Harvard step test (GST): when it is carried out, progress, indicators and their interpretation

© Author: Sazykina Oksana Yuryevna, cardiologist, especially for SosudInfo.ru (about the authors)

To study the endurance of the heart muscle and the fitness of the body, several simple but informative techniques are used. Often these studies are conducted to study the physical performance of healthy adults who play sports professionally or work in fields that require high activity (firefighters, military personnel, etc.).

The essence of the method, the advantages of the step test

The principle of the test is based on the following nuances. Under normal conditions, when a person is engaged in normal daily activities, his heart beats between 60 and 80 beats per minute. At the same time, the volume of blood that is sufficient to supply the organs and skeletal muscles with oxygen is distributed throughout all the vessels of the body. If physical activity increases, then the heart rate also increases. This is necessary in order to increase blood flow to the skeletal muscles, which perform a lot of work during physical activity.

In a well-trained, efficient person with a healthy heart, the heart rate (pulse) increases, but after a certain time it returns to normal values. As a rule, the recovery period ranges from several minutes to half an hour (depending on personal characteristics and training).

Based on this, as well as on knowledge and tables on normal heart rate values, doctors in 1942 developed a formula for measuring an index that allows assessing the fitness of the body. This test was invented at Harvard to evaluate the performance of young men being drafted into the Marine Corps.

Causes of hypertrophic subaortic stenosis

The more a person subjects himself to physical activity, the more the left ventricle increases in size, in addition, the septum and mitral valve leaflet move away from each other, thereby exacerbating the obstruction. These processes often lead to secondary ventricular hypertrophy. The free walls of the ventricle remain of normal size.

Dangerous complications of subaortic stenosis are the following conditions:

  • arrhythmias of various types;
  • congestive heart failure;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • mural thrombi in the atria;
  • development of infective endocarditis.

These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term high blood pressure;
  • damage to heart tissue during a heart attack;
  • chronically rapid heartbeat;
  • heart valve diseases;
  • metabolic disorders such as obesity, thyroid disease or diabetes;
  • dietary deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals such as thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • complications of pregnancy;
  • long-term alcoholism;
  • use of cocaine, amphetamines or anabolic steroids;
  • the use of certain chemotherapy drugs and radiation to treat cancer;
  • infections that can injure the heart and cause cardiomyopathy (staphylococcal, streptococcal bacteria and others);
  • accumulation of iron in the heart muscle (hemochromatosis);
  • sarcoidosis is a disease that causes inflammation and intense cell growth;
  • amyloidosis - accumulation of abnormal proteins;
  • connective tissue diseases.

Drugs for the treatment of subaortic hypertrophic stenosis are:

  • calcium channel blockers;
  • adrenergic blockers in a dosage of up to 320 mg per day;
  • various antibiotics, for example, from the penicillin group, as well as cephalosporins and aminoglycosides.

The following drugs are contraindicated:

  • diuretics and nitrates, which reduce left ventricular volume;
  • catecholamines and cardiac glycosides. They aggravate obstruction and have no effect on diastolic pressure;
  • Vasidilators. They can provoke tachycardia due to increased pressure in the excretory tract.

Involves several possible procedures:

  • replacement of the mitral valve with a prosthesis;
  • myomectomy (with removal of part of the interventricular septum).

Additional recommendations

Article sources: https://circ.ahajournals.org/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/https://umm.edu/

Based on materials from: 2016 University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). EUGENE BRAUNWALD, MD, COSTAS T. LAMBREW, MD, S. DAVID ROCKOFF, MD; JOHN ROSS JR., MD, ANDREW G. MORROW, MDNational Center for Biotechnology Information,US National Library of Medicine

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  • Chronic rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic mitral valve regurgitation (regurgitation)
  • Exercise and the heart
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Combined lesions of the heart valves

Benefits of the study

The advantages of the Harvard step test include the following features:

  • Does not require the use of special equipment, as when conducting other tests with physical activity,
  • Can be carried out during large-scale studies,
  • Gives a fairly accurate assessment of a person’s overall endurance, which is an important factor when starting sports training,
  • Based on the previous paragraph, it allows the coach or instructor to create an individual training program in the gym.

