Nutrition for arterial hypertension - hypertension

Let's consider how dried apricots act on the human cardiovascular system: does it lower blood pressure or increase it, who will benefit from this dried fruit, and in what form should it be consumed?

Dried apricots are dried apricots. Used in cooking for making compotes and baking. It is also used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases, as it has numerous medicinal properties.

Composition, beneficial properties

Dried apricots contain a lot of useful substances, including vitamins B, C, PP, potassium, manganese, 12 amino acids (7 of them essential). Has the following properties:

  1. Diuretic. Helps fight swelling, promotes the removal of sand and kidney stones.
  2. Fat burning. It is recommended for overweight people to consume dried apricots, as the product actively burns fat and accelerates metabolism. Dried apricots also help remove old waste and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  3. Liquefying. Makes blood less viscous, improves blood circulation, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Therefore, even modern medicine recommends eating dried apricots for people with varicose veins.

In addition, dried apricots help improve digestion, normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, heart, blood vessels, the product is recommended for use by people with:

  • migraines;
  • poor eyesight;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • weakness;
  • anorexia;
  • poor memory, decreased concentration;
  • weak immunity.

Which drinks raise and which lower blood pressure?

Freshly squeezed orange juice can cause an allergy-like reaction, even if you have never had a food allergy before. Photo: YAY/TASS

Drinks with high sugar content increase blood pressure and can be dangerous for hypertensive patients - this was the conclusion reached by cardiologists at Imperial College London after analyzing the eating habits of more than two thousand men and women aged 40 to 59 years. What drinks are considered sweet? Those that contain more than 4-5 grams of sugar per 100 grams of liquid (this amount of cola, for example, contains 10.5 grams of sugar).

So, each serving of a sweet drink (200-250 grams) increases blood pressure by 5-7 units. In addition, those who love sweet sodas receive 400 so-called empty calories every day, which do not go to “fuel” for the body, but settle on the waist and hips.

Sugary drinks also create a quick feeling of fullness. And this leads to the fact that people often refuse nutritious food rich in vitamins and microelements. There are studies showing that people who drink more than 0.5 liters of sweet soda per day often experience a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium in their bodies, which are necessary for blood vessels, the heart and normal metabolism.

But, of course, it cannot be said that all sweet drinks are categorically harmful. For example, sweet black tea with sugar and lemon is an excellent way to increase blood pressure in the morning if you are hypotensive. Dried fruit compote stimulates the heart.

Drinks with a sour taste lower blood pressure (many fruit acids are antispasmodics, that is, they help dilate blood vessels). Red or white dry wine diluted 1 to 2 with table mineral water increases vascular tone and helps relieve tension.

Strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey, tequila) first dilate blood vessels and then cause spasms. In addition, any alcohol enhances the effect of cardiovascular medications, and as a result can give an unpredictable result.

Beer increases the load on the pancreas and, as a result, on the blood vessels of the abdominal organs and the heart.

Sweet wines and vermouths also increase blood pressure. In addition, they often cause allergies due to the high concentration of enzymes and the addition of herbs and fruits.


Is fresh juice an enemy to the stomach?

— Even the highest quality freshly squeezed juices can cause serious problems with the digestive system, said Australian scientists led by Professor Ross Butler from the University of South Australia (Sydney). They decided to find out how universally recognized sources of vitamins actually act on the body. The results of three years of research have shown: for a fairly high percentage of people, fresh fruit juices are generally contraindicated! And these people do not even suspect that they suffer from a disease - fructose malabsorbers (that is, fructose intolerance). Professor Butler listed the alarming symptoms of this problem:

- Usually, stomach pain, bloating and other digestive symptoms can occur even after drinking a glass of fruit juice. And the point here is not at all about the quality of the product, but about the body’s inability to process the natural sugar contained in the juice. Fresh apple juice is recognized as one of the most insidious.

Doctors closely studied the symptoms and diagnoses of several thousand children and adults who had stomach complaints. Fructose intolerance was found in 80% of children under 1 year of age and 40% of children from 1 to 6 years of age. The true diagnosis turned out to be the same for more than 30% of adolescents under 16 years of age and adults.

But freshly squeezed orange juice is fraught with the development of an allergic-like reaction, even if you have not had a food allergy before. Nutritionist Svetlana Berezhnaya explains:

— The fact is that often “forage varieties” of oranges are used for juice, that is, they are more sour, they have a lot of bitterness and few vitamins. So, despite their seemingly harmless nature, it is also better to either make fresh juices yourself or drink them in trusted places.

