Cardiac arrhythmia: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Types of arrhythmia

Sinus arrhythmia is a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions, in which the pacemaker, as normal, is the sinus node located in the right atrium. When counting the pulse, it is noticeable that the interval between two adjacent heartbeats is constantly changing.

The physiological type of sinus arrhythmia occurs in young children and adults during sleep. This arrhythmia is associated with breathing and is called respiratory. In other cases, arrhythmia is a manifestation of the disease.

Depending on the heart rate, there are also:

  • sinus bradyarrhythmia, in which the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute;
  • sinus tachyarrhythmia, in which the heart rate is more than 90 beats per minute.

Atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation) develops when the connection between the sinus node and the fibers of the cardiac muscle of the atria is disrupted, as a result of which they begin to contract chaotically, independently of each other, with a frequency of up to 700 beats per minute.

There are three types of atrial fibrillation:

  1. Paroxysmal. It occurs suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to 7 days. Goes away on its own or after treatment.
  2. Persistent. Lasts more than 7 days, does not go away on its own.
  3. Permanent.

Heart arythmy

What is cardiac arrhythmia?

Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart rhythm. The main reasons causing the failure are:

  • intoxication of the body as a result of drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking;
  • stress;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • lack of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strong adrenaline rush;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • heart disease (heart failure, heart attack, heart muscle defect);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • physical and mental exhaustion.

The main causes of heart rhythm disturbances include:

  • Congenital or acquired heart defect.
  • A person has chronic heart failure.
  • Cardiac ischemia.
  • Hereditary cardiomyopathy.
  • Hypertonic disease.

Symptoms of arrhythmia

The main symptoms of arrhythmia are: 1. Tachycardia. This is a rapid heartbeat (above 90 beats per minute). 2. Bradycardia. Decreased heart rate (less than 50 beats). 3. Extrasystole. Irrhythmic heartbeat (untimely contraction of the heart chambers). 4. Atrial fibrillation. A type of tachycardia manifested by atrial fibrillation. 5. AV block. A type of bradycardia characterized by a disturbance in the conduction of impulses from the atria to the ventricles.

Prevention of cardiac arrhythmia should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, who will accurately determine whether there is a malfunction in the rhythm of the heart muscle and what caused it.

When arrhythmia occurs, a person's heart rate changes. Rhythm disturbances are quite rarely an independent disease. In most cases, arrhythmia signals the presence of various heart diseases in a person.

When talking about cardiac arrhythmia, it is important to remember the danger of this disease. And the best solution would be timely prevention of cardiac arrhythmia. It is very important to take this measure seriously, since about 35–40% of sudden deaths occur due to asymptomatic cardiac arrhythmia. Prevention of a disease such as cardiac arrhythmia must begin with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After all, heart rhythm disorder often begins precisely because of more serious illnesses. When starting a course of treatment, it is important to give up bad habits (alcohol) forever.

Cardiac arrhythmia is not a death sentence, but a disease that is a violation of the frequency, sequence and rhythm of heart contractions. The disease can be determined only after examination using an ECG device and ultrasound examination of the heart.

Causes of arrhythmia. Provocateurs of the disease for completely healthy people can be excessive consumption of food, tight clothing, medications, constipation, insect bites, and stressful situations. For people with diabetes, overweight and high blood pressure, the risk of heart arrhythmia increases.

Symptoms of arrhythmia. As a rule, heart arrhythmia disease corresponds to the following symptoms: slow, or vice versa, too fast heartbeat; missed or extra heart beats; frequent fatigue, a state of weakness of the body, shortness of breath, pain in the heart.

Folk remedies for the treatment of arrhythmia. Cardiologists do not recommend using traditional medicine advice for arrhythmia. Why? Do not forget that arrhythmia is a disease of the heart, an organ vital to humans. It is necessary to quickly make a correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. Folk remedies for arrhythmia, as medical practice shows, are powerless.

Prevention of arrhythmia. To reduce the likelihood of developing arrhythmia, try to maintain an active lifestyle: engage in recreational and therapeutic exercise, take walks in the fresh air, and try not to overwork yourself with work. Prevention of arrhythmia is also a timely visit to the doctor. As soon as you feel the first signs of the disease, or you simply have suspicions, contact a medical facility.

Treatment of arrhythmia. Treatment of arrhythmia is carried out in conjunction with antiarrhythmic procedures. It is worth remembering that there are a large number of types of arrhythmia. The type of treatment, the use of various drugs and procedures depends on the type of disease.

Most importantly, do not despair and be pessimistic about treatment. Arrhythmia is cured. You just need to follow the doctor’s recommendations, take medications on time, and devote more time to physical activity.

Sports to prevent arrhythmia

A person does not need to exhaust himself with unbearable physical activity. You can go swimming or jog for short distances. When skiing or performing simple gymnastic exercises, the condition of the cardiovascular system noticeably improves.

You can do simple physical exercises such as push-ups or squats. Squats help improve vascular tone and activate blood circulation in the body. The main rule is that when performing the exercise you need to keep your back straight.

