Rehabilitation program after acute cerebrovascular accident “Life without stroke”

A stroke requires a lot of courage from the patient and a lot of patience and love from his loved ones. Because a stroke, or acute cerebrovascular accident, is the most dangerous disease of the cerebral vessels. It is characterized by the occurrence of motor, behavioral, mental, emotional and other disorders that disrupt the patient’s normal functioning.

A stroke is not a one-time event, but a process that develops in time and space - from minor functional changes to irreversible structural damage to the brain - necrosis.

What is insidious about a stroke? The fact that in the first stages of its development a person may not experience any pain. The arm and cheek become numb, speech changes slightly, and sometimes dizziness or blurred vision appears. Neither the patient himself nor his relatives suspect that a brain catastrophe is occurring. Precious time is missed: those six hours from the onset of the disease when adequate therapy can reduce the size of brain damage.

How does a stroke occur? A stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation, that is, a rupture, spasm or blockage of one of the brain vessels. Stroke is divided into hemorrhagic (cerebral hemorrhage) and ischemic (cerebral infarction).

How is stroke treated with leeches?

Hirudotherapy is an auxiliary treatment measure that prevents recurrent stroke. It is also effective in preventing disease. The essence of the treatment is that hirudin resolves blood clots and ensures vascular patency.

For the session, leeches are selected that are grown in factories and kept on a starvation diet for six months. Each worm is used only once, after which it is disposed of. The leech lands on a prepared area of ​​the body and bites the skin at the nearest acupuncture point. Together with her saliva, more than a hundred biologically active substances enter the bloodstream, which have a beneficial effect on health.

Rehabilitation after stroke

After being hospitalized for a stroke, many patients are left with problems with physical, speech, and mental function. However, in many cases the brain has great potential for recovery.

The rehabilitation process plays a critical role in helping patients regain lost skills so that the patient can regain independence and maintain quality of life. With active, timely, painstaking daily work, these prospects for improving the condition can become even better. Rehabilitation can continue for years after a stroke, but for many patients it occurs most quickly in the first year after the stroke.

This is why it is important for medical specialists - neurologists, physiotherapists, speech therapists and others - to begin working with the victim as soon as possible after a stroke.

A multifunctional medical center is able to offer not only the help of highly qualified specialists, but also has a modern diagnostic base for monitoring the patient’s condition during rehabilitation after a stroke in Moscow, as well as assessing the risks of developing a recurrent stroke, since the proportion of recurrent strokes is high and leads to increased disability or death outcome.

Consequences of a stroke

People come to the clinic for rehabilitation of the consequences of both ischemic and hemorrhagic types of stroke. Depending on which area of ​​the brain is damaged, a stroke can cause the following types of dysfunction:

  • Paralysis, paresis
  • Pain or loss of sensation
  • Problems with speech recognition and articulation
  • Cognitive disorders (thinking, memory)
  • Emotional disorders
  • exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory systems, etc.
  • Bedsores and their complications in the absence of proper care for a bedridden patient
  • swallowing disorders (dysphagia), etc.

Recovery stages

Conventionally, the rehabilitation period after a stroke is divided into several stages:

During the acute period

the main task is to maintain the basic functions of the body and preserve the life of the patient in the hospital.

Early recovery period

in the first six months after a stroke, it is especially important to restore the patient’s motor skills and cognitive abilities - passive gymnastics, massage, breathing exercises and speech restoration classes.

Late recovery period

from six months to a year is characterized by daily supportive sessions with specialists.

Remote period

after 1 year allows one to judge the results achieved in previous periods and the degree of restoration of the functions of dead brain cells.

At each stage, continuity and regularity in the organization of rehabilitation measures are important.

What to do after a stroke - types of rehabilitation

Medication correction

is selected by the attending physician in the hospital and can then be adjusted by the supervising neurologist. Drugs are used to help relieve symptoms - analgesics, muscle relaxants, sedatives, as well as drugs that help restore and maintain current processes in the patient's body - improve cerebral blood supply, activate metabolic processes, restore brain cells, etc.


promotes positive dynamics in restoring processes in the brain and preventing the worsening of negative consequences.

In complex therapy, the best results are shown by electrophoresis with drugs; circulatory insufficiency of the affected brain is well eliminated with the help of regular courses of electrical myostimulation; both darsonvalization and magnetic therapy are used for the affected limbs.


Safely and effectively helps launch self-healing and self-regulation processes. The advantage is that the procedures can be performed even on bedridden patients.

Neuropsychologist and psychologist

with the help of certain techniques they can relieve symptoms of anxiety and apathy in the patient, and adjust the psychological mood.


after a stroke, it is indicated in the absence of complications for patients with ischemic stroke, starting from the early recovery period.