Indications and contraindications

The tasks offered in the test are performed at a fairly intense pace, so it is carried out only by healthy people with certain physical training and athletes. Anyone who has not previously exercised regularly will not be able to withstand the proposed long-term load. The goals of the Harvard step test are to assess the athlete’s preparedness and physical condition in the event of returning after a long break. Also select them for participation in competitions and evaluate the effectiveness of physical activity. The Harvard step test is used for preventive examination of military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The method can be used after the child reaches the age of 8 years.

Attention ! The test is contraindicated for people with heart problems and any cardiovascular diseases.

You cannot undergo the study if you are feeling generally unwell, have an acute infectious disease, or have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

When is a step test necessary?

Typically, the Harvard Step Test is used to assess the fitness of athletes. In particular, to assess the physical strength of people involved in cross-country skiing, marathon walking, running, and athletics.

In addition to professional athletes, a step test can be used to assess the performance of individuals starting training in fitness centers or gyms. Also, using the step test, contraindications from the heart are identified if a person cannot withstand the load used in the test.

For physically developed people who have been training in the gym for a long time, with the help of an instructor, programs can be developed depending on how better the person has become to tolerate physical activity.

A modification of the step test is used by workers of the gas and smoke protection service (GDSS), as well as by firefighters, to assess their physical endurance in extremely unfavorable conditions. But more often in this group of people, PWC170 is used - a test that allows you to assess the fitness of the heart and body, taking into account certain quantitative indicators. The name of this test comes from the first letters of the term “physical working capacity” translated from English (physical working capacity), and the number 170 means the number of heartbeats, which is optimal for the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system under load, and this heart rate is achieved through a two-level load ( climbing steps of different heights).

Anthropometric measurements

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Physical development is one of the significant indicators of health. Methods for testing physical development include anthropometric measurements, which allow obtaining objective data on important morphofunctional parameters of the body - length, body weight, thickness of skin-fat folds, etc.

An important and quite accessible indicator of the level of physical fitness in practice is measuring the coverage dimensions using a centimeter tape. Based on changes in indicators, it is easy to trace the impact of health training on adjusting the body structure. The most indicative are the following measurements.

Chest girth (circumference) - measured during a pause, while inhaling and exhaling. The tape is applied along the lower corners of the shoulder blades and the upper edge of the fourth rib. The difference in values ​​between inhalation and exhalation is called “chest excursion”.

Shoulder circumference - in a relaxed state, measured horizontally, exactly between the shoulder and elbow points. The hand is down.

Forearm circumference - a measuring tape is applied in the place of greatest development of the muscles of the forearm with the arm freely lowered.

Waist circumference - the tape wraps around the narrowest part of the waist.

Hip circumference - measurement is carried out in the horizontal plane. The maximum circumference of the thigh is determined under the gluteal fold, the minimum - in the lower third of the thigh 7-8 cm above the knee joint.

It should be noted that the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference is an important informative indicator of excess weight and an increased risk of a number of diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints, and spinal column. The waist-to-hip ratio for men should not exceed 1.0; for women - 0.81.

Preparing for the test

No special preparation is required before the Harvard Step Test. Despite the fact that the people to be studied are healthy and are not known to take any medications, they should still be warned that the day before the test they should not take drugs that affect the heart.

On the morning of the test, the patient can have a light breakfast of low-fat and light foods; there is no need to overeat.

You should come to the procedure in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement, and sports shoes.

Defining flexibility

This athletic quality is needed in many disciplines, even those that primarily require speed and agility, such as soccer. This sport is the most dangerous. Most often, football players suffer from legs: bones, joints and ligaments. Much of this damage could be avoided by developing flexibility.