In general, fruit juices should not be drunk on an empty stomach. They not only increase stomach acidity, but also blood sugar, and this can cause unpleasant sensations such as a mild form of panic attack (restlessness, anxiety, palpitations). The best time for juice is the middle of the working day, when we are already tired and the body needs fiber and sugars.


Five refreshing drinks that are easy to make at home

1. Lemon water

The easiest, refreshing and healthy option is to squeeze the juice of half a lemon into half a liter of water. Don't add sugar, maybe a little honey. The result is a drink filled with vitamin C, and it is ascorbic acid that we lose most quickly in the heat. It’s also very good to add the juice of one cucumber and a couple of sprigs of mint to cold water. Or blend the cucumber in a blender until pureed, add a few basil leaves per liter of water. Strain to avoid large pieces. You can lightly salt it with sea salt, because in the heat we also lose it through sweat, and therefore we need to restore the water-salt balance.

2. Ginger lemonade

An excellent summer remedy - relieves vascular spasms, helps with intestinal disorders. Ginger lemonade is also an excellent remedy for motion sickness. The taste, of course, is not for everyone - because of the spiciness. But you can reduce the concentration of ginger and add lemon and a spoonful of honey, which will soften the “pepper” taste. Grind or grate 5 - 7 cm of fresh ginger root, add to a liter of warm water. You can add two or three mugs of lemon and a spoonful of honey. Cool and strain.

3. Linden ice tee

Deputy Director of the Institute of Herbal Medicine, Ph.D., Phytotherapist Elena Korsun spoke about the benefits of this wonderful summer drink: “Not only flowers, but even linden leaves have a wonderful property - they save the brain, heart, liver from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which often haunts citizens who are in stuffy rooms, stuck in traffic jams on city highways. Linden helps restore the nervous system and heart in case of heart failure and atherosclerosis. An infusion of linden blossom or leaves is recommended even for young children - it strengthens the nervous system. Brew like regular tea, one teaspoon of linden blossom (or leaves) per 250 ml of boiling water. In the evenings you can drink hot tea, and you can take it chilled with you - instead of store-bought ice-ti.”

4. Mint and currant tea

“In general, in the summer, herbal infusions are the best drink that will quench your thirst and save you from stuffiness,” comments Elena Korsun. - For example, brewed like tea (a teaspoon of the collection per glass of boiling water), and a strained collection of mint leaves, currants and oregano. Add a few rose hips, which will give vitamin C. For sourness, add cherries or currants. Everything is good in this collection. For example, oregano helps with insomnia, general fatigue and weakness, to increase the overall tone of the body. Mint is a mild antispasmodic. Currant leaves, like the berries, are rich in flavonoids and vitamin C. They are an excellent option for the sweltering summer.

5. Rhubarb compote

Thanks to chlorophyll, this sour stem is very useful. Chlorophyll has an effect on the blood almost like hemoglobin: it increases oxygen levels and accelerates intercellular metabolism. It also helps with anemia, regulates blood pressure, and reduces nervousness.

It is very simple to prepare - 5-7 stalks of rhubarb per liter of water, which must first be peeled from films and cut into small pieces. If you want it sour, add more rhubarb. You can add half a teaspoon of sugar per liter of water. Boil for 2 - 3 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave to steep for half an hour.

Effect on pressure

Dried apricots lower blood pressure, restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and prevent the development of complications due to hypertension.

This effect is due to the ability of the product:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • eliminate vascular spasm;
  • remove excess fluid from the body;
  • thin the blood.

All this helps reduce blood pressure. And the presence of vitamins, minerals, and acids in dried apricots has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and protecting them from negative factors. In addition, with systematic use of the product, normalization of heart function and a reduction in the risk of heart attack and stroke are noted.

Proper diet for hypotension: fruits, vegetables and dried fruits that raise blood pressure

Not everyone knows that fruits have the ability to increase blood pressure and improve the well-being of a person with hypotension.

Low blood pressure brings a lot of discomfort into people's lives. Hypotension can cause chronic fatigue, pain in the head, general weakness and even fainting.

A decrease in indicators that occurs suddenly is dangerous due to the possibility of injury due to a sudden loss of consciousness. Hypotenia is difficult to treat. Knowing which fruits increase blood pressure and which lower it will greatly simplify the life of any hypotensive person.

Is hypotension dangerous?

A person suffering from hypotension often feels unwell, sleeps poorly, pain in the head during the day brings a lot of discomfort and makes it difficult to concentrate.
The cause of these phenomena is atony of the vascular walls. Blood circulates slowly throughout the body, which does not actively saturate all organs with oxygen and causes them to work slowly. At the same time, a person feels a loss of strength and cannot act actively.