(exercise therapy) promotes the recovery process, the development of new conditioned reflex connections, including compensatory mechanisms for functional restoration.


prescribed only for ischemic stroke. Substances contained in the saliva of leeches contribute to the rapid restoration of brain vessels, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which prevents recurrent strokes.

Factors influencing the success of rehabilitation

Several factors play a role in successful rehabilitation after stroke:

  • The degree of damage to brain tissue. The smaller the damage, the more dynamic the recovery.
  • Patient's emotional state. A person's positive attitude after a stroke can help them cope with difficulties and focus on getting better.
  • Support from relatives. Maximum support for the family is to provide not only proper care, but also reassure the patient of his need and importance for the family.
  • Time before the start of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation should begin as soon as possible after a stroke. Even simple tasks such as exercising paralyzed muscles and turning a person over in bed should begin very soon after a stroke. Stroke rehabilitation is most successful when it is a team effort. The stroke patient and family must work with their physician and other rehabilitation specialists.

Stroke does not go away without leaving its mark, and rehabilitation is the key to achieving small victories along the road to recovery.

Advantages of visiting the Miracle Doctor clinic

24-hour hospital

Preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures can be carried out in comfortable rooms.

Comprehensive examination

A full range of tests, vascular ultrasound, CT and CT angiography, MRI, ECHO-CG, Holter ECG monitoring and other studies are performed immediately after the appointment.

Interdisciplinary approach

Highly qualified clinic specialists (cardiologists, neurologists, therapists, endocrinologists) can interact on site, which allows achieving results comparable to the effect of a patient being in a rehabilitation center after a stroke.

Individual approach

Each stroke case is unique, so all types of rehabilitation are selected individually.

Treatment of stroke with leeches: prices

Prices for leech treatment depend on the number of leeches used and the number of procedures performed. The cost of the course will be determined by the hirudotherapist after he has drawn up a program taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of stroke placement of 3 leeches – 1500 rubles

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of stroke, placement of 5 leeches – 2500 rubles

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of stroke placement of 3 leeches – 1500 rubles

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of stroke placement of 5 leeches – 2500 rubles

Hirudotherapy procedure for stroke, placement of 3 leeches – 1500 rubles

Hirudotherapy procedure for stroke, placement of 5 leeches – 2500 rubles

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of ischemic stroke placement of 3 leeches – 1500 rubles

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of ischemic stroke placement of 5 leeches – 2500 rubles

Hemorrhagic stroke

The most severe variant of the disease is hemorrhagic stroke.
It is a complication of hypertension. The blood vessel, unable to withstand the increased pressure on the wall, ruptures, and blood enters the brain matter. The resulting hemorrhage compresses the brain, causes swelling, and the area of ​​the brain dies. This type of stroke occurs more often after a difficult, stressful day. By evening my head is splitting with pain. Objects begin to appear red, nausea and vomiting appear, and the headache gets worse - these are the harbingers of a stroke. Then movements, speech, and sensitivity are disrupted, and conditions ranging from mild stupor to loss of consciousness and coma arise—this is the stroke itself.

Leech treatment culture

The 19th century, especially its first half, is marked by a new event that is important for hirudotherapy

. The so-called leech breeding appears. “So-called” because at first it arises somewhat spontaneously, without a strict scientific basis. But first things first.

In the natural environment, i.e. in bodies of water where leeches

live in nature, only a very small number of the latter remain.
This was due to the fact that until the beginning of the century, leech catching flourished. The leeches
were caught by professionals who had been doing similar things for many days.
But even this fact did not guarantee that catching leeches
would not be done in a somewhat “poaching” way.
Moreover, leeches
were needed, this was needed by the hospitals that used them read more.


A stroke has several characteristic signs:

  • Speech impairment.
  • Paralysis of the face and limbs (often on one side).
  • Sudden weakness.
  • Sudden loss of vision.
  • Gait disturbance, loss of balance.
  • Acute headache.
  • Dizziness.

If such symptoms appear, an ambulance should be called immediately. Timely actions by doctors will help minimize the consequences of a stroke. In general, symptoms can be divided into cerebral and focal. The former are associated with damage to the brain (dizziness, a state of agitation or weakness), the latter - with the affected area of ​​the brain (loss of vision, displacement of the pupil, speech impairment, stiffness of the muscles in the back of the head).

If treatment is started within three to six hours after the stroke, a favorable outcome for the patient can be hoped for.