A popular spinal flexibility test is “Reach to the Floor.” You need to stand up straight, bend over and touch the floor with your hands. It is useful to concentrate on the sensations in your body at this time. Discomfort indicates that your flexibility is poorly developed, and pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

We check the mobility of the shoulder joints. Stand up straight, then raise your right arm and throw it behind your back. Then lower your left hand, put it behind your back and try to reach your right hand.

We determine the condition of the thigh muscles. You need to lie on your back on a bench or separate bed. First, lie down on the right side, pull your left knee toward your chest, and support it with your hands. Lower your right leg and try to rest it on the floor. Then repeat this exercise with the other leg.

Let's test the elasticity of the ligaments in the groin area. You need to sit up straight, feet on the floor. Then spread your knees to the side and bring your feet together. Then pull them towards your groin as close as possible. Remember how much space is left between your feet and your groin.


Test Score

Good Average Poor

“Reach to the floor” Palms on the floor Fingers touching the floor From fingers to floor > 10 cm

Shoulder joints Fingers connected Distance between fingers up to 5 cm Distance between fingers > 5 cm

Thigh muscles Heel almost reaches the floor Heel is much lower than the level of the bench Heel is at the level of the bench

Groin ligaments From groin to heels 5-10 cm From groin to heels 10-20 cm From groin to heels > 20 cm

Test results

If you have good flexibility, this does not mean that you need to calm down and rest on your laurels. It is necessary to constantly train so as not to lose fitness

If the results are average or worse, you need to pay attention to your health. Pain in the spine or joints may be a sign of scoliosis or arthrosis

Therefore, before going to the gym, it is useful to consult a doctor, conduct more than one step test and determine your level of flexibility.

How is the research conducted?

The Harvard Step Test is performed as follows. Equipment required is a stopwatch, a special step bench with a height of no more than 50 cm for men and 40 cm for women, and a metronome that counts beats at a rhythm of 120 per minute. If there is no metronome, the person conducting the test can count at such a frequency that each “one-two” count occurs for one second, and “three-four” also for one second. On the count of “one” the subject puts one foot on the bench, on the count of “two” - the second foot on the bench, on the count of “three” he places the first foot on the floor, on the count of “four” - the second foot on the floor. Thus, in the first second the subject stands with both feet on the bench, and in the second second with both feet on the floor. Thanks to this pace, the required frequency of ascents on the bench is achieved - 30 per minute, and the duration of ascents is 5 minutes. In this case, you should place your feet on the bench and on the floor not on your toes, but on your entire foot, and keep your body fully straight while standing on the bench. Hand movements are not limited and can be the same as during normal walking.

After thirty ascents, the subject is asked to assume a comfortable sitting position and allowed to rest for one minute. The recovery period begins. From the beginning of the second minute, begin counting the pulse for 30 seconds, then from the beginning of the third minute, counting the pulse for 30 seconds, and from the beginning of the fourth minute, counting the pulse for 30 seconds. That is, three pulse values ​​are obtained: 2 min – 2 min 30 sec; 3 min – 3 min 30 sec; 4 min – 4 min 30 sec. After recording these data, the Harvard Step Test Index (HST) is calculated, based on which a conclusion is made about the physical performance of the subject.

Standard requirements for American schoolchildren in trunk flexion

Age, years Boys Girls
6 12,1 12,4
7 11,5 12,1
8 11,1 11,8
9 10,9 PD
10 10,3 10,8
11 10,0 10,5
12 9,8 10,4
13 9,5 10,1
14 9,1 10,1
15 9,0 10,0
16 8,7 10,1
17 8,7 10,0

*Note. According to American studies, only 15% of children fulfill the standards presented in the tables.

Table 49

Subjects Age, years
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Boys 33 36 40 41 45 47 50 53 56 57 56 55
Girls 32 34 38 39 40 42 45 46 47 48 45 44

The results are recorded in the protocol according to the form.