The body must adapt to physical activity. Over time, a person will be able to move on to more complex exercises.

Maintaining a balanced diet

If you have heart rhythm disturbances, reconsider your diet. Eliminate fats and foods that are too salty, smoked, or spicy from your food. Give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. In the diet, pride of place is given to products containing vitamins and microelements necessary for the heart muscle. A person should give preference to products containing potassium and magnesium. These beneficial microelements have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

The heart needs potassium, magnesium, zinc, and calcium to properly pump blood. A large amount of potassium is found in bananas, sunflower seeds, and potatoes baked in their jackets.

Dairy and fermented milk products are considered a source of calcium. It is useful to include in your diet sesame seeds, rich in zinc, buckwheat porridge, legumes, various nuts, currants, beets baked in the oven, and corn. All these products have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The body's need for magnesium and potassium increases under the influence of various factors. These include: hard physical work, overwork, stress, increased sweating, mental overstrain.

Foods rich in potassium and magnesium are listed in table No. 1

Foods high in potassiumMagnesium Rich Foods
CarrotSesame seeds
Dried apricotsNuts
PrunesSea kale
A person's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Overeating should be avoided.

A person who is predisposed to arrhythmia should also give up alcoholic beverages. They contribute to a sharp contraction of blood vessels: this negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Drugs for the prevention of cardiac arrhythmia

Folk remedies and changing eating habits help normalize heart rhythm. If heart rhythm disturbances are associated with mental causes or depressive states, then sedatives are prescribed for treatment. For preventive purposes, products can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.


Helps quickly relieve an attack of arrhythmia and is suitable as maintenance therapy to prevent heart rhythm disturbances. Indicated for atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and sinus tachycardia. The drug is indicated for severe arrhythmia in combination with heart failure and coronary heart disease. The drug is contraindicated for arrhythmia in combination with atrioventricular block. Patients tolerate the medicine well, side effects are rare. Amiodarone is used for prophylaxis at 200–400 mg per day, dividing this dose into 3 doses. The course lasts 7–14 days.


The membrane stabilizing drug is intended for the prevention of atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation. Lowers blood pressure, weakens myocardial function. The daily dose of the drug is 3 grams. It is divided into 4–5 doses. The drug is not used in cases of quinine intolerance, or in combination with Verapamil and anticoagulants.


Take the drug to prevent arrhythmia at 250–500 mg several times a day (the maximum daily dose is 4 grams). Contraindicated in bronchial asthma, severe disorders of the kidneys, liver, atherosclerosis and after myocardial infarction.

Ibutilide Sotalol

Beta blocker. Suitable for the prevention of tachyarrhythmia. The daily dose is 80 grams. The drug has a low distribution in tissues and organs, therefore it is suitable for the prevention of arrhythmia in patients with liver and kidney diseases.


Prevention of atrial fibrillation is often carried out with the use of this drug. Take it several times a day with meals. The prophylactic dose is 48 mg. Do not use the drug with other antiarrhythmic drugs, in the presence of hypotension, heart failure in the stage of decompensation.


It is used to prevent arrhythmia, including those caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides as a means of replenishing the deficiency of potassium and magnesium. Prescribe 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The preventive course is 3–4 weeks. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, low blood pressure, and dehydration.


A popular antiarrhythmic adrenergic blocker, which contains propranolol. A single dose of the product should not exceed 80 grams. Take the drug twice a day. Contraindications to taking the drug are bradycardia, chronic heart failure, intolerance to propranolol.


A beta blocker, which is prescribed for the prevention of arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure. For prevention, it is recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day. Contraindications are: bradycardia, persistent hypertension, angina pectoris, age under 18 years, period of pregnancy and lactation. Treatment of atrial fibrillation should be carried out only under the guidance of a doctor, since this condition seriously threatens the patient’s life. For prevention, take various heart medications in a therapeutic dose to maintain normal heart muscle function.

Symptoms of arrhythmia

Arrhythmia can sometimes only be detected by examination by a doctor. As a rule, the patient consults a doctor not about the arrhythmia itself, but with complaints about the underlying disease.

The main symptoms of arrhythmia are as follows:

  • feeling of lack of air, suffocation;
  • palpitations, a feeling of somersault, a jolt in the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of a sinking heart;
  • weakness, presyncope, fainting;
  • chest pain (in patients with coronary heart disease).

If the disease is uncontrolled, rhythm disturbances can manifest as symptoms of heart failure: shortness of breath with difficulty breathing, swelling in the legs.

The best solution is walking

As part of the comprehensive treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, cardiologists prescribe not only medications and diet, but also walking. In specialized sanatoriums there are separate paths for this. The main thing is not to overdo it and start from short distances. Patients are advised to carefully monitor their condition and pulse, and also avoid fast, tiring movements that cause shortness of breath and other discomfort.

Before you start, you need to warm up. To do this, you can simply sit on a chair and alternately bend and straighten your knee joints, imitating classic movements.

Another effective “simulator” is a staircase in a multi-story building. Patients with arrhythmia need to start with several steps, gradually increasing the load. Subsequently, you can go down and up only this way, monitoring your condition and avoiding shortness of breath.