Check your predisposition to stroke at Clinic No. 1

  • Neurologist appointment
  • MRI
  • CT
  • Ultrasound of brain and neck vessels
  • ECG
  • Angiography
  • Holter monitoring

For one-time payment for services - 20% discount

Treatment of sinusitis and tuberculosis with leeches

Sinusitis in medicine refers to diseases that are characterized by inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses. The nasal sinuses represent the beginning of the respiratory tract; These are the uppermost organs of the respiratory system. The sinuses are divided into four types. These are the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and main sinuses. Naturally, these sinuses are located on both sides - right and left - of the nasal septum, in other words, they are a paired organ.

Sinusitis can be unilateral or bilateral. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can have acute and chronic forms. Separately, general sinusitis is also distinguished. It is called pansinusitis. Hirudotherapy is performed for some types of sinusitis. In particular, with frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and ethmoiditis. Each of these diseases means inflammation of one of the paranasal sinuses. But first things first.

Sinusitis is sinusitis of the maxillary sinuses (the name itself indicates the type of sinus that is affected). The whole problem with sinusitis is that the mucus that accumulates in the sinuses does not come out. Over time, mucus, under the constant influence of inflammation, mucus turns into pus. This maxillary sinusitis can be overcome with just a few sessions of hirudotherapy. If you completely neglect the treatment of this disease, then the pus can rupture the maxillary sinuses and then the inflammation will spread to the bone tissue of the upper jaws. But even in this case, an experienced hirudotherapist

can place
on certain points and thus relieve inflammation

With frontal sinuses, the frontal sinuses become inflamed. Frontal sinusitis rarely occurs as an independent disease; rather, it is the result of a previous infectious disease. Treatment with leeches is carried out slightly above those areas of the face under which the frontal sinuses are located.

The inflammatory process involving the ethmoid paranasal sinuses is called ethmyoditis. With ethmyoditis, a person has difficulty distinguishing odors and has nasal congestion. Elevated temperature is also often an indicator of ethmyoditis. A striking difference from other types of sinusitis is that ethmyoditis is that with this disease a person experiences pain in the bridge of the nose.

There is a very serious disease that can also be helped by hirudotherapy

this is tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease that can affect both the lungs and other organs. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, its causative agent is the so-called Koch bacillus, a bacterium discovered by the German microbiologist Robert Koch. Bacteria called Koch bacilli are very resistant to many irritants, therefore they survive in various conditions and exist for quite a long time. Once dried, they do not lose their vitality. When they enter the human body, Koch bacilli often do no harm at all. The thing is that they can easily be defeated by immune cells. The disease occurs when the immune system is significantly weakened by exposure to certain harmful substances (smoking, alcohol, poor diet, etc.), then bacteria affect various organs and systems. The highest frequency of these lesions is in the lungs and bones. But tuberculosis can occur in the kidneys, lymph nodes and even the eyes. Therefore, the question of how much treatment with leeches
can help with tuberculosis becomes very important and requires an answer. read more.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis with leeches

Thrombophlebitis (from the Greek thrombos - clot and phlebos - vein) is a vascular disease that manifests itself in the clogging of veins with blood clots with subsequent inflammation of the vein walls. In most cases, this disease affects a person's legs. As a rule, the cause of thrombophlebitis is bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. Thrombophlebitis is often caused by a complication after suffering from typhoid fever, sometimes it appears after surgery (if infected with strepto-staphylococcal infection). Thrombophlebitis is often associated with varicose veins.

There are several forms of thrombophlebitis: non-purulent, purulent, ascending, septic, migrating, recurrent. And all these forms can and should be treated with leeches


In parallel with this, there is another classification of forms of thrombophlebitis, which suggests distinguishing this disease depending on its distribution. There are superficial and deep thrombophlebitis. There are acute and chronic forms of thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins in the legs are: pain in the veins, thickening of the veins, redness of the skin in the vein area, swelling of the limb.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis, as well as its prevention, consists of performing special gymnastic exercises, as well as using elastic stockings and socks. For the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis, staying at a resort and using sulfur baths will also be beneficial - but such treatment should be taken only when a person gets rid of the acute form of thrombophlebitis. After this, you can begin treatment
with leeches
but that's after. Indeed, with acute thrombophlebitis, the patient often needs surgery (especially if there is suppuration - but even in this situation, an experienced hirudotherapist can begin treatment with leeches
). When a person feels a sharp rise in temperature, pain in the legs, or enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because the above symptoms can be the beginning of serious complications. Self-treatment of acute thrombophlebitis can even be life-threatening. In case of subacute (and even more so acute) thrombophlebitis, the patient is offered light exercises and warm compresses.

Since the main cause of the disease is excessive blood clotting, anticoagulants (substances that cause blood clotting) are highly required during the treatment of thrombophlebitis. They can act on different levers of the blood clotting process. Among them there are drugs of direct (for example, heparin) and indirect action (dicoumarin, phenylin). read more.