Hypotension also has its advantages: a person with low blood pressure is less likely to suffer a stroke or suffer kidney and heart disease. People who are actively involved in sports, eat healthy and do not use tobacco products are often hypotensive. In itself, slightly reduced blood pressure is not dangerous to human health.

If the following symptoms appear on a regular basis, this indicates a vascular dysfunction:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • severe headaches;
  • ailment associated with dizziness.

Fruits in the treatment of hypotension

Fruits contain a variety of minerals, vitamins and healthy oils.

Thanks to this, they have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Not everyone knows that with their help you can increase your tonometer readings. It is important to understand which fruits and vegetables increase blood pressure.

Of course, in advanced stages of hypotension, taking medications is necessary, but at the very beginning of the onset of symptoms of the disease and as an auxiliary therapy, fruits that increase blood pressure will be an excellent remedy for home therapy. Fruits are especially good for hypotension during pregnancy or childhood, when taking medications and pills is extremely undesirable.

What fruits raise blood pressure?

An increase in blood pressure when eating fruits occurs due to the many beneficial substances they contain, which have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and minimize the possibility of cardiovascular diseases.


A sweet product loved by adults and children. Pears have antibacterial and diuretic properties. Pear is also good against cough. These fruits can be eaten not only fresh, but also dried.

Pears contain many essential substances:

  • folic acid;
  • copper,
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • glutathione;
  • potassium, etc.

The elements contained in the pear protect the heart, help prevent strokes, remove carcinogens and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.


The pleasant aroma and sweetish taste make dates very popular. Their medicinal properties will be a pleasant bonus to the taste of this product.

Do dates lower blood pressure or increase it? A small amount of these dry fruits will help raise low blood pressure to normal levels. There are many different recipes for cereals and drinks with the addition of dates.

Dates raise blood pressure

Since ancient times, humanity has considered this dried fruit to be miraculous. Centenarians from eastern countries eat dates daily and consider them the best product for maintaining longevity.

Dates contain:

  • mineral salts;
  • 22 types of different amino acids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • glucose;
  • sucrose.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots can be seen in supermarket windows in any season.
This is an accessible and very healthy delicacy containing magnesium, copper, potassium, and iron. But does dried apricots increase or decrease blood pressure?

Dried apricots are recommended for diseases of the heart muscle, as they contain a lot of potassium, which strengthens the cardiovascular system, equalizes blood pressure and normalizes hemoglobin.


Lemon is the healthiest of the entire citrus family; it can increase blood pressure.

This product is rich in vitamin C and essential human elements.

Eating lemon strengthens the immune system and restores the walls of blood vessels. The vessels become elastic, which normalizes blood pressure.

Do raisins increase or decrease blood pressure? It contains valuable organic acids, so including raisins in the diet prevents the development of hypotension.

The antibacterial effect helps disinfect the gastrointestinal tract.

But due to the calorie content of the product, you should not eat raisins in large quantities: 70 g per day is quite enough.


This foreign product is endowed with a pleasant aroma and unforgettable taste. For many, it has long become a familiar dessert, as it is sold in any store.

In addition to its disinfectant properties, banana can increase low blood pressure.

For consumers it is presented not only fresh, but also dried. Bananas contain potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart.


Grapes are full of many beneficial properties:

  • tones;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases blood pressure;
  • has expectorant properties;
  • promotes a diuretic effect;
  • endowed with laxative properties;
  • reduces cholesterol in the blood.


Pomegranate and its juice are a proven remedy against hypotension.

This fruit improves the overall well-being of the person who consumes it: blood pressure normalizes, malaise and headaches go away.

If juice is preferred, then you should choose a natural product rather than a canned product, which does not contain any beneficial properties.

Tips for hypotension

To increase blood pressure at home, hypotensive patients are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To increase your blood pressure by eating fruits, add pears to your diet. The fiber contained in them helps restore blood vessels;
  • Tea drinkers should add a squeeze of lemon to their green tea. This is a unique fruit that can normalize both high and low blood pressure;
  • In cold seasons, dry fruits and pomegranates are an excellent substitute for fruits. To add variety to your diet, you can add dried fruits to cereals and baked goods;
  • In autumn and summer it is useful to drink grape juice and eat grape fruits. It helps increase blood pressure and improves immunity.

Useful video

Vegetables and fruits that increase blood pressure:

There are many other foods that help normalize blood pressure, but fruit is the most delicious and enjoyable option. Unlike drinks that increase blood pressure, fruits are not addictive and have no side effects if consumed within reasonable limits.

  • Eliminates the causes of pressure disorders
  • Normalizes blood pressure within 10 minutes after administration
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