by connective tissues.

Mechanism of disease development

Risks of occurrence are associated with:

  • with the local location and size of the primary focus of infection;
  • with peculiarities of lymph movement in the body area;
  • with the ability of a pathological strain to infect the body.

Pathogens enter from the center of the inflammatory process into the space between tissues together with toxic substances. Then they end up in the lymphatic capillaries and move along the lymph flow to the lymph nodes and vessels.

The inflammatory process in the vessels of the reactive flow is detected by the following signs:

  • swelling of their inner surface;
  • increased wall permeability;
  • formation of fibrin clots;
  • release of exudate;
  • thrombosis.

The listed processes provoke local lymphostasis, in which lymph circulation in the tissues is disrupted. The lack of adequate medical care can affect the occurrence of a purulent form of the disease. When nearby tissues become inflamed, perilymphangitis is said to occur. It affects joints, muscles, and blood vessels.

When to see a doctor

A vascular surgeon treats lymphadenitis. You must make an initial appointment immediately after identifying the first symptoms of lymphadenitis. The disease is actively developing, bringing pain, discomfort and a threat to the entire body. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a specialist.

You can get help from a vascular surgeon or help from other specialists at JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg). We employ professionals who can quickly eliminate lymphadenitis of the lymph nodes. They will select comprehensive individual treatment taking into account the existing diseases, age and condition of the patients.

Lymphangitis - what is it?

Pathology can affect vessels of different locations and sizes. Most often in their practice, phlebologists and lymphologists encounter lymphangitis of the lower extremities. This is explained by the nature of local lymph circulation, frequent microtrauma and the presence of a fairly large number of microbial pathogens. Slightly less frequently diagnosed:

  • lymphangitis of the lungs;
  • non-venereal lymphangitis of the penis;
  • specific venereal lymphangitis;
  • lymphangitis of the mammary gland, etc.

The disease is characterized by symptoms of secondary lymphadenitis.

Forms of lymphangitis

Based on the nature and severity of the developed inflammatory process, the following are distinguished:

  • serous, or simple, lymphangitis;
  • purulent lymphangitis.

According to the depth of the vessels:

  • surface;
  • deep.

According to the clinical course, it happens:

  • acute lymphangitis;
  • chronic lymphangitis.

Taking into account the caliber of inflamed lymphatic vessels, the disease is classified into:

  • capillary (mesh, reticular) – the surfaces of a large number of lymphatic capillaries are involved in the inflammatory process,
  • stem (truncular) – one or more large lymphatic vessels are inflamed.

How is lymphadenitis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis of the face, neck, and armpits is carried out by collecting an anamnesis and a set of clinical manifestations. It is more difficult to deal with severe forms of the disease, against the background of which complications have already arisen.

The doctor needs to determine the root cause, the source of lymphadenitis, and select the appropriate treatment.

Also used for diagnosis:

  • puncture;
  • taking Mantoux and Pirquet tests for tubercle bacilli;
  • chest x-ray;
  • palpation of enlarged lymph nodes;
  • CT and MRI of the affected segments.

Typically, infectious disease specialists, venereologists, and TB specialists are also involved in the study of the disease. Specialists can prescribe:

  • general blood analysis;
  • HIV test;
  • ENT examination;
  • Ultrasound of lymph nodes and abdominal organs.


Treatment of lymphadenitis in an adult with its catarrhal or hyperplastic form is carried out using conservative methods. To do this connect:

  • keeping the patient at rest;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanization;
  • rest of the affected area of ​​the body;
  • taking vitamins.

Additionally, drugs and ointments with a good anti-inflammatory effect that work at the local level are used.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of lymphadenitis with antibiotics. Before this, it is necessary to test the sensitivity of microorganisms to different types of antibiotics. Select those drugs to which pathogens are particularly sensitive.

If we are talking about purulent lymphadenitis, then you will need to open the ulcers, remove their contents and sanitize the affected areas.

If a tuberculosis bacillus is detected, the patient is sent for treatment in a hospital. This will help to constantly monitor the patient, monitor his treatment and protect other people from potential infection.

To treat the chronic form of the disease, you need to find and treat the main reason why the lymph nodes are suffering. Only this will help you completely get rid of the disease and never think about it again.

Examination at the clinic “Mama Papa Ya”

The Mama Papa Ya clinic is located in Lyubertsy.

For patients with lymphadenitis, we offer various services at an affordable price:

  • consultation with a therapist, surgeon, or specialized specialist;
  • diagnostics to determine the causes of the disease;
  • treatment depending on the severity and causes of the pathological process;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of therapy;
  • treatment of patients of any age.

Do not forget that lymphadenitis can be a sign of a serious illness. Therefore, in case of inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes, we recommend making an appointment with our doctors by phone or using the form provided on the website.


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