Treatment with leeches in gynecology

Parametritis (from the Greek para “about” and “metra” - uterus) is an inflammation of the peri-uterine connective tissue. It usually occurs as a complication of endometritis after childbirth, cesarean section, abortion, during the development of tumors and surgical injuries. Another disease associated with parametritis is endometritis - it is caused by an inflammatory process in the surface layer of the endometrium, the inner mucous membrane of the uterine body. Inflammation begins from the walls of the pelvis and affects the rectum area and the lateral entrance of the vagina. A cloudy, protein- and cell-rich hematogenous and histogenic fluid may appear, which sweats from small blood vessels at the site of inflammation. Such nodes can vary in density. At the first stage of development, parametritis is characterized by pain, fever, and a feeling of cold.

Later, the intensity of the pain decreases, the body temperature drops, however, then the process of urinating will become painful for the woman, and she may be tormented by constipation. There may be paroxysmal pain in the head, and perhaps a feeling of aching in the lower back. But serious problems arise when ulcers get into the rectal area. If proper treatment is carried out, recovery will occur quite quickly. At the acute stage, you should adhere to bed rest, refrain from bad habits, physical and psychological stress. The abdominal area should be wrapped in cold. Penicillin is becoming the main medical drug in the treatment of such gynecological problems as parametritis. Paraffin applications, treatment with hot wax, special mud, and ultraviolet radiation are also used. Of course, spending time at the resort greatly improves the overall healing process. Streptococci, staphylococci and gonococci lead to suppuration of the ovaries - pyovarium. microbes cause a number of different suppurations. Bacteria, entering the ovarian area through the vessels, cause inflammation - oophoritis read more.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There are several reasons that act as risk factors and significantly increase the likelihood of developing the disease. Among them:

  • Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. Brain vessels cannot withstand constant pressure, lose elasticity, and the risk of rupture increases.
  • High cholesterol levels. The appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels also negatively affects their properties.
  • Elderly age. The condition of blood vessels worsens with age.
  • Heart diseases. This category includes heart rhythm disturbances and the formation of blood clots.
  • Diabetes. With this disease, the structure of the walls of blood vessels changes, the tissues become thinner and become fragile.
  • Aneurysm in the brain. With the formation of an aneurysm, the walls of the vessel become thinner, increasing the risk of their rupture.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol negatively affect blood vessels, jeopardize their integrity, and also provoke pressure surges.
  • Obesity, unhealthy diet. This leads to increased cholesterol levels.
  • Impaired blood clotting. Clots form in the blood, which can clog blood vessels.
  • Carotid artery stenosis.

Treatment of heart attack with leeches

A heart attack (from the Latin “infarcire” - to stuff, stuff) is necrosis (death) of an organ. It happens as a result of lack of blood supply. The cause of a heart attack may be thrombosis, embolism, prolonged arterial spasm and functional overstrain of the organ under conditions of hypoxia with insufficiency of collateral circulation. Myocardial infarction is one of the clinical forms of coronary heart disease, occurring with the development of ischemic necrosis of the myocardium due to the absolute or relative insufficiency of its blood supply. After observations and research, medicine sees the cause of heart attacks precisely in a person’s way of life and his stress state. As we see in practice, this diagnosis is typical for the younger generation in particular. Naturally, the causes of a heart attack and the course of the disease are varied. Pathology contributes its “I” to the occurrence and complications of a heart attack.

According to the course of the infarction, monocyclic, prolonged, recurrent and repeated myocardial infarction are distinguished. Neurosis (from ancient Greek - nerve) is a neurotic disorder, psychoneurosis, leading to involuntary contraction of muscles or muscle groups, coronary spasm. Subsequently, the size of the blood vessels decreases and blood flow slows down. A high-molecular, non-globular protein, fibrin, appears in this blood. Blood clots (from ancient Greek - lump) appear in the vessels - a pathological blood clot in the lumen of a blood vessel. A person may feel pain in the chest (angina). read more.

Treatment with leeches in ancient times

The medical significance of leeches has been known since ancient times. This is due to the fact that fishing was one of the very first crafts mastered by man. leeches more than once

It is likely that after the next (or next) bites
. ancient man began to feel better...

Bloodletting was among the first methods of helping in the fight against various ailments. Hirudotherapy

as a branch of medicine stood out even then.

We can find about methods of treatment with leeches

hirudotherapy was an independent direction in treatment in ancient times

I didn't.
were used as a knife exclusively for the purpose of bloodletting.
According to the medical experts of that time, the leech
was only supposed to rid a person of unnecessary accumulations of blood.
About the medicinal qualities of the leech

Our ancestors had no idea about
saliva in particular But they were definitely sure that using a leech
for the purpose of the knife was better than using the knife itself. This was also explained by the fact that patients felt virtually no pain during the procedure. read more.

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