As for other sports, the diagnosis requires a serious approach and a balanced medical decision. Only a specialist can allow or prohibit swimming or fencing, playing tennis or volleyball. Heroism and personal initiative are of no use here.

Causes of arrhythmia

Arrhythmias can be caused by both heart pathologies and diseases of other organs and systems. Among the main reasons are the following:

  • diseases of a cardiovascular nature (coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive crisis, etc.);
  • states of shock;
  • intoxication (poisoning with alcohol, drugs, food poisoning);
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands);
  • heart surgeries, heart injuries, and many others.

The danger of arrhythmia is that even in the absence of pronounced clinical manifestations and discomfort, without treatment it can lead to serious complications. In particular, a complication of atrial fibrillation is the development of acute heart failure, pulmonary embolism, and cerebrovascular accidents.

Diagnosis of the disease

In diagnosing any type of arrhythmia, it is important to describe the symptoms and sensations as accurately as possible. The doctor needs to know the heart rate, whether it is low or high, how often this condition occurs, how long the attack lasts, whether it is accompanied by dizziness, headaches, whether there were fainting, chest pain, shortness of breath and other strange sensations.

In addition, the doctor needs to tell in what situations these sensations occur: at rest or during physical activity. As the painful process occurs, it begins with sharp pain or its intensity gradually increases. To more accurately determine the patient's condition, various clinical studies are conducted. The main way to detect abnormalities in heart rhythm is a cardiogram. This study makes it possible to obtain a graphical diagram that displays the frequency and intensity of the heartbeat.

Holter monitoring makes a more thorough study of heart rhythm, which can be done in our clinic. The patient carries the monitor with him throughout the day. The device records heart rate at every moment of time. In addition to this, the subject keeps regular records of his actions and feelings. This method allows you to identify serious abnormalities and their frequency more accurately.

If the arrhythmia can be life-threatening, and the patient’s condition is quite serious, then a heartbeat study is carried out while the person is hospitalized. In these cases, an electrophysiological study is performed. Here a special probe is used, inserted through a vein directly into the heart. To accurately diagnose the patient's standing, various stimulants and special methods of monitoring cardiac activity are used.

Weight correction as arrhythmia prevention

Excess weight is considered a predisposing factor to the development of many diseases. Obesity significantly increases the likelihood of arrhythmia, so you need to keep your body weight within normal limits and, if necessary, adjust it. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to adhere to a proper balanced diet, lead an active lifestyle, and give up bad habits. Phytotherapy

Additional stimulation with natural substances, without the use of drugs, is an excellent prevention of arrhythmia.

Infusions and decoctions of the following herbs have a good effect on the cardiovascular system:

  • calendula;
  • valerian;
  • yarrow;
  • Melissa;
  • chicory;
  • hawthorn;
  • motherwort;
  • mint, etc.

Such herbal teas have a calming effect. If there is a need for diagnosis or treatment of arrhythmia, Turkish clinics provide high-quality medical services at affordable prices.

Diagnosis of arrhythmia.

If you suspect an arrhythmia, you need to consult a specialist for examination and diagnosis to confirm or refute the diagnosis. A cardiologist examines and treats arrhythmias. Arrhythmia is a dangerous disease, so you should never self-medicate. Any medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. The drug itself, if taken incorrectly, can cause arrhythmia attacks.

At the initial appointment with a cardiologist, the doctor will ask questions about symptoms and the frequency of their manifestations, listen to the heart and measure the pulse. It is important to provide your entire medical history to your doctor. To find out the causes of arrhythmia, you will need to undergo basic tests:

  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for clotting.

For further research and to exclude more serious pathologies, you will undergo an instrumental diagnostic study.

Diet as arrhythmia prevention

Food can be not only beneficial, but also harmful if it contains toxic substances or an excess of certain elements. An unhealthy diet can sometimes cause high cholesterol levels in the blood. With this disorder, atherosclerosis of the vascular system develops.

This disease causes various pathological changes in the heart, disturbances in its functioning, and the development of arrhythmia. Prevention of cardiac arrhythmia should include eating natural and healthy food, which is prepared mainly by steaming or in the oven. Food should not be too spicy, fatty, hot or salty. It is also recommended to eliminate or reduce the consumption of sweets, pickles, strong tea and coffee. It is necessary to include a sufficient amount of fresh herbs, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

A healthy lifestyle as a way to prevent arrhythmia

To maintain health, you should give up bad habits; they have a very negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moderate physical activity, which strengthens the immune system and improves heart function, has a positive effect. Walking in the fresh air, jogging, breathing exercises, swimming, skiing and other gentle sports are especially useful. Healthy, complete sleep and rest, and adherence to a daily routine are very important for the prevention of arrhythmia. You also need to pay attention to the state of the nervous system and psycho-emotional state. Frequent stress and autonomic disorders contribute to the appearance of cardiac pathologies. Avoid conflict situations, stress, excessive mental stress, maintain peace of mind and calm.

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