Test results for students of _________ class

________schools in Moscow “____” September 20

Test: 1 mile run (1609 m)

Air temperature:__________

No. F.I.6. Age*,


Result, s Note
1 Ivanov Ivan 8 7,56 Has been figure skating for 2 years
2 Petrova Sveta 8 10,36
3 Kuznetsova Ira 8 11,25 5-11.08 was sick with acute respiratory infection
4 Sidorova Galya 8 12,02

____________________________Physical education teacher

__________________________Classroom teacher

Calculation of the Harvard Step Test Index and interpretation of results

The step test index (IGST) is calculated in order to determine how quickly an athlete recovers after physical activity, because this determines his endurance and the degree of load that he can endure without harm to health. In other words, a person’s endurance is determined by how quickly his heart rate returns to normal values, and, therefore, how quickly the heart recovers after exercise.

IGST is assessed using one of two formulas. The latter is simplified and can be used in the case of mass research.

a) IGST = t x 100 / (1 + f2 + f3) x 2

t is the time it takes to climb onto the step bench,

f1, f2, f3 – values ​​​​obtained by measuring pulse starting from the second minute of the recovery period.

b) IGST = t x 100/f x 5.5

t – load time in seconds,

f – pulse value.

The obtained values ​​are estimated based on special tables:

Harvard Step Test Index
ResultPersons not involved in sportsPersons involved in cyclic sports (rowing, running, racing, skiing, swimming)Persons involved in acyclic sports (volleyball, hockey, football, tennis, badminton, etc.)
BadLess than 56Less than 71Less than 61
Below the average56-6571-8061-70
Above average71-8091-10081-90
GreatMore than 90More than 110More than 100

Based on the results obtained, the degree of training of a particular athlete can be assessed. Although fitness levels vary from one athlete to another, a test taken at different times on the same person can provide an estimate of how well an athlete has achieved in training over a given period of time.

Physical fitness standards for boys 12,15,17 years old

Table 49


Age, years Level Points Sitting from a supine position, quantity. once every 1 minute Standing long jump, cm Bend forward while sitting, cm Hanging on bent arms, with Shuttle run 4×10 m, s Run 2400 m, min, s
12 A 5 41 201 62 4 10,7 1:31
IN 4 38—41 192—201 54—62 4 10,7—11,0 11:31—12:20
WITH 3 34—37 182— 191 55—58 3 11,1—11,4 12:21—13:10
D 2 30—33 172— 181 51—54 2 11,5—11,8 13:11—14:00
E 1 26—29 162— 171 47— 50 1 11,9—12,2 14:01—14:50
15 A 5 42 237 65 7 10,2 10.31
IN 4 40—42 228— 237 62— 65 6 10,2—10,3 10:31—11:20
WITH 3 37—39 218—227 58—61 5 10,4—10,5 11:21—12:10
D 2 34—36 208—217 54— 57 3—4 10,6—10,9 12:11—13:00
E 1 30—33 198— 207 49—53 2 11,0—11,3 13:01—13:50
A 5 42 249 66 9 10,2 10:11
IN 4 40—42 240— 249 62—66 8—9 10,2—10,3 10:11—11:00
WITH 3 37—39 230-^- 239 58—61 6—7 10,4—10,5 11:01—11:50
D 2 34—36 220— 229 54—57 5 10,6—10,7 11:51—12:40
E 1 31—33 210—219 49—53 3—4 10,8—10,9 12:41—13:30

Table 53

Age, years Level Points Sitting from a supine position, quantity. once every 1 minute Standing long jump, cm Bend forward while sitting, cm Hanging on bent arms, with Shuttle run 4×10 m, s Run 2400 m, min, s
12 A 5 29 167 60 35 12,0 15:06
IN 4 26—29 . 159—167 57—60 28—35 12,0—12,3 15:06—16:05
WITH 3 22—25 150— 158 53—56 21—27 12,4—12,7 16:06—17:05
D 2 18—21 141— 149 49—52 14—20 12,8—13,1 17:06—18:05
E 1 14—17 132— 140 45— 48 7—13 13,2—13,5 18:06—19:05
15 A 5 30 182 65 44 11,3 14:36
IN 4 29—30 174— 182 62—65 37—44 11,3—11,6 14:36—15:25
WITH 3 25—28 165—173 58— 61 30—36 11,7—12,0 15:26—16:20
D 2 21—24 156— 164 54—57 23—29 12,1—12,4 16:21—17:20
E 1 17—20 147— 155 49—53 16—22 12,5—12,8 17:21—18:15
A 5 30 189 67 45 11,2 14:31
IN 4 29—30 181—189 64— 67 42—45 11,3—11,5 14:31—15:05
WITH 3 27—28 172—180 59— 63 35—41 11,6—11,8 15:06—16:00
D 2 23—26 163— 171 54—58 28—34 11,9—12,1 16:01—16:50
E 1 19—22 154—162 49—53 21—27 12,2—12,5 16:51—17:45


1. A set of step platforms of different heights for conducting functional load tests, containing at least two step platforms, characterized in that each of the subsequent step platforms has geometric dimensions smaller than the previous one, and each of the step platforms set is made in the form of a hollow thin-walled truncated quadrangular pyramid, the angles of inclination of the side surfaces to the base of which are made acute with maximum approximation to right angles, and the values ​​of the above angles are selected from the condition of ensuring the possibility of removing the platforms from the injection mold and the possibility of inserting one platform to the maximum depth to the other, while on the outside, the upper working surface of each platform is made to resist sliding, on the inside, each platform contains longitudinal and transverse stiffeners, and the two oppositely located sides of each platform are equipped with protrusions extruded along its entire height, forming grooves between them and having a trapezoidal cross-section, the dimensions of the protrusions and the width of the grooves are selected from the condition of the possibility, when docking platforms, of placing the protrusions of one step platform in the grooves of another, the kit also additionally contains a mat made of elastomeric material with a high coefficient of friction, on the outer surface of which the joining elements are located, made with the possibility of placement in the internal cavities of the trapezoidal protrusions of the platforms during docking.

2. The set according to claim 1, characterized in that the step platforms are made of polypropylene.

3. The set according to claim 1, characterized in that the step platforms are made of colored polypropylene - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, light blue.

4. The set according to claim 1, characterized in that in the middle part of the side surface there is a recess, which is a rectangular recess with wedge-shaped sides expanding towards the base.

5. The set according to claim 4, characterized in that on the highest platform in the lower part of the wedge-shaped expanding recess there is a handle in the form of a segment of a U-shaped profile connecting the sides of the recess.

6. The set according to claims 1-5, characterized in that the width of the mat is selected from the conditions for its diagonal insertion into the assembled set of step platforms.

7. The kit according to claims 1-5, characterized in that the working surface of each of the platforms of the kit is equipped with recesses for installing nameplates with logos and/or technical characteristics of the platforms.

8. A method for manufacturing a set of uneven-high platforms for conducting functional load tests according to claims 1-7, including the manufacture of a mold containing a matrix and a punch with a geometry that provides a given shape of the step platform, subsequent thermopress casting of molten polymer into the mold and obtaining a finished platform, and step platforms of a smaller geometric size are obtained by cutting from step platforms of a larger size.

9. The method according to claim 8, characterized in that to eliminate shrinkage deformations during cooling of the step platforms, spacers of a responsive shape corresponding to the internal geometry of the step platform are inserted into the latter during the period of their cooling.

Push ups

With their help you can test your muscle strength. This is a great way to determine your fitness level. It's simple - the number of exercises performed will tell you about your strength. When doing this, it is advisable not to arch your back. Women are allowed to perform push-ups from some kind of support, such as a bench.


Value Age

18-30 30-40 40+

Good 15 and more 12 and more 10 and more

Average 10-15 8-14 6-12

Poor less than 10 less than 8 less than 6


Value Age

18-32 32-40 40+

Good 32 and more 25 and more 21 and more

Average 18-30 14-25 12-22

Poor less than 17 less than 14 less than 12

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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